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Users > Leetah > Messages

Sabt-Pestnu: /me defaces your page in a friendly way.
/me thought of this fairly silly (amusing) way to say 'Hi'
... I'm still looking for a good format for those resource pages, for the cost/time/where information. Your format is OK, my format is so-so, but I'm sure someone will come up with a better one, eventually.
... and I found some small amusement in placing bets for how long it takes you to get this message... :) - sabt-pestnu, 13 oct


Not long, but longer than it normally would. I was in a meeting. :)

I decided to wait and see if the wiki/.info combination makes that setup better (like, for instance -- if the .info sidebar loads up the .info info about it AND whatever the wiki page says (in a sub panel, or below the standard .info page), then the wiki info could be set up differently. There's a lot of opportunity for them to set up some awesome stuff, so I figure, for the moment, we can just wait it out. Let whatever information makes it in there, in whatever format, be. But if you ahve some good ideas, I'm happy to discuss 'em, in case they decide to just let things be. :)


Two deficiencies in the .info site, IMHO. - Lag between the information being available and it being posted on .info. They have the security of the info always being accurate and well-integrated, but lack the speed the wiki gives... - For whatever reason, they don't have base timing stats (yet, or again). Time-to-complete, or Base Stat timer data. They're volunteers, so I don't like to pester them, but I do wish they included the timer data.

BTW, you an Elfquest fan? :)


Yeah, I don't like .info for both those reasons, as well as others. I think that the wiki could be customized a lot to fit the specific needs of atitd players, including some framing stuff, perhaps... then info would be useless.

Also, remember that .info isn't really being updated 'cause instead of updating, they are working hard on integrating it to the WIKI...

Yes. Yes I am. :) Yourself?


... should one of the .info folks be peeking, I think the acrobat page needs to be redesigned... it is excruciating to have to wait for the browser to DL 20K of "this person is a master" in order to add yourself to the list of people who have mastered a move.

You use See on top level pages that you intend to have deleted... why not use $NOINDEX?

I've been an elfquest fan from way back when WaRP graphics were doing the original series. Pretty much lost touch with it, though. Anything new?


I redirect so that the people who are using the page get redirected to the proper place, and learn how it's supposed to work. (I.E. a user puts their page on the top level...they come back, and they are redirected to the proper place... I should probably leave a comment at the top of the page saying what I did, too.) -- otherwise, noobs to wikis will lose their info, and have no idea what's going on. And I askt he OPs to delete it, so that a few days down the line, it won't exist any more.

The .info acro thing has sucked for so long...I was hoping it would be made better this time around, but it wasn't. In ever used it except in my last couple facets, and even then it wasn't that useful. :)

I stopped reading EQ when "New Blood" was being made. I started reading around 1990... I heard it got back on track after New Blood, but I haven't had the time or money to get back into buying comic books. :)


ok i guess im not really undestanding i was wondering if theres was a way to make sub menus instead of a full open sheet like i have


INTRUDER ALERT! Ah, no, it's just Cattleman... Not sure what sort of effect you're fishing for, C.


I figured out the formatting she was talking about i was hoping she might go over and take a look see though i made a lot of boo boos so theres like goobers of pages that are in the system that dont need to be:/ nt sure how soon they come through and do a sweep of pages


Most of those pages have been at least redirected and $noindexed, so they've been rendered Mostly Harmless...

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Last edited November 18, 2004 10:31 pm by Sabt-Pestnu (diff)
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