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Users > SteelWarrior

"Honour thy Father and thy Mother" ~The Ten Commandements ______________________________________________Exodus 20:12 ______________________________________________

SteelWarrior did a terrific job coordinating the present exchange on christmas 2004 - thanks a lot! -Verres

Both my parents play this game. They love it, I love it. I played it in Tale One, I played it in Beta, I started the first 10 minutes of live (not counting the two crashes) and I plan to play with my guild UNITY 'til eGenesis stops making it. (By then I'll start software programming, and make more }:-) )

I have passed acro,thanks to Khelben,the one and only TRUE acro master for the rest of you couldn't pass me }:-P Just kidding guys.

I LOVE BEATLES YIPEEE!!!!! I have two sculptures in RSO "A Yeti Snack" is south of the chariot stop, and "Trathien has passed the test of fatherhood" at 940 2379 west of the nile. ('Tis a tribute to my father };-).

Quote of the week

Shop Smart, shop s-mart...YOU GOT THAT??!?!.....Now, the next time one of you primates even touches me *(scream)* BANG! ~ Ash, Army of Darkness

I wrote this }8oB

The young man stood defiantly against the sand storm patiently waiting for his flax crop to grow. Once he had harvested the bountiful flax he ran quickly into the shelter of his house. After rotting it, processing it, and weaving it into a fine cloth he set out to the University to help his fellow man. Afterwards, he sauntered back along the road. He came upon a lake and found an old man sitting on the shore humming an ancient tune unheard of while waiting for his grass to dry. The young man offered his help, “Old man, may I escort you to my home. ‘Tis only but a few feet. I wish only to help an elder. My fathe—“ The old man looked up and immediately the young one recognized the tinkle in his eye, “Father!” The two rushed into each others arms and talked endlessly on the way to the son’s camp. Later they moved farther out of Sinai to be in peace. They found a lovely valley-oasis and began to build towards a great Guild. Later neighbors came and settled down. Neighbors became friends; friends became guild mates. The father traveled afar for some time, only to return with his wife and other two children. They began to scout for more guild mates. They soon realized that that area could not accommodate such a large guild. They moved outward. Finally they found an area in the Red Sea Oasis. But, before the guild could move, the biggest storm that rivaled even the oldest of the old could even remember. People fled to the Universities and Schools. Many were lost and never seen again. Once the storm calmed the people went out. Nothing was left. Ruined resources lay scattered on the ground. Without bidding the people began to collect and rebuild. Better then ever the guild came alive. Even the best guilds have misfortunes. When ready to travel to their chosen spot many were already camping there. Disgruntled, they moved farther from the city. They trekked through the desert until they found another oasis. But, this was no oasis. This was paradise. Every resource was in reach. Immediately and without discussion they climbed the hill to place their guild hall. They stopped, “But what do we call it?” This guild had brought a family together. It had brought strangers to become the closest of friends. They raised the old man up to scratch in the name, the only name suited, UNITY.

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Last edited December 25, 2004 5:32 am by Verres (diff)
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