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A list of gods used in ATITD (could use a little background on each)


The Hidden One
The Creator of all things. During the New Kingdom he became "The king of the gods". He was said to be able to assume any form he wished, with each of the other gods being one of these forms.


The Tearer
As a sun goddess she represents the warm, life giving power of the sun. Her cult appears as early as the Second Dynasty. Like a cat, she was admired for her agility and strength.


Great Cackler
Geb was thought to represent the earth, he is often seen reclining beneath the sky goddess Nut. Geb was called 'the Great Cackler', and as such, was represented as a goose. It was in this form that he was said to have laid the egg from which the sun was hatched.


Lady of Heaven
Hathor was the goddess of joy, motherhood, and love. She was considered the protectress of pregnant women and a midwife. She was the patron of all women, no matter their station in life.


She is the moon which since earliest times was understood to be linked with the ebb and flow of water and of fertility. Thus, she is associated with the germination of grain.


He Who Is Above
The name Horus comes from the Egyptian word Hor, which translates as 'face'. We find him worshipped as Mekhenti-irry which translates as 'He who has on his brow Two Eyes', the sun and moon representing his eyes.


The Throne
She was revered by the Egyptian people as the great mother-goddess and represents the maternal spirit in its most intimate form.


The Goddess of Truth
The goddess Maat represents the ideals of law, order, and truth. The word, Maat translates "that which is straight." it implies anything that is true, ordered, or balanced.


The Sky
Nut was originally a mother-goddess who had many children. The hieroglyph for her name, which she is often seen wearing on her head is a water pot, but it is also thought to represent a womb.


King of the Dead
Supreme god and judge of the dead. The symbol of resurrection and eternal life. Provider of fertility and prosperity to the living.


The Opener
Ptah represents the sun at the time when it begins to rise above the horizon and or right after it has risen. As early as the Second Dynasty, he is regarded as a creator god. The patron of architects, artists and sculptors.


Father of the Gods
From very early times Ra was a sun god. He took on many of the attributes and even the names of other gods as Egyptian myths evolved.


Egyptian god of Chaos who embodied the principles of hostility, if not outright evil. Early in Egyptian Mythology he was spoken with reverence as a god of storms and wind.


He Who Causes To Be Fertile
Admired and feared for his ferocity. At the command of Ra, He performed tasks such as catching with a net the four sons of Horus as they emerged from the waters in a lotus bloom.


Tayet was the goddess of weaving and the most crucial of her roles was providing woven cloth for embalming.


was the lunar goddess of moisture, humidity and water who was also a solar goddess connected with the sun and dryness (more specifically, the absence of moisture).


The Great Measurer
Thoth was a moon god who played an important role in the Osiris legend and the judgment of the dead in the Hall of Maat. Thoth was said to be mighty in knowledge and divine speech. The inventer of spoken and written language.

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Last edited May 26, 2006 5:52 pm by kaayru (diff)