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Buildings > Glazier's Bench > Details


Note that this is my best assessment of what's going on with the glazier's bench, based on some but not exaustive study. If anyone finds anything wrong with this, please provide me with data and I'll do my best to correct -- CuriouserRandy.

Response to Single Charcoal Addition

When charcoal is added to a glazier's bench, the result is an "impulse function" of some number of ticks of temperature rising, followed by some number of it holding steady. An impulse function is completely described by two numbers:

The total length of an impulse function is always 9 ticks; N growing, and 9-N holding steady.

Graphically this looks like:

When no impulse function is active, the temperature at a bench falls by a constant amount each tick (referred to as "D" for dropping). A bench is completely specified by values for G, N, and D.

Response to two (or more) impulses

Two impulse functions sum linearly while both are active. I.e. if two charcoal is added on each of two successive ticks, the result will be (assuming N=4, G=5.5):

When the first impulse ends (nine ticks after it started), if there is a second impulse active there will be a spike. The size of this spike will be equal to the number of ticks for which both impulses were active times D. (My rationalization for this is that an impulse function is both raising temperature and preventing the temperature drop that would occur if there were no impulse function; the second impulse function has nothing to do with this second action, and so stores it up until the first impulse function is done and lets it all out at once :-}). Graphically, this looks like:

(The linear summation described above can been seen in a close up of this picture:

If two impulses have identical spans (e.g. you added 2 cc twice in the same tick) they just add linearly; no spike occurs.

Note that more than two impulse functions are resolved in order. I.e. the second one added causes a spike when the first one ends, and the third one added causes a spike when the second one ends. I.e.


If you trust this theory (:-}), you can calibrate a bench by adding 2 cc, waiting two ticks, and adding two more cc. The temperature response should look like

(0, 2G, 4G, 8G, 12G, ... (growing to) ..., 4 * N * G, ... (holding steady until) ..., 4 * N * G + 7 * D)

At that point it will hold steady for two ticks, and then drop by D per tick. This will give you all three numbers.

If you don't trust this theory (which is my usual mode), I'd recommend adding 2cc three times with four ticks between each addition. This will let you see each tick, verify the 9 tick total length (the spikes will occur at tick 10 and 14 if so), and give you multiple reads on all of G, N, and D. Figuring out what this curve should look like is more complicated, as you'll have growth times and spikes adding depending on the value of N.

Practical Notes

Impulse1.jpgCuriouserRandyApril 26, 2008 11:24 pm26189
Impulse2.jpgCuriouserRandyApril 26, 2008 11:23 pm28032
Impulse2Small.jpgCuriouserRandyApril 26, 2008 11:23 pm38503
Impulse3Large.jpgCuriouserRandyApril 26, 2008 11:24 pm30902
glazier.pyCuriouserRandyApril 26, 2008 11:38 pm2224

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Last edited April 26, 2008 11:39 pm by CuriouserRandy (diff)