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Hi, I'm Galahad / Salut je suis Galahad

This is my personal wiki page where you will find information about me / Ceci est ma page wiki personnelle vous pourrez y trouver quelques renseignement sur moi.

   My home was "Paradise Cove" till an unfortunate illness took me away from the game for 4 months. during that time, my account closed and i was dppra'd.  but from the ashes of the old, i've rebuilt "Paradise Lost" at the same location. 60/7373 on the LE/Qatara border.

Test for TreekaSu 82

0 0 8 0 0 0 100

Sugested Tends

ConditionTendGrapesQualitySugarVigorOther info

Full Stats

Vines are sagging a bit:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil -1 +4 -2 +3 -2 -12 14
Mist the Grapes +2 -2 +3 -2 -4 -5 3
Pinch off Weakest Stems +2 -3 -9 +4 +3 +14 9
Shade the Leaves -3 +1 -1 +4 0 +12 12
Spread out the Vines -3 -3 +11 +3 +5 +10 8
Tie the vines to the Trellis -2 +1 +4 -2 +8 -11 10
Trim the lower leaves +3 -1 +4 +2 +7 0 8

Leaves are Wilting:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil +1 +4 +2 -1 -5 -1 14
Mist the Grapes +2 -2 -9 -2 -1 -12 14
Pinch off Weakest Stems -2 -2 +2 +3 +7 -6 11
Shade the Leaves -2 -1 +12 -3 +6 +13 5
Spread out the Vines 0 +2 +7 +4 +6 -9 6
Tie the vines to the Trellis -1 +3 -3 0 -3 -6 9
Trim the lower leaves -2 -3 +2 +1 +3 +13 10

A musty smell can be detected:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil +3 +3 +1 -1 -5 +9 2
Mist the Grapes 0 0 -2 +2 -4 +13 5
Pinch off Weakest Stems +4 -2 -7 +1 +1 +11 11
Shade the Leaves -3 +2 +9 -1 0 +2 7
Spread out the Vines +1 +1 +5 +3 +2 +9 1
Tie the vines to the Trellis +1 +3 +7 -1 +2 -5 13
Trim the lower leaves -3 -1 -7 -1 -5 +1 5

Stems look especially fat:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil +4 +4 +10 +1 -1 -9 13
Mist the Grapes +1 -2 -5 0 -2 +8 11
Pinch off Weakest Stems +1 +2 -5 0 +4 +2 11
Shade the Leaves -2 -1 +5 -1 +8 +6 2
Spread out the Vines +3 +2 +8 +2 0 +6 9
Tie the vines to the Trellis +4 +3 +12 -1 0 -2 2
Trim the lower leaves +3 +4 -9 +2 -3 -9 1

Leaves rustle in the breeze:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil -1 -3 +4 -1 -6 -7 9
Mist the Grapes +4 +1 -5 +3 -2 -8 7
Pinch off Weakest Stems +1 +4 -1 -2 +1 -11 12
Shade the Leaves +3 0 -3 -2 +6 +7 6
Spread out the Vines +2 -1 +11 -1 +6 +6 6
Tie the vines to the Trellis 0 0 +7 +3 -3 0 13
Trim the lower leaves +1 +2 +9 +3 +2 +3 1

Starting to shrivel:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil -3 +4 +4 +1 +6 +8 2
Mist the Grapes -2 +3 +3 -3 -2 +3 10
Pinch off Weakest Stems +4 +3 +6 -2 -5 +9 2
Shade the Leaves -3 +1 +5 +2 +8 -12 11
Spread out the Vines +2 +4 -8 -1 +3 +8 2
Tie the vines to the Trellis -3 +4 +4 +4 +2 -3 4
Trim the lower leaves -2 0 +3 +2 +3 +12 10

Leaves Shimmer with Moisture:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil -2 -2 +11 +3 +5 -4 13
Mist the Grapes +3 0 -4 -2 -3 -3 7
Pinch off Weakest Stems +3 0 -1 +4 +8 +1 5
Shade the Leaves -3 0 -5 +4 -2 -2 13
Spread out the Vines 0 0 -2 0 +2 -11 14
Tie the vines to the Trellis -3 -3 -5 -1 -5 -9 6
Trim the lower leaves +1 +4 -5 -1 -5 +8 14

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Last edited August 13, 2007 6:30 pm by Galahad (diff)