Please list coordinates for meals. Just wanted to spread information!
Location | Region | Description |
1009, 6984 | Lower Egypt | 112 point meal, 39 servings left |
978, 6920 | Lower Egypt | 43 point meal, 44 servings left |
978, 6920 | Lower Egypt | 58 point meal, 46 servings left |
978, 6920 | Lower Egypt | 37 point meal, 38 servings left |
1704, 3735 | Upper Egypt | 2 meals, 130 pts |
1317,-870 | Karnak | 2 meals, Fish Carrots and Sheepish Carrot Stew, plus a palette cleanser meal ;) |
1668,-1000 | Karnak | 80 Point MP, and MP eggplant leftovers +22str, +30Dex 1h20 carry |
1371,-838 | Karnak | 8 dishes 70+ left one new MP and one old Eggplant MP |
690, -3630 | Kush | 2 dishes, 125 points, 'Carrot Top' is good carry/fishing food, 56 & 69 servings |
795, -3669 | Kush | KPW kitchens |
2072, -1400 | karnak | 4 meals, good wine and beer. Easily worth 4 Michelin stars :) |
1386,-960 | Karnak | The usual excellent fare from Cathy & Co |
717,-3031 | Kush | 5 dishes |
-2154, -352 | Fools Paradise | 1 dish |