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Users > Cindi

N.D.P This is a page for my Pilgrimage group

1. Cindi

2. Divinity

3. QImtis

4. Quotidian

5. Gene

6. UsMarineColonel

7. Royamen

Here's the list of what's needed

Chest's are setup in the region's we are tithing in.

ND 874, 7107 near the ahnk

VoK 1326, 5422 near green part of color wall

Fool's Paradise -2112, -472 on hill near welcome banner

DoS -1432, 2752 Behind cs stone mt

Karnak 1403, -866 near raeli oven (Wrong Coord, 140 Coco water stashed in Ouotidian's chest near cs)

RSO 2295, 2309 enar E! mic

LN 846, -3638 near big bright yellow cp

| Needed | Got |

| 420 | 75 | Iron |

| 280 | 280 | Cactus Sap|

| 140 | 115 | Carp Fish |

| 735 | 216 | Slate |

| 84 | 84 | Small Diamonds|

| 196 | 56 (LN) | Salt |

| 420 | 105 | Papyrus Paper |

| 1400 | 1400 | Oil |

| 420 | 420 | Flax |

| 280 | 280 | Coconut Water|

| 140 | 140 |Copper Wire|

| 112 | 58 | Glass Rod's|

| What is needed in what region : | Nile Delta 168 Iron, 280 Cactus sap, 140 Carp fish

| Valley of Kings 735 Slate, 84 Small Diamonds, 140 Salt, 140 Papyrus Paper

| Pharaoh's Bay 1400 Oil, 196 Iron,

| Red Sea Oasis 420 flax

| Karnac 280 Coconut Water

| Lower Nubia 56 Iron, 56 Salt

| Desart of Shades 140 Copper Wire

| Fool's Paradise 280 Papyrus Paper, 112 Glass Rods

|This Is The Path We Will Be Takeing : |Nile Delta, Pharaoh's Bay, Valley of Kings, Fool's Paradise, Desart of Shades, |Red Sea Oasis, Karnac

We Will Be Tithing 4x At Each Shrine 16 Shrines,For A Toltal Of 64 Tithes

We need to know times everyone plays:

Cindi-Central time zone 8pm till 2am, midday and can ajust to others atm

Divinity-Central time zone 12am till 4am, midday and all day on my off days

Quotidian-Pacific time zone 7pm till 11pam, flexible on weekends

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Last edited March 15, 2005 5:58 am by Quotidian (diff)
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