Ingredients | Effects | Servings | Duration |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp | 0s | 10 | 40:00 |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage | ? | 9 | ? |
12 camel meat, 11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp | 0s | 12 | 45:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage | 1C | 6 | 25:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp | 1C | 7 | 31:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 dates, 7 tilapia | 1C (no gastro) | 9 | 38:00 |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 dates, 7 tilapia, 6 grilled fish | 0s | 13 | 49:00 |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 dates, 7 tilapia | 0s | 12 | 47:00 |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp,4 black pepper, 3 chaffa, 4 common sage, 2 crimson nightshade, 3 crumpled leaf basil, 3 fleabane, 2 jaivanti, 4 lemondrop, 4 purple tintiri, 1 scaley hardwood, 2 sky gladalia, 1 salt | 4Str, -3Dex, 10End, -1Spd,-4per (no gastro) | 15 | 26:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 onions | 1C | 7 | 26:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 rabbit meat | 1C 1E | 7 | 24:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 abdju | 1C | 8 | 25:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 onions | 1C | 8 | 29:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 leeks | 1C | 8 | 25:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 oxy | 1C 1E | 8 | 28:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 grilled fish | 1C | 8 | 28:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 barley (raw) | -1E,2Spd,-1C,2F | 7 | 30:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 barley (dark roasted) | -2Str, -2E, 1C, 3F, 3P | 8 | 25:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 onions, 6 malt (light roasted) | -1spd,-1C,3F | 9 | 28:00 |
6 Camels Mane, 5 Dates, 5 Barley (Medium), 5 Carrots, 5 Toad Skin, 5 Onions, 4 Leeks, 4 Silvertongue Damia, 4 Rabbit Meat, 4 Common Rosemary, 3 Garlic, 3 Cardamom, 1 Salt, 2 each of Blood Balm, Brown Muskerro, Burnt Tarragon, Chives, Fumitory, Ginger Root, Golden Thyme, Lungclot, Miniature Lamae, Mirabellis Fern, Pale Ochoa, Pulmonaria Opal, Sugar Cane, Sweetflower, Trilobe, True Tarragon, Tsatso, Wild Lettuce | +81C, -15Str, -24dex, -18end, -8spd, -36foc, -16per | 12 | 25:00 |
8 Tiny Clover, 8 Barley (Light), 8 Tilapia, 8 Grilled Fish, 7 Camel Meat, 7 Wild Lettuce, 7 Onions, 6 Cabbage, 6 Common Basil, 5 Leeks, 5 Bleeding Hand, 4 Carp, 4 Cobra Hood, 4 Chromis, 3 Honey, 3 Tsangto | -1str, -3dex, -4end, +14spd, -2con, -3per | 13 | 51:00 |
4 Barley (Medium), 3 perch, 3 carrot, 2 leek, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel, 2 Onion, 1 Carp, 1 Common Sage | +3str, +2spd, +3con | 3 | 26:00 |
4 Camel Milk, 4 Barley (Medium), 3 perch, 3 carrot, 2 leek, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel, 2 Onion, 1 Carp, 1 Common Sage | +3str, +1spd, +2con | 3 | 30:00 |
5 Barley (Medium), 4 Camel Milk, 4 silver tongue damia, 3 perch, 3 carrot, 2 leek, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel, 2 Onion, 1 cabbage, 1 Carp, 1 Common Sage | +5str, -2end, +1spd, +5con, -1foc (no gastro) | 4 | 26:00 |
11 Barley (Dark), 11 Mutton, 10 Chromis, 10 Common Rosemary, 9 Barley (Burnt), 9 Coconut Meat, 9 Indigo Damia, 8 Perch, 8 Thyme, 7 Garlic, 7 Malt (Medium), 6 Leeks, 6 Peasant Foot, 6 Carrots | -11str, -10dex, -11end, -1spd, 3Con, 13foc, 11per | 16 | 46:00 |
11 Barley (Dark), 11 Mutton, 10 Chromis, 10 Common Rosemary, 9 Barley (Burnt), 9 Coconut Meat, 9 Indigo Damia, 8 Perch, 8 Thyme, 7 Garlic, 7 Malt (Medium), 6 Leeks, 6 Xanosi, 6 Catfish, 6 Onions, 5 Sorrel, 1 Salt | -17str, -9dex, -15end, -1spd, 3con, 13foc, 17per | 18 | 47:00 |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 8 Malt (Burnt) | -2str, 4 dex, -2per | 12 | 44:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 flax oil | -4dex, 5end, 1con, 5fox, -3per | 7 | 32:00 |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 Chromis | 0s | 10 | 37:00 |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 Onions | 0s (no gastro) | 10 | 36:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 Carrots | 1con (no gastro) | 10 | 29:00 |
12 Camel Meat, 11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 8 Malt (Burnt) | -2str, 4 dex, -2per | 13 | 48:00 |
12 Camel Meat, 11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 Flax oil | -2dex, 4end, 4foc, -2per | 12 | 46:00 |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 Chromis, 8 Tilapia | 0s | 12 | 38:00 |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 Chromis, 8 Tilapia, 8 Grilled Fish | 0s | 13 | 41:00 |
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 Barley (Burnt) | -1dex, -1end, 3per | 10 | 36:00 |
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 Chromis | 1C | 7 | 27:00 |
8 Dates, 8 Tilapia, 7 Leeks, 7 Grilled Fish, 6 Camel Meat, 5 Abdju, 5 Phagrus, 4 Garlic, 4 Perch, 3 Cabbage, 3 Carp | 1C, 1F | 9 | 46:00 |
8 Dates, 8 Tilapia, 7 Leeks, 7 Grilled Fish, 6 Camel Meat, 5 Abdju, 5 Phagrus, 4 Garlic, 4 Perch, 3 Cabbage | 1C, 1F | 8 | 34:00 |
7 Leeks, 7 Grilled Fish, 6 Camel Meat, 5 Abdju, 5 Phagrus, 4 Garlic, 4 Perch, 3 Cabbage, 3 Carp | 1F | 6 | 38:00 |
7 Leeks, 7 Grilled Fish, 6 Camel Meat, 5 Abdju, 5 Phagrus, 4 Garlic, 4 Perch, 3 Cabbage | 1F | 5 | 35:00 |
6 Camel Meat, 5 Abdju, 5 Phagrus, 4 Garlic, 4 Perch, 3 Cabbage, 3 Carp | 1F | 4 | 27:00 |
5 Abdju, 5 Phagrus, 4 Garlic, 4 Perch, 3 Cabbage, 3 Carp, 2 Malt (Raw) | 1D, 1P | 4 | 27:00 |
1 Leeks, 1 Bleeding Hand, 1 Chromis, 1 Camel Meat, 1 Wild Lettuce, 1 Onion, 1 indigo damia | -8str, -6dex, -1end, 5spd, 3con, 8foc, -1per (no gastro) | 1 | 31:00 |
1 Cabbage, 1 Carp, 1 Xanosi, 1 Catfish, 1 Carrots, 1 Cinnamon, 1 Tilapia, 1 Grilled Fish, 1 Lemondrop, 1 Onion | -1str, 1dex, 4end | 1 | 41:00 |
3 Iron Knot, 3 Dates, 3 Perch, 3 Yigory, 3 Barley (Dark), 3 Tilapia, 3 Onions, 3 Indigo Damia, 2 Garlic, 2 Malt (Med), 2 Xanosi, 2 Catfish, 2 Carrots, 2 Chromis, 2 Common Rose, 1 Fire Allspice, 1 Garlic Chives, 1 Pale Russet, 1 Shrub Sage, 1 Sorrel | -17str, -12dex, -14end, -16spd, -7con, 31foc, 19per | 6 | 30:00 |
1 Digweed, 1 Dates, 1 Honey, 1 Spinach, 1 Garlic, 1 Abdju, 1 Silvertongue Damia, 1 Yigory, 1 Bleeding Hand, 1 Catfish, 1 Carrots, 1 Chromis, 1 Camel Meat, 1 Onion | 7 str, 9dex, -3end, -18spd, -13con, 11foc, -1per | 2 | 40:00 |
2 Leeks, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel Meat, 2 Wild Lettuce, 2 Onion, 2 indigo damia, 1 Fumitory | -13str, 1dex, -1end, 5spd, 9con, 0foc, -1per | 2 | 27:00 |
2 Leeks, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel Meat, 2 Wild Lettuce, 2 Onion, 2 indigo damia, 1 Yava | -7str, -5dex, 1end, 5spd, 3con, 4foc, -3per | 2 | 31:00 |
2 Leeks, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel Meat, 2 Wild Lettuce, 2 Onion, 2 indigo damia, 1 Mountain Mint | -7str, -7dex, -3end, 7spd, 3con, 9foc, -1per | 2 | 31:00 |
2 Leeks, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel Meat, 2 Wild Lettuce, 2 Onion, 2 indigo damia, 1 Common Basil | -8str, -6dex, -1end, 6spd, 3con, 6foc, -1per (no gastro) | 2 | 26:00 |
2 Leeks, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel Meat, 2 Wild Lettuce, 2 Onion, 2 indigo damia, 1 Bluebottle Clover | -5str, -6dex, -1end, 5spd, 1con, 6foc, -1per | 2 | 27:00 |
2 Leeks, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel Meat, 2 Wild Lettuce, 2 Onion, 2 indigo damia, 1 Cinnamon | -7str, -5dex, 4spd, 3con, 6foc, -2per | 2 | 33:00 |
2 Leeks, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel Meat, 2 Wild Lettuce, 2 Onion, 2 indigo damia, 1 Daggerleaf | -7str, -5dex, -1end, 5spd, 1con, 4foc | 2 | 28:00 |
2 Leeks, 2 Bleeding Hand, 2 Chromis, 2 Camel Meat, 2 Wild Lettuce, 2 Onion, 2 indigo damia, 1 Wild Yam | -6str, -5dex, -1end, -6spd, -8con, 6foc, -1per | 2 | 27:00 |
1 Eye of Osiris, Cabbage, Carp, Pale Russet, Leeks, Flax Oil, Sand Spore, Daggerleaf, Chromis, Camel Meat, Camel's Mane, Bluebottle Clover, Mutton | 13str, -16dex, 7end, -2foc, 3per (no gastro) | 1 | 45:00 |
Not Masterpieces
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch
11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage
12 chromis, 12 camel meat, 11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 dates
12 camel meat, 11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 dates
11 Abdju, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 perch, 8 cabbage
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 8 cabbage
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage
11 honey, 11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 1 common sage
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 1 flax oil
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 8 cabbage
9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic
4 mutton, 3 garlic
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 cabbage
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch
3 catfish, 3 mutton, 2 garlic, 2 perch, 1 cabbage
4 catfish, 4 mutton, 3 garlic, 3 perch, 2 cabbage
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 1 common sage
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 1 bluebottle clover
10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage
9 perch, 8 cabbage
10 mutton, 9 garlic
12 camel meat, 11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 dates, 7 tilapia, 6 grilled fish
12 phagrus, 12 chromis, 12 camel meat, 11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 1 common sage
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 1 common basil
11 Abdju, 11 carrots, 10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 1 thyme
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 1 thyme
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 1 thyme
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 abdju
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 camel meat
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 camel milk
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 chromis fish
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 grilled fish
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 carrots
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carrots
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 oil
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 oil
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 dates
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 honey
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 coconut meat
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 oxy
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 tilapia
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 leeks
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 camel meat
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 camel milk
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 carrots
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 chromis
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 rabbit meat
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 coconut meat
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 dates
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 tilapia
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 phagrus
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 phagrus
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 barley (raw)
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 cobra hood
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 cobra hood
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 malt (dark roasted)
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 malt (light roasted)
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 barley (medium roasted)
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 7 malt (light roasted)
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 malt (medium roasted)
10 catfish, 10 mutton, 9 garlic, 9 perch, 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 malt (dark roasted)