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Guilds > DP Conspiracy > Cathy

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24 June 2008

This is the first part of the evidence on what happened two days ago. It's a chat log from Cathy's main guild, Les Enfants de Ptah.
To help you undestand: tipsi is a french player that had been involved in quarrells with Cathy both in T2 and T3. At some point in T3 she changed her name to Kenza (so tipsi, tip, Kenza, all refer to the same person). tipsi/Kenza quit the game several months ago. 26 days ago her account has been reactivated, not by her but by snofru (another french player who quit the game a couple of months ago) although Cathy wasn't aware that it wasn't her. Having been away from the game, tipsi didn't own anything. Her main guild used to be a different one than the one bombed by Cathy, but Kenza's avatar has been used as mule by andrealp and Lacidra since it was reactivated (snofru is andrealp's real life brother).
Champollion (often shortened champo) is the main french chat guild. All people involved are also members of Champollion (apart from tipsi/Kenza).

Screenshots can be found at

Original EDP log English translation
Cathy: elle se vengeCathy: she's taking a revenge
chris35: mouai :(chris35: yup :(
chris35: ben la vengence va etre terriblechris35: well, revenge will be terrible
chris35: qd on remue la merde ben ca pue et la ca va puer qq chose de bienchris35: when you stir shit it stinks, and here it will stink for good
Cathy: hooo putin oui Cathy: oh god yeah
Cathy: pauvre andrealp :( son camps vas partir en fuméeCathy: poor andrealp :( her camp will go up in smoke
chris35: hi hihe he
chris35: par contre bizarre j'arrive a dppra des truc de kastou elle a pris que les coffres?chris35: on the other hand it's weird, I can dppra kastou's stuff, did she only take the chests?
Cathy: mais bon , elle a cas pas pleurer dans les jupes de Kaayru aussi Cathy: but well, she won't need to go cry with Kaayru either
Cathy: oui Cathy: yes
Cathy: ce quil m interreserCathy: what I was interested in
Cathy: rien que pour foutre la merde:(Cathy: just to spread shit :(
chris35: oui car le je vient de dppra sont essence d'harmoniechris35: yes, because I just dpprad his essence of harmony
Cathy: elle a su pour les tile Cathy: she heard about the tiles
Cathy: ça m étone pasCathy: doesn't surprise me
chris35: oui mais par qui ?chris35: yes but from whom ?
Cathy: qui avait le Mail de kastou?Cathy: who had Kastou's e-mail?
Cathy: cest pas andrealp?Cathy: wasn't it andrea?
chris35: pas moichris35: not me
Cathy: qui parler avec euxCathy: who was talking with them
chris35: je sais paschris35: I don't know
Cathy: trouver le camps de andrealpCathy: found andrea's camp
Cathy: kenza est dedansCathy: kenza is in there
Cathy: je vais surveillerCathy: I'm going to watch it
chris35: héhé :)))chris35: héhé :)))
Cathy: et revenir poser un tp Cathy: and come back and drop a wp
chris35: :))) chris35: :)))
at this point the conversation becomes unrelated. Later on, after Cathy has bombed andrealp's cp
Cathy: et boummmmmmm :))))))))))Cathy: and boummmmmmm :))))))))))
Cathy: bon cela fait gros gros bordel:))))))Cathy: ok, this has caused a big big chaos:))))))
Cathy: tampis j assumeCathy: too bad, I'll take it on me
aramix: kikou caty:)aramix: hi caty:)
Cathy: aramix:)Cathy: aramix:)
brados: coucou edp:)brados: hi edp:)
Cathy: ara et bradCathy: ara et brad
Cathy: hier soir jai fait peter le camps de kenza et andrealpCathy: yesterday evening I blew up kenza's and andrea's camp
Cathy: a coup d explosifCathy:with explosives
Cathy: et apparement tout le monde le sais:)Cathy: and apparently everybody knows:)
brados: non ?brados: really ?
Cathy: j assumeCathy: I take responsibility
Cathy: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiCathy: yeeeeeees
Cathy: et je revendique mon attentat!!!!!!!Cathy: and I claim the attack!!!!!
brados: lolbrados: lol
Cathy: afkCathy: afk
aramix: ?? je l'apprend la...aramix: ?? I just found out...
aramix: ils ont fait quoi?aramix: what have they done?
brados: je sais pas j'etait pas au courantbrados: don't know, I'm not aware of anything
aramix: moi non plusaramix: me neither
brados: c a cote de chez toi ara brados: it's nearby your place
brados: tu as vu qq chosebrados: did you see anything?
aramix: ben il y a pleins de gens du coté de l'autelaramix: well, plenty of ppl near the altar
brados: oui c la qu'elle habitebrados: yes, she lives there
aramix: vais jetter un oeilaramix: going to take a look
Cathy: hahaha:)))Cathy: hahaha :)))
Cathy: il pris a coter de l autel?Cathy: he's praying near the altar?
Cathy: je vous expliqueCathy: I'll explain to you
Cathy: ça vas pas vous plaire Cathy: you are not going to like is
Cathy: ya quelque mois jai donner du matos a kastou pour faire une pompe aqueducCathy: a few months ago I gave kastou materials to build an aqueduct pump
Cathy: il a fait des coffre perso au milieu de son atelier avec tout le matos dedansCathy: he made personal chests in the middle of his cp with all the mats in them
Cathy: vue quil venez plu , jai demander a chris de surveiller pour recup le matos si il quitterCathy: since he wasn't coming back I asked chris to keep an eye on them in case he'd quit
Cathy: jen ai parler mais a quelque personneCathy: I only talked about it to a few people
Cathy: andrealp avai le Mail de kastouCathy: andrealp had kastou's mail address
Cathy: j ai expliquer ce qui yavais dans ces coffre a andrealpCathy: I explained andrealp what was in the chests
Cathy: ça fais un moment quand memeCathy: but it's been a while
Cathy: bien avant que on se brouille sur champo avec kenza Cathy: long before we had the fight with kenza on champollion
Cathy: hier je me log Cathy: yesterday I log in
brados: oui ça fait un bout de temps que kastou est partitbrados: yes, it's been a while since kastou left
Cathy: et javais un message de kenzaCathy: and I had a message from Kenza
Cathy: *****Cathy: ******
Cathy: Kenza: bouh Kenza: je viens de voir que kastou est expired, tu vas pouvoir recup tes tuiles vu que c'est chris ki a tout eu :)
Kenza: bon a plus ;) Kenza has left the channel.
Cathy: Kenza: bouh Kenza: I just noticed kastou is expired, you will be able to get back the tiles since chris has gotten everything :)
Kenza: ok cya later ;) Kenza has left the channel
Cathy: ********Cathy: ******
Cathy: ça m a mise Hors de moi Cathy: I was beyond myself
Cathy: quelle accuse encore chris:(Cathy: that she was accusing chris :(
aramix: chris dppra??aramix: chris dppra?
Cathy: nonCathy: no
aramix: pas au courrant?aramix: didn't know?
Cathy: et je le savais Cathy: and I knew it
Cathy: non non chris a pas DppraCathy: no no, chris didn't dppra
aramix: ah okaramix: oh ok
Cathy: cest kenza simplement Cathy: it was Kenza, as easy as that
Cathy: il fallait Dppra pour savoir ce qui y avais dans les coffre Cathy: someone had to dppra to know what was in the chests
Cathy: ils ete pas visibleCathy: wasn't viewable
aramix: kenza n'etait pas en brouille avec chris?aramix: kenza and chris didn't get along, right?
Cathy: la colère ma pris Cathy: anger got me
brados: kenza=tipbrados: kenza=tip
Cathy: non , mais kenza oublieras pas l embrouille sur champo avec chrisCathy: no, but kenza woulnd't forget the fight with chris on Champollion
Cathy: oui bradCathy: yes brad
aramix: okaramix: ok
Cathy: elle voulais que Moi je me brouille avec chris pour les tileCathy: she wanted ME to fight with chris over the tiles
aramix: pfffaramix: pfff
Cathy: les couilles m ont virerCathy: my balls turned upside down
Cathy: dédé et eigam on laisser par hasard les coffre explosif ouvertCathy: dede and Eigam accidentally left the explosives chest open
Cathy: jai poser un TP la abasCathy: I dropped a WP there
Cathy: chez andrealpCathy: at andrealp's
Cathy: jai poser dédé la basCathy: I brought dede there
Cathy: et j ai fait les aller retour avec les explosifCathy: and I went back and forth with the explosives
aramix: houlaaaaaramix: ouch
Cathy: jai peter 2 GIGAAAA tas de boisCathy: I blew up 2 BIGGGGGG bonfires
Cathy: et detruit tous les truc autourCathy: and destroyed everything around it
Cathy: faudras quelle répare tout Cathy: she will need to repair everything
Cathy: jai sauter 6 fois avec les erxplosifCathy: I warped 6 times with the explosives
Cathy: du bon explosifCathy: good explosives
brados: les cp et machines aussi ?brados: the cp and machinery as well?
Cathy: mais le truc Cathy: but the thing is
Cathy: oui bradCathy: yes brad
brados: putainbradon: shit
Cathy: cest que quand tu pete tout , c'est noter sur les machine :))) qui a fais saCathy: when you blow up things, it gets noted on the building :))) who done it
Cathy: donc Cathy: so
brados: lolbrados: lol
Cathy: je me suis faite goller:))))))Cathy: I got caught :))))
Cathy: et on peu pas Bannir un DPCathy: and you can't ban a DP
aramix: arffffaramix: ack
brados: hihibrados: hehe
Cathy: j assume a 300%Cathy: I take responsibility at 300%
Cathy: elle avais qu a pas me casser les truc encore une foisCathy: all she had to do was not breaking my balls again
Cathy: depuis tale 2 elle m emmerde:((((Cathy: she's been annoying me since T2 :((((
Cathy: j en peu pluCathy: can't take it anymore
Cathy: jai péter un cableCathy: I just lost it
brados: c con pour andrea quoi elle y est pour rienbrados: it's bad for andrea who has nothing to do with it
Cathy: c'est une salope grave :(Cathy: she's a bad bitch :(
aramix: je t'emmerderai jamais moi lolllaramix: I will never annoy you loll
Cathy: brad Cathy: brad
Cathy: andrealp a pas mal aussi emmerder chris :( et ma fait quelque petit truc a moi sans importance Cathy: andrealp has annoyed chris quite a bit :( and did a few small things to me, but without importance
Cathy: mais bonCathy: but well
Cathy: la personne viser été tipsi tout façonCathy: the person targeted was tipsi in any case
brados: oui je m'en doute cathybrados: yes I I can see that cathy
Cathy: brad tu me connait depuis pas mal de tempsCathy: brad, you've known me for quite a long time
brados: elle est toujours sage chez nous kenzabrados: kenza is still elder at our guild
Cathy: et tu sais que il en faut pour me faire sortir de mes GongsCathy: and you know it takes a lot to make me lose my temper
brados: oui cathy lolbrados: yes cathy lol
Cathy: que je suis prÍte a tout donnerCathy: that I'm ready to give everything
Cathy: brad :))) je ferais rien sauter chez toi lol:)))))Cathy: brad :))) I won't blow up anything at your place lol :)))
aramix: :))aramix: :))
brados: ouf :))brados: phew :))
Cathy: si elle vivait avec vous , je l aurais pas fais Cathy: if she lived with you I woulnd't have done it
Cathy: ça cest surCathy: that's for sure
Cathy: c'été trop tentant:)Cathy: it was too tempting
Cathy: sur ceu Cathy: having said that
Cathy: j ai déshonorer les DP :((((Cathy: I dishonored the DPs :((((
Cathy: cest se qui m emmerde le plus:( Cathy: and that's what bothers me the most :(
brados venere cathy lui cire les pompes s'agenouille a ses piedsbrados worships cathy, shines her shoes kneels at her feet
Cathy: doncCathy: so
Cathy: ça vas pas vous plaire , je le sensCathy: you won't like this, I feel it
Cathy: lol brad:)))) t a pas besoin:)Cathy: lol brad :))) no need to :)
brados: hihibrados: hehe
Cathy: je quitte le jeu vendredi ou samedi Cathy: I will quit the game on friday or saturday
brados: arfbrados: ack
Cathy: le temps de régler les dernier truc iciCathy: just enough time to do the last things here
aramix: :((((aramix: :(((((
brados: tu vas pas faire çabrados: you are not doing this
Cathy: si si Cathy: yes yes
Cathy: je pars pour de bon , cette foisCathy: I'm leaving for good this time
brados: deconne pas:((brados: don't talk shit :(
Cathy: non non je deconne pas:(Cathy: no no, I'm not talking shit :(
aramix: m'enfin...fait pas saaramix: come on, don't do this
brados: ça va s'arrangerbrados: it will get fixed
Cathy: je suis DP , ce que jai toujour voulu être Cathy: I am a DP, what I always wanted to be
Cathy: je voulais honorer ce grade correctement Cathy: I wanted to honor this title
Cathy: et ce que j ai fais , cest de me venger Cathy: and what I did was to take revenge
Cathy: je ne regrette pas Cathy: I don't regret it
brados: bon d'accord t'as mal commencé lolbrados: well ok, you didn't start out well lol
Cathy: mais ça a mal tomber en fait:(Cathy: but this is no good :(
brados: mais ça peu s'arrangerbrados: but it can be fixed
Cathy: clair:(Cathy: for sure :(
Cathy: et ça ne plait pas au haute instenseCathy: the higher ups don't like it
brados: oui ça je me doutebrados: I'm sure they don't
aramix: suis sur le cul la:((aramix: I'm speechless here :((
Cathy: il peuvent pas me bannir en plusCathy: on top of that they can't ban me
Cathy: j ai l imuniter diplomatique lol:)))Cathy: I have diplomatic immunity lol :)))
brados: tu dedomage andrea et puis voilabrados: you repay andrea and that's it
Cathy: hahahahahaha tu m as bien vue brad??????Cathy: hahahahah, do you really know me brad????
Cathy: jamais jamisCathy: never never
Cathy: je ne regrette rien de ce que j ai fait!!!!!!Cathy: I don't regret anything I've done!!!!!
Cathy: rien Cathy: nothing
Cathy: je l assume a 300%Cathy: I take responsibility at 300%
Cathy: DP ou pas , je l aurais fait:)Cathy: whether DP or not, I would've done it :)
Cathy: c'est la goute qui a fait déborder le vaseCathy: it was the drop that spilled the cup
Cathy: lolllllllll j avais pas vue champo :))))))Cathy: lolllll hadn't noticed champo :)))) (andrealp had just posted on champollion what Cathy had done)
Cathy: ben vi , elle fete ça:)Cathy: well yes, she's celebrating
aramix: ben le vase est vide maintenantaramix: well, the cup is empty now
Cathy: elle a juste perdu 2 gros tas de boisCathy: she only lost 2 big bonfires
Cathy: et elle vas reparer 2mois au moinsCathy: and she'll need to do some repairing for at least 2 months
aramix: bah elle a encore sont propre cp à coté de chez moiaramix: well, she still has her own cp near mine
Cathy: son stock été la bas lolCathy: but her stock was there lol

The following transcript is from the guild Soweto&Co. It was taken at the same time as the one above. We know it was at the same time because: -people members of both guilds confirmed it - Cathy had logged out right after the bombing, and both were taken the next morning (european time) whe she logged back in - the reference to the many people at the camp helping repairing the damage.

Cathy: Deeva you can have to banish me, I waits for you
Cathy: I am cs karnak
Deeva: Cathy, I cannot ban you
Deeva: a DP can only be banned by law.
StarV: no cathy
Cathy: Then I leave the game
Thunderbird: wait cathy
Thunderbird: talk to folks maybe it can be put right
Deeva: can you tell us what has happened?
Cathy: Kenza annoy me for years
Cathy: It is a vengeance
Deeva: =(
Cathy: only
Deeva: I do not know Kenza
Cathy: en français c'est une SALOPE
Cathy: only
Deeva: je ne sais pas ce mot, mais je pense que est mauvais, lol.
Cathy: oui:((
StarV: cathy please don't go
Cathy: Deeva, you know that I am not naughty
Cathy: Kenza to exceed my patience :(
Cathy: Then BOUMMM :(
Deeva: I am confused. Cathy. It is very upsetting to see another DP take an act of revenge. we have more power than many.
Deeva: I have been called many names by others.
Deeva: I have had my camp attacked by clearcutters
Cathy: I know :(((( i am very very sorry
Deeva: Many bad things have been done to me
Deeva: It frightens me when someone loses their temper.
Cathy: but I leave game friday
Deeva: especially if that someone has the power to ban other players
Deeva: why are you leaving?
Cathy: I am the shame of the DP, and I am to sadden :(
Cathy: I love this game and you know it
Deeva: I know you do
Deeva: that is why I am shocked
Cathy: And I am in anger
ellorin: Cathy I dont' understand how you got the trust of 60% of egypt and now this?
Cathy: I disappointed you, I am to sadden :((((
Cathy: I like you, I love the game, but needed that I left off steam
ThunderBird: Cathy we are all human and all do things sometimes that upset others. Its how we try to repair the situation that determines our real character :)
ellorin: well I am trying so hard to understand this but your voters might need to hear it mostly
Deeva: What do we do, when you need to again?
Cathy: The time to give everything to my guild and I leave
Deeva: that is what I fear
Cathy: I translated anything, I am a shame of Egypt and of DP
Cathy: But I do not regret to have boummm his (its, her) camps
Deeva: Ah, that is the rub.
Deeva: You are sorry we do not like what you did.
Cathy: I assume
Deeva: but you are not sorry that you have done it
Deeva: do in understand rightly?
Deeva: I try french, moment.
Cathy: non non
Cathy: I assume
Judd: hi all
ThunderBIrd: morning Judd
ellorin: hi judd :)
Cathy: bonjour Judd
Aleena: hi Judd
Deeva: vous êtes désolé que les gend soient bouleversés.
Judd: Cathy: did dedenac use the bomb too?
Cathy: dédé!!!!!!!
Cathy: non
Cathy: que moi
Judd: you spouse log?
Cathy: dédé me server de Teleportation
Deeva: Vous n'êtes pas désolé pour andrealp's camp?
Judd: ok
Cathy: dédé à rien fait judd
Cathy: non Deeva

The last transcript is the private chat between Squiranha and Cathy, early in the morning after the bombing

Squiranha and Cathy's chat Translation
Squiranha: tu voudrais pas me dire pourquoi tu l'a fait? ce qui c'est passe, parce que la on comprend pas comment t'as pu faire une chose aussi graveSquiranha: you want to tell me why you did it? what happened, because we don't understand how you could do such a serious thing
Cathy: je sais que tu apprécie tipsi , et tu as du mal a concevoir quelle peu etre très trsè méchante et détruire des gens sur ce jeu Cathy: I know you like tipsi, and you have a hard time believing that she can be very very mean and destroy people in this game
Cathy: c'est une grande manipulatriceCathy: she is a big manipulator
Cathy: et hier j ai péter un plomb Cathy: and yesterday I just lost it
Squiranha: je sais qu'elle ne se comporte pas avec tout le monde comme elle le fait avec moi, donc je suis pret a te croireSquiranha: I know she doesn't behave the same way with everybody as she does with me, so I'm ready to believe you
Cathy: elle a gagner cette fois , je part du jeu et lui laisse le terrain libre pour s amuser a manipuler comme elle le veu Cathy: she wins this time, I quit the game and leave her room to manipulate the way she wants to
Cathy: et surtout a faire du mal comme elle c'est si bien le faireCathy: and especially hurt people the way she does so well
Squiranha: mais c'est quoi qu'elle a fait, et pourquoi andrea a ete mise au milieuSquiranha: but what did she do, and why was andrea caught in the crossfire
Cathy: la raison de mon geste Cathy: the reason for what I did
Squiranha: okSquiranha: ok
Cathy: kenza été avec elle Cathy: kenza was with her
Cathy: voila pourquoi jai fait sauter tout la basCathy: that's why I blew up everything there
Cathy: je crois que ces la goute qui a fait deborder le vase :((( la raison de mon geste et juste que j en ai eu marreCathy: I think that was the drop that spilled the cup :((( the reason of my gesture is that I just had enough
Squiranha: mais qu'es ce qu'elle a fait kenza pour que tu reagisse comme ca? on a un bout de chat sur edp qui parle de kastou et de tuilesSquiranha: but what did kenza do to make you react like that? we have a bit of the edp chat talking about kastou and tiles
Cathy: les coffre des explosif été ouvert Cathy: the explosives chest was open
Cathy: j arrete pas de pleurer , j'arrive pas a me calmer , de colère :((Cathy: I can't stop crying, can't calm down, of anger :((
Cathy respire a fondCathy takes a deep breath
Cathy: deja a tale 2 comme tu le sais , c'été pas le grand amour Cathy: as you know, back in T2 already it wasn't the big love
Cathy: mais je comprenner que tipsi avais quelque soucis de comportement réel , (cest elle qui men avais parler) Cathy: but I knew tipsi had real life issues with her behaviour (she told me about it)
Cathy: elle me chercher un peu , sengueuler avec pas mal de monde Cathy: she was after me a little bit, she was fightint with quite a lot of people
Cathy: si on aller pas dans son sens , elle nous "traquer"Cathy: if she coudln't have it her way, she would "stalk" us
Cathy: ici ya pas si longtemps elle sen ai pris a Chris sur champollionCathy: here, not long ago, she went after chris on Champollion
Cathy: chris est quelque un de formidableCathy: chris is someone wonderful
Cathy: j ai du intervenir deja en temps que sage et stopper ça Cathy: I had to intervene as elder and put a stop to it
Cathy: tipsi a quitterCathy: tipsi quit
Cathy: la elle reviensCathy: and now she's back
Cathy: ya 1 ans jai donner une pompe entiere d aqueduc a kastouCathy: 1 year ago I gave a full aqueduct pump to kastou
Cathy: tout le matosCathy: all the materials
Cathy: kastou a construit des coffre cvhez lui a son nomCathy: kastou built chests at his place under his name
Cathy: ensuite il est plu venu sur le jeu Cathy: and then he never came back
Cathy: jai demander a chris de surveiller , pour recup le matos si il quitterCathy: I asked chris to keep an eye on them, to get the materials back if he was going to quit
Cathy: chris habite a coterCathy: chris lives nearby
Cathy: on été 4/5 personne a savoir ce qui yavais dans les coffreCathy: there were 4/5 people knowing what was in the chests
Cathy: hierCathy: yesterday
Cathy: je recois un chat de tipsiCathy: I get a chat from tipsi
Cathy: ******Cathy: ******
Cathy: Kenza: bouh Kenza: je viens de voir que kastou est expired, tu vas pouvoir recup tes tuiles vu que c'est chris ki a tout eu :) Kenza: bon a plus ;) Kenza has left the channel. Cathy: Kenza: bouh Kenza: I just noticed kastou is expired, you will be able to get back the tiles since chris has gotten everything :) Kenza: ok cya later ;) Kenza has left the channel
Cathy: ******Cathy: ******
Cathy: j ai 300% confiance en chris bien sur Cathy: of course I have 300% confidence in chris
Cathy: je dit sur EDP (ma guilde)Cathy: I say on EDP (my guild)
Cathy: chrissssss tu veu rire ?Cathy: chrissssss, want a laugh?
Cathy: elle me repond ok quoi yaCathy: she says ok, what is it
Cathy: je lui repond , tu vas te faire un aqueduc perso lol :))))Cathy: I answer, you will build a personal aqueduct lol :))))
Cathy: je prener sa a la rigolade au debutCathy: I was laughing about it at first
Cathy: kastou est expire et ta recup le matos , cest super , je lui ditCathy: kastou is expired and you got the mats, that's great, I tell her
Cathy: et elle me dit , jai rien recupCathy: and she tells me I didn't get a thing
Cathy: la mon sang a fait qu'un tourCathy: at that point my blood starts to boil
Cathy: et jai envoyer le message de tipsi sur EDPCathy: and I post tipsi's message on EDP
Cathy: chris été folleCathy: chris was mad
Cathy: et moi aussi Cathy: and so was I
Cathy: et la tout cest enchainer:(Cathy: and from there on it was a chain reaction :(
Cathy: j ai péter un plomb:(Cathy: I lost it :(
Cathy: voilaCathy: that's it
Cathy: je lui ai rien demander a tipsi , elle les as DPPRA , je men fou :(((Cathy: I didn't ask anything from tipsi, if she DPPRA them, I don't care :(((
Squiranha: ok, j'ai une question importante, selon ce qu'on lis sur les trucs endommages, une des explosions a ete cause par dede, c'etait lui ou toi qui l'utilisais?Squiranha: I have an important question, according the the marker on the damaged things, one of the explosions was caused by dede, was it him or did you log him?
Cathy: c'est la maniere de me le dire Cathy: it's how she told me
Cathy: cest moi :(((Cathy: that was me :(((
Cathy: jai teleporter dédé la bas pour me tp sur luiCathy: I teleported dede there to spouse warp to him
Cathy: j avais pris des explosif sur lui Cathy: I had taken explosives on him
Squiranha: ok, c'est deja ca au moinsSquiranha: ok, that's that at least
Cathy: cest moiCathy: that was me
Cathy: dédé a rien a voirCathy: dede has nothing to do with it
Cathy: javais son concentement de le loguer :))Cathy: I had his agreement to log him :))
Cathy: je lai placer la bas pour avoir un TP Cathy: I brought him there to have a waypoint
Squiranha: j'avais imagine ca, mais fallait etre sur, sinon lui aussi serait implique, tu coprends bienSquiranha: that's what I thought, but I had to be sure, if not he would be in trouble too, as you can understand
Cathy: tout a fais:)Cathy: absolutely :)
Cathy: c'été moi Cathy: that was me
Squiranha: je copie le chat, je vais devoir le montrer aux autres et le traduire, parce que la on a passe la nuit a se demander le pouruqoiSquiranha: I'm making a copy of this chat, I will show it to the others, because we spent the night trying to figure out why
Cathy: ok ok , j ai rien a cacherCathy: ok ok, I have nothing to hide
Squiranha: et tu comprend aussi qu'on doit reagir en tant que DP, c'est vraiment trop gros ce que t'a fait, on peut pas laisser tomberSquiranha: and you also understand that we have to react as DPs, what you did is really too big, we can't let go
Squiranha: surtout que c'est pas tip qui a ete affectee le plus, c'est andrea et lacidra, qui don n'avaient rien a voir avec tout ca Squiranha: especially since it wasn't tipsi who suffered the most damage, it's andrea and lacidra, who had nothing to do with it
Cathy: je quitte le jeu vendredi Cathy: I will quit the game on friday
Cathy: le temps de tout donner a la guildeCathy: I need time to give everything to the guild
Cathy: et tout detruireCathy: and tear down
Cathy: je quitte moi memeCathy: I quit voluntarily
Cathy: je suis en train de tout casser mes trucCathy: I'm tearing everything down as we speak

EDP1.jpgJuddJune 25, 2008 11:23 am172107EDP1
EDP2.jpgJuddJune 25, 2008 11:24 am61642EDP2
EDP3.jpgJuddJune 25, 2008 11:25 am210200EDP3
EDP4.jpgJuddJune 25, 2008 11:25 am152586EDP4
Soweto1.pngSquiranhaJune 25, 2008 9:29 pm475507Soweto1
Soweto2.pngSquiranhaJune 25, 2008 9:29 pm308612Soweto2
Soweto3.pngSquiranhaJune 25, 2008 9:30 pm456868Soweto3

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Last edited June 25, 2008 11:32 am by Judd (diff)