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Users > Jaella > Pilgrimage > Timetable

RSO Pier Pilrimage Timetable


Participants: Jaella, Cherjuma, Nannar, TpcT, Erika, and Trillian

Here's a a post and a reply or so on current shrines, in case we missed any we'd be close to. :)

Name Available Time (GMT) Donateable Resources
Jaella 1am - 4pm Monday - Saturday I can make the glass rods if someone would be kind enough to supply me with potash, lime and some cc (contact me for numbers needed)
Erika 12am-5am Tues. 12am-3am Wed. 2am-5am Thur. 12am-5am Fri. 12am Sat-5am Mon. Busy Sunday noon-6pm 2/13 and on vacation Feb 19 afternoon to Feb 25 late I don't mind making everything in glass rods except ash. Will grow large piles of cabbages. Are we sure we want to tithe 294 glass rods? THat could make a reasoably large pyramid. . .
Well.. if people could donate all the materials, after the pilgrimage I can make a whole new batch, and then we can go build a pyramid. -- Jaella
Nannar Anytime Thursday or Friday; other days after 8 PM All carp, 200 iron, probably more!
Trillian Saturday 9am-2pm, Sunday 9am-2pm some weekdays 3pm-6pm guild chest with papy paper now placed at the shrine site, other things to come soon
Cherjuma (EST Time also) Week of the 21'st, I'll be back, and playing in the evenings. (around 8-12 pm) Sorry for the abence :( 105 White Sand needs to be delivered. 30 cactus sap available
TpcT EST, anytime except 7pm-10pm mon, wed, fri TBD

Resource Need Have Donated
Cactus Sap 210 210 Placed - Jaella
Carp Fish 105 105 In place- Juma
Copper Wire 105 placed - Erika
Cuttable Lapis 147 8
Cuttable Stone 63 63 Placed - Jaella
Flax 315 placed - Erika
Glass Rods 84 4 Placed - Trillian :: 15 of these not placed - Erika :: 29 of these not placed - Jaella
Gold 84
Iron 315
Oil 1050 1050 Placed - Jaella
Papyrus Paper 105 105 Placed - Trillian
Potash 147 147 Placed - Trillian
Slate 315 315 Placed - Jaella
Small Diamonds 63 63 Placed - Jaella
White Sand 105 105 not yet placed - Juma

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Last edited February 21, 2005 12:03 am by Trillian (diff)