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Bugs > Misnamed Items

Misnamed Items

This is a list of resources, buildings, etc. that are poorly named or misnamed in the game. This includes typos, grammatical errors, or just plain old inconsistencies.

See also: the bugs page and the Pink box page.

Player names are intentionally munged around to prevent someone registering a name that is very similar to another's and are excluded from this list. [Is this true in any way at all? Not to my knowledge. - Qetesh]

Since capitalization consistency is such a common problem, please use the additional list below for items that are just suffering from capitalisation issues.

Current Name/Spelling Correct Name/Spelling Reason/Etc.
"spicey" "spicy" Smoke flavor description for some herbs in Fumeology
"ceremonialvotingbooth" "Ceremonial Voting Booth"
"shovel" "spade" You dig with a spade and move granules with shovels

Capitalisation Consistency

These items have incorrect capitalisation and no other issues. e.g. "ash" should be "Ash".

Apparently misnamed, but not really

Current Name Correct Name Reason
Knife:Knife Knife:Iron its the third knife and the other two are called Knife:Flint and Knife:Glass

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Last edited December 18, 2007 1:31 pm by Meidori (diff)