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Guides > Alloys > Octets Alloy > Transcript

Apophis: Hey there... I was talking to Sumtet, and I realized that no one has found Octec's Alloy yet.
sumtet: yep, we tried all the plate/metal combobs
sumtet: *combos, got nothing except a bunch of plated metal
Apophis: A few hints, and I ask that you post these somewhere. I don't want this to be hidden info.
Apophis: But I don't think it's important enough to post to System.
Yendor: On E!?
sumtet: glad to, we even posted the recipes for chemistry now
Apophis: Yeah, I heard
Apophis: Well, most of the people who care about alloys are in this chat
Apophis: So you can share it on E, or share it on the wiki, or whatever you want
Apophis: Anyway, Octec's Alloy cannot be made in the reactory or via metal treatment bath.
sumtet: whew, thanks on the reactory
Apophis: It uses a process that you have never done before. However, you are capable of doing it. It's just the combination you have to work out.
Apophis: It doesn't use a building at all, in fact.
Yendor: Pass a test and get zapped by lightening?
Apophis: I know that sounds weird, so I will repeat it. You do not use a building or tools to make Octec's Alloy.
Telanoc: Do we need a skill?
Apophis: The hint is at the greek's site. The piles of metal that are charged with electricity.
Apophis: Skills are not required.
Apophis: I think that's enough hints. :)

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Last edited June 14, 2008 12:38 pm by Al-Bilal (diff)