Ramp 4
Bricks 10000 40000 Cut Stone 1000 4000 Concrete 100 400 Pliable Hard 400 1600 Nails 563 2252
Tower 12
Concrete 36 432 Rigid Rotproof 900 10800 Nails 96 1152 Cut Stone 123 1476 Gold Wire 140 1680 jade:looking glass 1 12 Dark Golden Rod 1000 12000 Orange 1000 12000 Indigo 400 4800 Saddle Brown 250 3000 Forest Green 300 3600
Wall Segment 8
Concrete 300 2400 White Glossy Fireproof 400 3200 Nails 140 1120 Cut Stone 1000 8000 Feldspar 1600 12800 Indigo 700 5600 Orange 1000 8000 Forest Green 900 7200 Dark Golden Rod 300 2400
Bridge 4
Bricks 10000 40000 Concrete 36 144 Pliable Soft Rotproof 4000 16000 Nails 700 2800 Cut Stone 250 1000 Iron Bars 140 560
Gate 4
Bricks 8000 32000 Cut Stone 250 1000 Concrete 900 3600 Hard Rigid 4000 16000 Nails 700 2800 lapis: Hexas Plate 21 84 turquoise: Choronzon 21 84 amethyst: Thistle 21 84 lapis: Unity 1 4 sunstone: F A M 1 4 Tomato 228 912 Forest Green 563 2252 Saddle Brown 165 660 Spring Green 123 492
Side Wall 8
Concrete 350 2800 Iron Bars 12 96 Silver Sheeting 4 32 Hard Glossy Rotproof 1890 15120 Nails 140 1120 Cut Stone 123 984 Forest Green 1350 10800 Dark Golden Rod 840 6720 Indigo 700 5600 Orange 140 1120
Edge Wall 8
Concrete 1000 8000 Iron Bars 12 96 Gold Bar 4 32 Hard Rotproof 1500 12000 Nails 300 2400 Cut Stone 140 1120 Forest Green 1600 12800 Dark Golden Rod 600 4800 Indigo 900 7200 Orange 300 2400
Basic Materials ALL DONE
Bricks 112000 204995 done Concrete 17776 25380 done Cut Stone 17580 33925 done Iron Bars 752 2330 done Silver Sheeting 32 846 done Gold Bars 32 104 done Gold Wire 1680 5340 done Nails 13644 15927 done
Treated Boards
Hard Rigid 16000 13143 2857 Hard Rotproof 12000 24570 done Hard Glossy Rotproof 15120 19200 done Pliable Hard 1600 6846 done Pliable Soft Rotproof 16000 12982 3018 Rigid Rotproof 10800 7706 3094 White Glossy Fireproof 3200 8223 done
Cut Gems
turquoise: Choronzon 84 69 15 sunstone: F A M 4 5 done lapis: Hexas Plate 84 84 done amethyst: Thistle 84 84 done lapis: Unity 4 20 done jade: Looking Glass 12 71 done
Indigo 23200 25129 done Feldspar 12800 12958 done Dark Golden rod 25920 34141 done Orange (Rathnar to make) 23520 17098 6422 Saddle Brown 3660 8770 done Forest Green 36652 37617 done Spring Green 492 2638 done Tomato 912 5030 done
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