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Mmmm.... Beeeerrrr....

So far, my exeriments have been with Y-40, Y-41, and Y-74

See also my Beer Diary, Beer tasting record

Y-40 is a yeast with a potential for very potent beer, but suffers from a high maltose floor, which pretty much means that "dry" beers are pretty much out with it. Nope. Merely means that dry and "hint" or stronger of barley are out.

Below are my recipes. If they are value to you, let me know. My eventual goal is to complete the set of possible beers with Y-40 (9 of each taste, or such as Y-40 and mechanics allow).

I have used the word "blond" to describe beers that are neither brown nor black. This is a ficticious word. A "Blond" beer has no color attribute.

Recipe Translation

Seal Time
During the fermenting cycle, there is a timer that counts down to 0 (at which point the beer is done). To capture a single yeast in the kettle, you seal the kettle when that timer reaches some value. The value differs from yeast to yeast, and location to location.
Add at start
add as soon as possible after starting the beer brewing.
Add at end
typically, add at about 20 seconds before brewing ends.

R - raw, L - Light, M - Medium, D - Dark, B - Burnt, H - honey


Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 30L 20H 5R Generic beer

   30 lightly roasted malt
   and 20 Honey
   5 raw malt

The result is a beer without any additional descriptions (such as brown, fruity, dry, potent) or "tastes" (honey, date, etc).

My Yeast locations

931, 6958 (and a fair number of coordinates around it): Y-40, seal time 1375 or thereabouts

996, 6956: Y-41, seal time 1550 - 1500

980, 7008 (and NOT more than a coord or three around): Y-74 seal time 1040; followed by Y-67, Y-80, and M-63


I am grouping beers in sets of 9 all combinations of:

  Normal, Potent, and Very Potent
  and Normal, Brown, and Black

Generic Beers (no taste)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 30L 20H 5R Generic beer
Y-40 25L, 15B, 35H 5R, 10H brown beer
Y-40 20L 10D 35B 35H 5R black beer
Y-40 27M, 75H 10L potent beer
Y-40 30M, 10B, 70H 10L potent brown beer
Y-40 30M, 35B, 65H 10L potent black beer
Y-40 30M, 90H 15L VP
Y-40 30D, 5B, 90H 15L VP brown
Y-40 30D, 30B, 85H 15L VP black

Generic Beer (Dry)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 5RL, 10H 5R dry beer
Y-40 85H 9R, 3L potent dry beer
Y-40 17B, 85H 9R, 3L potent dry brown beer
Y-40 118H 20: 7R, 6L 10: 1H VP dry
Y-40 17B, 118H 20: 7R, 6L 10: 1H VP dry brown

Hint of barley

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 15L, 40M 5R beer, hint of barley
Y-40 30L, 20M 2R beer, hint of barley

Y-40 15L, 40M, 5B, 10H 5R brown, hint of barley
Y-40 20L, 20D, 30B, 35H 5R black, hint of barley
Y-40 25M, 10L, 60H 8R potent, hint of barley
Y-40 40M, 45H 10L potent, hint of barley
Y-40 5L, 50M, 60H 5R potent, hint of barley
Y-40 10L, 25M, 5B, 60H 8R potent brown, hint of barley
Y-40 10L, 25D, 30B, 60H 8R potent black, hint of barley
Y-40 40M, 80H 15L VP, hint of barley
Y-40 40D, 80H 15L VP brown, hint of barley
Y-40 40D, 23B, 75H 15L VP black, hint of barley

Noticable Barley

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 20L, 48M 5R beer, noticable barley
Y-40 15L, 40M, 10D, 25B, 10H 8R brown, noticable barley
Y-40 5L, 65D, 10B 5L, 10H black, noticable barley
Y-40 10L, 60M, 40H 5L Potent beer, noticable barley
Y-40 15L, 40M, 10D, 4B, 20H 8R potent brown, noticable barley
Y-40 25M, 40D, 20H 5R 5L potent brown, noticable barley
Y-40 20M, 50D, 13B, 15H 5R potent black, noticable barley
Y-40 10L, 60M, 50H 8L VP, noticable barley
Y-40 70M, 50H 8L VP brown, noticable barley
Y-40 70D, 8B, 42H 13L VP black, noticable barley

Noticable Barley (sweet)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 15L, 55M, 45H 5L potent, sweet, noticable barley
Y-40 15L, 55M, 5B, 45H 5L potent, sweet brown, noticable barley
Y-40 10L, 85M, 15D, 15B, 10H nothing potent, sweet black, noticable barley
Y-40 5L, 62M, 65H 8L VP sweet, noticable barley
Y-40 5L, 55M, 7D, 65H 8L VP sweet brown, noticable barley
Y-40 5L, 35M, 27D, 20B, 60H 9L VP sweet black, noticable barley

Bold Barley

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 170M nothing VP sweet black, with bold taste of barley

hint of date (Dry)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-74 20M, 55H 4R dry blond beer, hint of date
Y-74 20M, 13B, 55H 4R dry brown beer, hint of date
Y-74 20M, 38B, 55H 4R dry black beer, hint of date
Y-74 20M, 65H 4R potent dry blond beer, hint of date
Y-74 20M, 13B, 65H 4R potent dry brown beer, hint of date
Y-74 20M, 38B, 65H 4R potent dry black beer, hint of date

hint of date (Fruity)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-74 20L, 15B, 85H 10L potent fruity brown beer, hint of date

hint of date (Dry, Fruity)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-74 20L, 80H 10L potent beer, fruity, dry, hint of date
Y-74 20M, 38B, 65H 4R, 5H potent fruity dry black beer, hint of date

Hint of Honey

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 25L, 35H 5R, 15H beer, hint of honey
Y-40 25L, 5M, 18B, 20H 5R, 10H brown, hint of honey
Y-40 30L, 40B, 20H 5R, 15H black, hint of honey
Y-40 10L, 20D 55H 8R, 10H Potent, hint of honey
Y-40 10L, 20D, 8B, 55H 7R, 10H Potent brown, hint of honey
Y-40 10L, 20D, 32B, 55H 8R, 10H Potent black, hint of honey
Y-40 23M 50H 10H, 40M, 8L VP, hint of honey
Y-40 30M, 90H 15L, 5H VP, hint of honey
Y-40 30D, 5B, 85H 15L, 5H VP brown, hint of honey
Y-40 30D, 30B, 80H 15L, 5H VP black, hint of honey

Noticable Honey (fruity)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 30L 5L, 40H beer, fruity, noticable honey
Y-40 15L, 18M, 15B 3L, 45H brown, fruity, noticable honey
Y-40 30L, 40B 5L, 40H black, fruity, noticable honey
Y-74 20L, 10M 15L, 50H potent beer, fruity, noticable honey
Y-40 10L, 10M, 30D 15L, 50H potent brown, fruity, noticable honey
Y-40 15L, 12D, 35B 6L, 60H potent black, fruity, noticable honey
Y-40 5L, 15M, 30D 15L, 71H VP, fruity brown, noticable honey
Y-40 20M, 10D, 35B, 40H 10L, 40H VP, fruity black, noticable honey

Noticable Honey (fruity, dry)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 3R 3L 5R, 50H fruity dry, noticable honey
Y-40 3R 3L 20B 5R, 50H fruity dry brown, noticable honey
Y-40 3L 30H 7R 50H potent fruity dry, noticable honey
Y-40 2R 3L 20B 30H 5R 2L 50H potent fruity dry brown, noticable honey

Bold Honey (fruity)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 15L 5R, 70H fruity, bold honey
Y-40 25L, 15B 2L, 65H fruity brown, bold honey
Y-40 10L, 20D, 10H 6R, 70H potent, fruity, bold honey
Y-40 10L, 20D, 8B, 10H 6R, 70H potent brown, fruity, bold honey
Y-40 10L, 20D, 32B, 10H 6R, 70H potent black, fruity, bold honey
Y-40 25M 5L, 110H VP fruity, bold honey
Y-40 25M, 12B 5L, 110H VP fruity brown, bold honey
Y-40 19M, 38B 5L, 110H VP fruity black, bold honey

Bold Honey (fruity, dry)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 - 5R, 70H fruity dry beer, bold honey
Y-40 - 5R, 90H potent fruity dry beer, bold honey
Y-40 2L, 20B, 20H 6R, 90H potent fruity dry brown beer, bold honey
Y-40 2L, 42B, 20H 6R, 90H potent fruity dry black beer, bold honey
Y-40 nothing 5R, 10L, 120H VP dry fruity beer, bold honey
Y-40 - 5R 18B 125H VP fruity dry brown beer, bold honey

Bold Honey (fruity, spicy, sweet)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-41 nothing 2R, 90H fruity spicy sweet beer, bold honey

Hint of Nutmeg (spicy)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-41 12L, 10M, 10D, 30H nothing Spicey, hint of Nutmeg
Y-41 10L, 10M, 10D, 4B, 30H nothing Spicey, hint of Nutmeg
Y-41 10L, 10M, 10D, 10B, 30H 5H spicy brown, hint of nutmeg

Hint of Nutmeg (spicy, sweet)

Y-41 10L, 10M, 10D, 35B, 30H 5H spicy sweet black, hint of nutmeg

Noticable Nutmeg (spicy)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-41 20L, 55H 5R Spicey, Noticable Nutmeg
Y-41 10L, 10M, 10D, 10B, 30H 5H, 2R spicy brown, noticable nutmeg

Two flavors

Hint of Barley, Hint of Date (dry)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-74 40M, 13B, 30H 2R dry brown beer, hint of barley, hint of date
Y-74 40M, 38B, 30H 2R dry black beer, hint of barley, hint of date
Y-74 40M, 40H 2R potent dry beer, hint of barley, hint of date

Hint of Barley, Hint of Date (fruity)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-74 55M, 60H 4R potent fruity beer, hint of barley, hint of date
Y-74 55M, 13B, 60H 4R potent fruity brown beer, hint of barley, hint of date

Hint of Barley, Hint of Honey

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 10L, 40M 5R, 20H beer, hint of barley, hint of honey
Y-40 10L, 40D 5R, 20H brown, hint of barley, hint of honey
Y-40 10L, 40D, 25B 5R, 20H black, hint of barley, hint of honey
Y-40 10L, 40M, 25H 5R, 20H potent beer, hint barley, hint of honey
Y-40 55M, 20H 5L, 24H potent beer, hint barley, hint of honey
very nearly Notable honey
Y-40 55M, 5B, 20H 5L, 24H potent brown beer, hint barley, hint of honey
very nearly Notable honey
Y-40 15L 20M 5D 10B 37H 5R 5L 10H potent brown, hint barley, hint honey
Y-40 15L, 20M, 5D, 33B, 37H 5R, 5L, 10H potent brown, hint barley, hint honey
add burnt malt a little late...
Y-40 15L, 20M, 5D, 33B, 37H 5R, 5L, 10H potent black, hint barley, hint honey
add burnt malt early!
Y-40 28M, 50H 8L, 35M, 10H VP, hint honey, hint barley
Y-40 55M, 40H 5R, 10L, 23H VP, hint honey, hint barley
Y-40 40M, 75H 15L, 5H VP, hint honey, hint barley
Y-40 40D, 75H 15L, 7H VP brown, hint of barley, hint of honey
Y-40 35D, 25B, 75H 15L, 7H VP black, hint of barley, hint of honey

Hint barley, Noticable honey (fruity)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 55M, 30B, 20H 5L, 24H potent black, fruity beer, hint barley, noticable honey
Y-40 55M, 40H 5R, 10L, 23H VP, fruity beer, hint barley, noticable honey
Y-40 55M, 5B, 40H 5R, 10L, 23H VP brown, fruity beer, hint barley, noticable honey
Y-40 55M, 30B, 40H 5R, 10L, 23H VP black, fruity beer, hint barley, noticable honey

Hint barley, Noticable nutmeg (spicy, sweet)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-41 40D, 40H 2R Spicy Sweet Brown, note nutmeg, hint barley

Noticable barley, hint of honey

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 65M, 10H 15L, 20H potent beer, noticable barley, hint of honey
Y-40 5L, 63M, 50H 8L, 10H VP, noticable barley, hint of honey

Noticable Barley, Noticable honey (fruity)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-40 10L, 60M 3R, 25H potent fruity beer, noticable barley, noticable honey
Y-40 70M, 10H 3R, 25H potent fruity brown beer, noticable barley, noticable honey
Y-40 10L, 60M, 35H 5R, 25H VP fruity beer, noticable barley, noticable honey
Y-40 70M, 35H 5R, 25H VP fruity brown beer, noticable barley, noticable honey
Y-40 70D, 10B, 35H 7R, 25H VP fruity black beer, noticable barley, noticable honey

Noticable Barley, Noticable Nutmeg (spicy)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-41 20L, 50M --- spicy beer, noticable barley, noticable Nutmeg
Y-41 70M --- spicy brown beer, noticable barley, noticable Nutmeg

Noticable Barley, Noticable Nutmeg (spicy, Sweet)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-41 50L, 25M 4L spicy sweet beer, Noticable barley, noticable Nutmeg
Y-41 75M 4L, 10H spicy sweet brown beer, Noticable barley, noticable Nutmeg
Y-41 70D, 8B spicy sweet black beer, Noticable barley, noticable Nutmeg

Hint of date, hint of honey (fruity)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-74 20L, 15B, 70H 10L, 15H potent fruity brown beer, hint of date, hint of honey
Y-74 25L, 25D, 28B, 45H 8L Potent fruity Black, hint honey, hint date

Hint of date, hint of honey (fruity, dry)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-74 20M, 38B, 40H 3R, 10H fruity dry black beer, hint of date, hint of honey
Y-74 20M, 38B, 50H 3R, 10H potent fruity dry black beer, hint of date, hint of honey
(recipe may be flawed: may be 4R at end, not 3)

Hint of date, Noticable honey (fruity)

Y-74 25L, 30B, 55H 8L, 20H Potent fruity brown, noticable honey, hint date

Hint of date, Noticable honey (fruity, dry)

Y-74 25L, 15B, 50H 8L, 20H Potent fruity dry brown, noticable honey, hint date

Hint of honey, Hint of nutmeg (fruity, spicy, dry)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-41 10L 8R, 31H fruity dry spicy beer, hint of honey, hint of nutmeg

Noticable Honey, Hint of nutmeg (fruity, spicy, sweet)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-41 38H 3L, 26H Fruity Spicy sweet, note honey, hint nutmeg

Noticable Honey, Noticable nutmeg (fruity, spicy)

Yeast add at start add at end Result
Y-41 20M 40H fruity spicy beer, noticable honey, noticable nutmeg
Y-41 30H 6L, 30H Fruity Spicy note honey, note nutmeg
Y-41 38H 3L, 26H Fruity Spicy, note honey, note nutmeg

Summary for festival inventory

(all variants list removed in favor of festival-only list)



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Last edited February 23, 2006 10:44 pm by Sabt-Pestnu (diff)
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