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Users > Oicurtis > Beer

Information on brewing beer.

Y-83 Beers

Y-83 can be found at 442, -7970, just east of the Pyramid there. Note: Sealing at 1420 allows Y-40 into the mix.
Sealing at 1410 allows L12 in as well. Careful!

Allowing Y-40 into the mix raises the max alcohol ceiling from 502 to 952, I think.

Recipe 1: Pyramid Light

At the start of brewing add 20 dark malt and 40 light malt. At the end of brewing (last 10 seconds) add 20 honey.

Seal the kettle with 1475 seconds remaining.

This produces Beer, Hint of Honey, Hint of Barley

Recipe 2: Pyramid Brown

At the start of brewing add 40 light malt, 30 medium malt, and 10 burnt malt.

Seal the kettle with 1475 seconds remaining.

This produces Sweet brown beer. Noticeable barley.

Recipe 3: Pyramid Dry

At the end of brewing (last 5-20 seconds) add 51 honey.
Note: Only appears to require 34 honey for this recipe.

Seal the kettle with 1475 seconds remaining.

This produces Fruity Dry beer, noticable honey.

Recipe 4: Pyramid Midnight

At the start of brewing add 40 light malt, 20 medium malt, and 40 burnt malt.

Seal the kettle with 1475 seconds remaining.

This produces Sweet black beer. Hint of barley.

Y-83 + Y-40 Beers

Recipe 1: Lava Black

At the start of brewing add 23 light, 45 medium, 30 burnt.
At the end of brewing add 30 honey.

Seal the kettle with 1420 seconds remaining.

This produces Potent Fruity Black Beer. Noticeable honey. Noticeable barley.

Recipe 2: Lava Brown

At the start of brewing add 15 light, 50 medium, 50 dark.
(add 12 burnt to make this a black beer)

Seal the kettle with 1420 seconds remaining.

This produces Grassy beer, requires more math.

Recipe 2: Lava Dry

At the end of brewing add 90 honey, 5 light malt.

Seal the kettle with 1420 seconds remaining.

This produces Potent Fruity Dry Beer. Bold honey flavor..

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Last edited September 20, 2005 5:27 am by oicurtis (diff)
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