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Macros for AC Tool

There is a 5 second delay to allow for switching screens using Alt+Tab. Also, to stop macro, switch screens (using Alt+Tab again) and press Alt + M --> Pause.

Planing Boards

This is for a 20 carp benches (5 rows x 4 columns) - can be modified for less carp benches by removing certain lines. Not exactly the best so not so friendly for beginners.

  1. You'll need to do a Prt Scr and then goto AC Tool --> Tools --> Object Mapper --> Paste. Then move the mouse over the carp bench and read off the X,Y coordinates. Note that I only took 4 X-coordinates, and then 5 Y-coordinates (saves typing in the coords.
  2. Use Cartographers view.
  3. Minimize chats.
  4. Start programme.
  5. Switch windows and wait for the sweet sound of boards planing.

Moving Pyramid Boards

Works better. Macro will just keep pressing S to move the block. User needs to move the mouse - can't leave macros unattended. Can't chat much as the letter S will be pressed every 5 seconds.

The 5 seconds can be changed (5000 = 5 secs) to whatever duration is the END food.

  1. Press F8 once (not Cartographer's view which is F8 twice). This will help deal with any Error messages that may pop up.
  2. Minimize chats.
  3. Start programme.
  4. Switch windows (5 second delay before start of macro) and move mouse over the blocks.

board.macMyremiNovember 23, 2005 11:04 am2045AC Tool Macro : Planing boards on 20 carp benches
pyramid_block_pushing.macMyremiNovember 23, 2005 11:05 am312AC Tool Macro : Pyramid Block Pushing

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Last edited November 23, 2005 11:08 am by Myremi (diff)
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