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Charcoal, Ash & Lime macro v1.0



First off, I would like to say this is a very versatile macro, it enables you to do charcoal, ash and lime all in the same macro. But because of my quest for versatility all settings are in variables which you may or may not need to tweak. However this is not a bad thing, because this gives you a powerful tool in doing bonfires. I'll start with a walkthrough of what happens when you run the macro, and after that I'll discuss the different variables you can set to change the workings of the macro.

The process of running the macro


After you start the macro the first thing that happens is a number of beeps and delays ('IndicateDelay') in which you need to show the macro where certain things are.

After this indication-loop it walks through all the positions, it starts to drag the boxes to the right positions and goes through all the positions for the buttons one time. This is a great opportunity to think about what you've forgotten :) After that the macro will start and I this is where I should explain how it work, but I'm lazy... so just sit back and enjoy the show.

Tweakables overview

LowTemp & HighTemp are used to indicate between which temperatures you want to oscillate, see for which temperatures you need.
EXAMPLE: set LowTemp to 4 and HighTemp to 5 to have an oscillation between temperatures 4 and 5 which is a good charcoal temperature.

OscillateCycles is the number of oscillation cycles you want to do. To explain one oscillation cycle is a heat-up and a cooldown of a bonfire so that it's back at the temperature it begun at when it started the cycle.
EXAMPLE: set to any number you want.. be warned around 100 cycles will already take the macro to run more than 30 minutes.

AmountOfIngredient is used for making ash and lime, set this to the amount of ingredient you want to add in each bonfire. If this is set to 0 no ingredient will be added.
EXAMPLE: any number is good here, be sure to have more ingredient in your inventory than you add, else the position of the 'Add Wood'-button changes after you add your ingredient.

BoxGridX should be set to the number of boxes you want in one row.
EXAMPLE: 5 gives you 5 boxes on one row, 4 gives you 4.. as simple as that.

For BoxLines you should count the number of text lines in the box, the macro will use this to calculate the height of the box.
EXAMPLE: 7 is the normal amount of lines ("This is a Bonfire", "Bonfire contains x wood", "Add some Wood to the fire.", "Light this Bonfire", "Remove some Wood", "Utility..." and "Ownership...".

ClickDelay, IndicateDelay, PauseDelay, CheckDelay are all times in milliseconds used for different delays in the macro. ClickDelay is the pause between clicks, if you're missing clicks this one is too fast. IndicateDelay is the delay between the beeps of the indication-loop in the beginning. PauseDelay is used as a delay before continuing in the macro to give the next bonfire time to burn out it's wood too. CheckDelay is the time between clicks to check to see if the bonfire has 0 wood yet. If the macro is too CPU intensive increase this.

KylasOscillate.macKylasMay 11, 2005 2:27 pm11337Oscillation Macro for cc, ash & lime

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Last edited May 11, 2005 2:26 pm by Kylas (diff)