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Arena Games > Kanivan Tak

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Arena Games : Kanivan Tak

Note that this information has been copied directly from the T2 wiki, and lightly edited. If you find information that is false or innacurate, please update it!

The game is effectively like checkers, except not bound by a 'grid' system. Pieces can move in any direction within -60* - 60* from their position provided it is unobstructed, and king pieces can move in any direction. Pieces 'hatch' into kings (starting as eggs, and hatching into bird models..) upon reaching the last two rows. The actual gameplay is similar to checkers, in that pieces can jump enemy pieces (but don't have to), and it is possible to double- and multi-jump.

There is also an inbuilt Stalemate feature, which says that if there are 5 consecutive moves in which a non-king piece does not move, and that no pieces are taken/jumped, the game is declared over, and the winner is whoever has the most pieces at that point.

You can see how many moves are left by clicking on the desk:

If you move a non-king piece or jump an opponent's piece, this number resets to 4.

The pieces are moved by clicking on the arrows shown below:

This will make a marker appear on the board. The red arrows move the marker more than the black. The green button finishes the move.

If there is an opponent's tak in range of yours, you can jump it using the wings button. You'll get a message if the attacking piece can't make it over the opponent's piece, or if jumping would land on another tak or off the edge of the board. Once you have jumped, you can either click on the next piece to multi-jump or click on your own piece and click 'Done jumping'

tak_control.jpgKaotikaJanuary 16, 2007 8:16 pm12062tak_control.jpg
tak_progress.jpgKaotikaJanuary 16, 2007 8:16 pm52341tak_progress.jpg

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Last edited January 26, 2007 1:58 pm by Kaayru (diff)