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Guilds > EuroTrash

Tanis's first regional Dig, will held on Saturday, 15 July 2006 at 17:00 CET (+1 gmt).

This Dig is primarly intended for the European Audience, however everyone is welcome to attend. This is our first event, we hope it all goes smoothly, we intend to hold more digs, and other events intended mainly for the European audience, such as other types of digs, acro lines, food and wine parties, and so on. All input pre and post event are welcome, we are always looking to improve our events.

Its an untested dig site, but we are fairly sure its cuttables and meds.

This will be a mixed dig, 10% of the cuttables will goto research, 5% will goto the organizers to cover the costs of having food and shovels available for all. The rest will be for private. You may donate your shares or a % of your shares to tanis research, but no donation is required.

This dig is intended mainly for the European Audience, which has until now, had to miss most of the digs, due to the times at which they occur.

The intended/planned dig time will be 2 hours, but may go longer if interest exsists.

The dig will be In Tanis North of Ulead, its a 5-8 minute run from the cs.

Slate shovels and grilled onions will be provided free to anyone that needs them ( so long the supplies last) there will be iron shovels to rent/ buy ( pricing will follow ) Hookah will also be available for all, so bring herbs( a selection will also be provided)

Donations will also be accepted, if you have extra boards, silt, bricks so on, this will help us in the future provide more resources at digs to include public stone tools, better shovels and so on.

questions or comments please contact Dymo or daninicholls in game.

Dig Location

          Map of Egypt


Mine Type

Location Mine Type
3759, 7959 Dig

The following are the levels of consequences for breaking the rules.

    * Warning
    * Request to leave the dig
          o If any staff member requests you to leave the dig, do so or face ban 
    * Banning from future digs
          o Dig master will make the decision, after the dig but will inform player if he/she is going to consider it. 

Note: If you are told to leave the dig, you can pick up your stones after the dig.

The Rules:

    * The Dig master determines when to start and when to stop and where to dig, no exceptions. If he/she is not available then the greeter will step in to handle this.
    * Do not enter dig circle. Stand outside the dig circle and dig from there.
    * Do not pick up any stones
    * Make sure you talk to the greeter if you have any problems, if you don't get satisfaction, then talk to the dig master.
    * If any staff member gives you instructions follow those instruction... We don't want to ban you but we will if we have to. 

Shares will be mapped per 10 minutes you are active at the dig... Though you may lose some of those if you are inactive for and extended length of time... Going to the afk circle for 5 or 10 minutes will still entitle you to shares, going there and sitting for an hour will result in a reduction.

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Last edited July 15, 2006 9:36 am by Dymo (diff)