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Compounds / Häuser

Compounds sind eins der ersten Dinge, die die meisten Leute bauen. (Meistens in der Reihenfolge: Holzsäge, Ziegelform, Kiste, Compound). Sein Sinn ist es, andere Gebäude zu beherbergen, Töpferscheiben, Kisten, Zimmerei ...Einfach alles.

Ein Compound kostet 100 Bretter und 200 Ziegel zum Bauen und man braucht das [Compound Construction]? Talent. Es gibt eine Reihe von Grundrissen, aus denen man Auswählen kann (siehe unten). Dieser Ausgangs-Grundriss gibt dir eine anfängliche Raumgröße (8 Sektoren mit je 16x16), die du später erweitern kannst.

Um etwas **in** (im Gegensatz zu überlappend) einem Compound zu bauen, klick auf den Compound Sockel, geh in das 'Projekte' Menü und wähle darin aus, was du bauen willst . Du bekommst dann die Möglichkeit das Gebäude nach Herzenslust zu rotieren oder verschieben. Wenn es dort ist, wo du es hin haben willst (und in die richtige Richtung schaut), „baue“ es, was daraus eine Indoor Construction Site macht, die wie das Gebäude aussieht und in das du die Baumaterialien packst. Mit dem letzten hinzugefügten Gegenstand ist das Gebäude automatisch gebaut und fertig.


Note that only one project can be under construction within a compound at a time. Thus you will probably want to have most of the materials on hand before setting up a new project, especially in communally owned compounds. Also, if your project requires firebrick, you will want to have all your firebrick on hand before starting, lest needing to rebuild a crumbled True Kiln midway requires abandoning your original project.

There are two sizable advantages to building things inside a compound:

Compound Floorplans

Here is a page showing floor plans of the initial compound styles. [Initial Styles]?

Compound Contents

A page is already dedicated to the size of structures built inside of compounds: [Building Sizes]?.

If appropriate, more information can be added here.

Compound Expansion

To expand your compound: Click on the compound, and select "Edit blueprints". This allows you to edit the appearance (and size) of your compound. While you are editing, the walls of your compound are displayed, allowing you to alter them.

When done, simply hit the exit button on the blueprint editing dialog. Your compound is now a "project under construction", which you load via the blueprints/load materials menu option. This DOES mean that while your compound is being worked on, you can't build things inside it. As with other projects, you can abandon it and reclaim the materials already put into it, if you decide not to continue, or have a more pressing project.

When you expand your compound, costs are calculated as:

   cost for the roof over the section
   cost for the floor under the section
   cost for each wall section constructed (commonly 2 or 3 walls)

Costs are set by the options chosen:

   Wall type (Plain, sloping, stair-stepped, etc)
   Wall and Trim colors and textures.
   Roof features (plain, pyramid, studded).
   Floor features (plain, marbled of various sorts)
   Note:  Doors/alcoves are considered "wall types", not additions to walls, as is
     a sloped wall with roof unit, or without trim.

A minimal cost compound can use the basic plain walls (which are straight vertical walls), and the flat roof type, and it uses brick texture for walls, with the stripe texture for decoration. This combination should use only bricks (for the walls), and a little flax and straw for the roof. You probably won't want to do this for smaller personal compounds, but it might be useful in public areas (thrifty compounds mean more resources for the useful stuff inside) and for very large guilds.

As shown below, the following features require cut stone:

   Arcs trim texture (affects entire compound)
   Blocks wall texture (affects entire compound)
   Wedge wall style (on new walls only)

Some starting buildings set the wall texture to "Stone" which causes a cut stone requirement every time you modify/add on. This can be taken out by setting the wall texture to "Brick". You might need to change the trim texture as well to remove any trim. Rule of thumb, if your upgrade requires cut stone, and all your doing is adding plain walls, then chances are it can be fixed by changing these two textures.

Tip: don't click on the load materials option unless you are totally happy with the blueprints. Even if you don't actually load any materials ATITD will think that you did and won't let you edit the blueprints further.

Per unit costs

In the following, N is the number of sectors your compound will have when you are done. Figures in parethesis still need more data.

Wall costs, per section

Plain wall: N bricks

Sloped wall: N bricks, (7) slate

   holds for Simple, Wide Left, Wide Right, Wide Both

Wedge: (12 cut stone)

   holds for Left, Right, Center, Edges.

Sloped Special: (N+7) bricks, (7) slate.

   holds for sloped-no trim, alcove, and roof unit

Stairstep: N boards, (7) slate.

   holds for simple, wide left, wide right, wide both

Column varieties: (7) oyster shell marble

   holds true for cylinder and obelisk columns, single or paired.

Plain Door: N bricks, N/2 boards

   (Tested:  41 bricks paired with 20 boards, 42 bricks with 21 boards)

Post-lintel door: (?) bricks

   (Tested:  size 41 took 24 bricks, size 42 took 25)

Extruded wall: (?) bricks

   (same results as for post-lintel door)

Need more data

Roof features

Ceiling: (?) flax, (?) straw (approx 2x straw to flax)
   holds for all varieties of ceiling: flat, pyramid, stud
     ceil(N/20) for flax, ceil(N/10) for straw is a modest approximation.

   (Results: N new sections of flat ceiling requires N flax and 2*N straw)

Need more data

Floor features

Yellow floor: N bricks
Other color plaster floor: 2*N bricks
Marble floor: seems to be 2 of that variety of stone per section.
   (could be something like ceil(N/30), but need more data)

Need more data

Trim Style

Stripes: default for all of above measurements
Arches: (?) cut stone per wall section

  (Tested: at sizes 34-35 took 1+3*N cut stone per wall section)
  (Results: from 8 sector, 14 walls to 15 sector, 24 walls took 23 cut stone)
  Trim cut stone requirement appears to be half that of the block wall requirement for the same change.

Brick wall texture: default for all of above measurements
Block wall texture: (?) cut stone per wall section

  (Tested: at sizes 34-35 took 2 + 6*N cut stone per wall section)
  (Results: from 8 sector, 14 walls to 15 sector, 24 walls took 46 cut stone)
  (I have a compound here, 13 sectors, 24 wedges, 2 extended, 1 post linted door and 1 roof unit sloped side
   upgrading from bricks to blocks costs 82 Cut Stone. Perhaps it has to do with all the wedges already requiring CS?)


Compounds may be painted with any colour of paint that is in the blueprint editor's inventory. The wall colour affects all walls and the trim colour affects all trim, so no rainbow compounds. Some example pics of wall colours may be found at Brick Compound Colors.

Paint costs appear to vary both with the size of the compound and the colour chosen.

(costs go here, when figured out)

Optimizing Strategies

Wall and floor costs (at least) seem to be directly proportional to the NEW size of the compound. You should compare the (estimated) costs of building a large extension all at once to the costs of smaller expansions.

Example: You have a 10 section compound, you want to add 20 more sections.

   Plan A:     Plan B:
   X X X X X   X X X X X
   X X X X X   X X X X X
   1 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1 1
   1 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1 1
   1 1 1 1 1   2 2 2 2 2
   1 1 1 1 1   2 2 2 2 2

Plan A adds 13 walls, 20 sectors. Let's use plain walls and floors, to be cheap. Plan A's new size is 30, so the cost is (if our figures are right) 30 * (13 + 20) or 990 bricks.

Plan B adds 9 walls and 10 sectors, twice. The first would be 20 * (9+10) or 380 bricks, the second 30 * (9+10) or 540, for a total of 920 bricks, despite the 5 wall sections you wasted.


How do Cornerstones fit into all of this? What is a cornerstone? What effect does it have on your compound?

How/where does one get cornerstones?

Does the extruded wall type cut into the interior size of the compound? (Is that how it pays for being cheaper than "plain walls"?) And how does its cost scale?

Need more sample data for costs of: slate for walls that use it, marble flooring costs (does it scale, or is it constant?), roofing costs, etc.


Autoren: (ungeordnet) Shadus, Amanesus, Delerium, Tellurian, Sabt-Pestnu
Übersetzung Khatzepsut

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Last edited May 25, 2006 4:29 pm by kenjo (diff)