Hand of Thoth
We are the primary research Guild of the Region Cradle of the Sun. All residents interested in helping with research are welcome to join us.
Elders: scythan, Kalila, Kiya, Tahrqa, alphaviper and yazza
- Our Guild Hall is south of chariot station (4294, -654).
- Our compound with public facilities is east of chariot station (4317, -636).
- We have a chest with Papyrus seeds at 800, -4156 in Kush. Feel free to take seeds, but please make sure that there are always some seeds in the chest.
- Flax Hammocks up in the mountains to dry papyrus at 4191 -763 & 4198 -573
- Mines:
- Iron at 3858 -428
- Copper/Quartz at 3892 -431, 3623 -1153, 4283 -558 (1/hr 20%), 4293 -555 (1/hr 20%),
4318 -546 (1/hr 20%), 4334 -540 (1000/hr 20%), 4347 -535 (1000/hr 20%)
- Copper at 3872 -433, 4346, -535
- Sand, Ruby at 4489 -467,
- Sand, Diamond at 4375, -560
- lots of Apiary around 4386 -577, 4402 -568, 4402 -557, 4410 -548, 4412 -565, 4431 -568
There should be plenty of apiaries there to provide plenty of beeswax & honey in a single trip
(apiaries currently usable by initiate or higher)
Places of interest
- Fish
- Tilapia: 3370, -1147
- Carp: 3177, -1158
- Perch: 3200, -1100
- Tilapia/Chromis: 4667, -732
- Catfish 4129, -1222
Current Projects
We currently focus our research on Advanced Charcoal Production and need the following donations (please drop them in the donation chests at our compound).:
Actually, Advanced Charcoal Production is complete - I don't know what the current project is
Please pardon our dust durring this reorganization
Public Buildings
Public Facilities help everyone. Hand of Thoth maintains several public buildings. Here's a list of some of them that we hope you might find useful.
- Conflict Shrine & Essence of Harmony are near the purple buildings behind the CS
- Sheep Pen at 4314 -629 (near purple buildings near CS)
- CotS Public Compound Annex 4326 -637 purple building near CS (Clinker Vat, Barrel Grinder, Toxin Kitchen, Pottery Deck, Vault Kiln, Wood Treatment Tank, Pigment Labratory, Kitchen)
- COTS Public and Resarch facilities 4317 -634 purple building near CS (Ceremonial Tasting Table, Master and Student Casting Boxes, Anvil, Hand Loom, 3 Kettles, Improved Brick Racks, Rock Saw, Masons Bench, Carpentry Bench, Smelting pots and blocks, firepits, drying rack, 2 student & 2 master forges, 6 pottery wheels, 12 true kilns)