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Users > Bhoth > Pictures

Here are some edited screenshots I like and am submitting for the Tale 2 Photo Album:

Someone suggested posting a picture depicting the joys of endless hunting in the far desert for cicadas, rat tracks, and such. Well, here's one that does show the peaceful nothingness of those times.

After getting a Huntsman's Fishing Pole in the Garlic Festival event, I enjoyed being able to fish during the day. Soon thereafter, running over one of the odd areas with "water" icons but no visible water, I got a shot of fishing for sand sharks. ;)

Here's a shot, taken south of the CotS CS, of Christmas presents appearing the magical snowfall.

I think this was my second Gazelle Hunt. This was the 2nd place we cornered the gazelle. It had bolted from a steeper cliff farther up this huge hill/mountain.

And a personal moment of triumph. Here I'm celebrating finding my final shroom in the ToDN, a Ra's Awakening found right in my home region of LN. :)

DesertDawn.jpgBothApril 28, 2006 11:51 pm20384searching in the stark beauty of the desert
GazelleHuntingHillEdge.jpgBothApril 28, 2006 11:52 pm21901I think this was my 2nd gazelle hunt
SandFishing.jpgBothApril 28, 2006 11:52 pm25237fishing for sand sharks!
Snow.jpgBothApril 28, 2006 11:53 pm47454presents appearing in CotS snowfall
wave.jpgBothApril 28, 2006 11:53 pm11144celebrating my very last shroom in ToDN

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Last edited April 28, 2006 11:56 pm by Both (diff)