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Events > Aprils Fool


How to join in

Visit S Harm and choose Special Learn, Weapon Smithery... Then choose either Swords (Vorpal Sword of Aclarity +10), Axes (Apocalyptic Axe of the Thunderlords +9) or Maces (Cataclysmic Mace of Malevolence +8). Swords have attack 20, axes attack 30 and maces attack 40.

Make your weapon in a students casting box for 10 steel, 10 beeswax - takes 5 mins to cool.

With weapon in your items, click self, combat, wield.

Drop beetles and press F1 to fight them.

Your hit points start at 100 and beetles attack back. Message in main says that increased constitution and dexterity allows you to avoid the worst of the damage. If you get to 0 hit points you can't fight any more.

When you kill a beetle, you can pick up 'beetle tendrils', 'Gil', 'there bucks', 'simolians', 'Platinum Pieces' and 'rupees'.


Although players noticed the ability to forge weapons and fight beetles soon after midnight EST, it wasnt until mid day that the masters of the beetle armies were revealed to be cupidon and cupophis, the two cupids from the valentine's day event.

the cupids captured both Pharaoh and Armanhotep, and used the latter's system channel privliges to alert egypt that they "have amassed a great beetle army that will ravage egypt".

Beetle swarms began appearing throughout egypt, as egypt's citizens rallied together to defend the Chariots (where the majority of the attacks were taking place). Throughout, cupidon and cupophis hinted at a 'final battle' to take place 'at the heart of egypt' where the nature's jug mushrooms would be of no use. At about this time, Pharaoh broke free of his captors and appeared at the Karnak CS.

Egypt's warriors realized that this had to be welcome island, and dozens of mentors flooded the island, providing quite a show to the few peasants who were learning the inticracies of egypt. Eventually, Cupidon and Cupophis appeared, as well as Armanhotep, who had had his powers drained and placed in the very beetles egypt had been plagued with. the cupids unleashed the largest beetle army yet seen, and only after a very long, hard battle, in which the ground became slick with beetle tendrils, did armanhotep regain his power. At that point, the cupids surrendered, and were banished to a "playpen"... and egypt returned to normal, albiet still with some wild beetles roaming around that needed to be put to the sword

Eeek.jpgKaayruApril 1, 2008 8:42 am42814
HaraKiri.jpgKaayruApril 1, 2008 8:35 am66668
PoorMaze.jpgKaayruApril 1, 2008 8:35 am78671

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Last edited April 2, 2008 7:06 am by ThePheonix (diff)