Duration | Stats | MasterPeice? | Ingredients |
00:30:00 | -13Str 3Dex -15Spe -8Con -2Foc 20Per | No | Layer 5 Malt (Raw), Pale Dhamasa, Phagrus Layer 4 Malt (Lightly Roasted) Layer 3 3 Peasents Foot, 3 Carrots, 3 Katako Root |
1:13:23? | -2Srt -21Dex -14END -11Spe -3Con 25Foc 25Per | Yes | Layer 10: Scorpions Brood,Catfish,Mutton, Layer 9: Dates,Barley (Burnt),Eggplant. Layer 8: Cabbage,Garlic,Perch,Shrub Sage,Barley (Raw). Layer 7: Iron Knot,Honey,Carrots Layer 6: Malt (Medium Roasted),Cabbage Juice,Grilled Fish,Rabbit Meat,Common Rosemary. Layer 5: Dead Tongue,Camel Milk,Barley (Dark Roasted),Tilapia,Onions. Layer 4: Leeks,Barley (Medium Roasted). Layer 3: Carp,Pool of Tranquility. Layer 2: Camel Meat. |
1:22:19? | Not Tested | NT | Layer 10: Iron Knot,Dates,Honey,Leeks,Camel Milk,Barley (Burnt),Eggplant,Crimson Windleaf,Carrots,Tilapia,Grilled Fish. Layer 9: Camel Meat,Onions, Layer 8: Scorpions Brood,Catfish,Mutton. Layer 7: Garlic,Perch,Shrub Sage,Barley (Raw). Layer 6: Abdju. Layer 5: Cabbage,Carp,Dead Tongue,Barley (Dark Roasted). Layer 4: Malt (Light Roasted),Cabbage Juice,Rabbit Meat,Common Rosemary. Layer 3: Pool of Tranquility |