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Users > Orihah > DemiPharaoh


Speach given on Shemu I-14 in Demi-Pharaoh chat:

I would like to say a few words about why I think I should be elected Demi-Pharaoh...

To me this honor is not just another test. It is much more valuable and important.

I believe the Demi-Pharaoh can be one to truly enhance life here in Egypt. Such a person must be chosen carefully. To have someone stand up and put their name behind yours and support you as a leader is very meaningful.

Most of us here have probably passed the test of the Mentor. We have done this the hard way. By helping our fellow citizens become great.

I recognize that what makes Egypt great isn't a collective of people. It is the hard working individuals that make up that community that makes it great. Those individuals have worked hard not to build the biggest tower, or create the most beautiful beetle. They have worked hard because they love the work. They see something great in themselves when they help others. They see something grander than they are.

The Demi-Pharaoh should take these ideals to be his or her own. It is my love for this land, and its people, that has spurred me to step forward. I genuinely want to promote the ideals we all have. I want to see us continue to be a helpful community. I want to see us continue to be not just a group of pixels on a monitor, but humans working toward something bigger than any of us - overcoming ourselves.

By mastering our own desires do we step forward and throw back those that accuse us of being selfish. By doing this we become better people. As we complete each test we do not merely collect another point, or gain a higher statistic. We each change ourselves by recognizing the need to help our fellow man.

I would be honored to support these goals as Demi-Pharaoh.

I am an honest individual that cares deeply for others.

I am slow to anger and quick to forgive.

I will defend those that can not defend themselves, but doing so only after carefully considering all the facts.

I am open to new ideas and will listen to all sides of a debate before making a decision I feel is right.

In Paradise Plains, our local guild, we have some great citizens of Egypt. I encourage you all to ask them about how I feel about life here. I ask you to investigate who I am as a person... not an avatar.

I put my character on the line as a point of debate. You have a right to know what sort of man I am, and what sort of leader I will be. I hope that by doing so you will see that I am not just a man of words, but a man of action.

I would appreciate your vote for Demi-Pharaoh. Together we can accomplish great things in Egypt.

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Last edited December 18, 2005 6:19 am by Orihah (diff)
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