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Guilds > Horus Scribes > Scribes Inside

Horus Scribes

How to join us

Everyone in the Horus tears Community can join us. If you would like to join the team, please contact Kaayru in-game, and apply to our guild (Horus Scribes) at 1374 2838, near Horus.

The Team

Our missions, if you accept them!


The News section can be found on the Horus Tears wiki home page ( Our goal is to post news about everything related to our lovely game. Each news item will follow this template:

News - Title

Code to format this: ;''News'' - Title:Text

Please keep the news items short. We want to give information bribes to players, not novels :) If you feel the information needs to be detailed, please create another page (Guilds/Horus_Tears/Horus_Scribes/Articles/Your_news_title). On the home page, using the following template:

News - Title

Code to format this: ;''News'' - Title:Text<br>Link


The Article Section includes short guides about how Egyptian society works, about how our community guild works, long news items, and everything that doesn't fall in the other categories. If you want to create a new article for the website, use this link template for the page: Guilds/Horus_Scribes/En/Your_article_title (Use Horus_Scribes/Fr/ if it's a French article).

To display your article on the home page, so that other people know what's new, please use this template:

Article - Title

Code to format this: ;''Article'' - Title:Text<br>Link

RP Stories

Some of you may have novelist fibre, at least I hope so :) If you want to write a story, use the following link template: Guilds/Horus_Scribes/En/Your_story_title (Use Horus_Scribes/Fr if it's a French story).

To display your story on the Horus home page, so that other people know what's new, please use this template:

Story - Title

Code to format this: ;''Story'' - Title:Text<br>Link

Exemple: Life In Egypt


As you all know, Horus Tears was at first a French speaking guild, while now it's more English. We still have many French people, and some of them can't read English. That's why we need to translate our website into French. I would like to thank in advance anyone who will help with this boring job that is translating :)

News localization
The news items are to be localized on the French home page (Horus Tears-fr, using the same template as for the English page.
Articles and Stories
To translate those, you'll have to create a new page, using this template: Guilds/Horus_Scribes/Fr/ArticleTitle]]. When you're done with translating, don't forget to add the translation tags on both English and French pages ($TRANSLATION fr link, or $TRANSLATION en link).
Example: En - Life in Egypt, Fr - La Vie en Egypte

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Last edited December 17, 2007 6:01 pm by Spicy (diff)