We are a Kush based research guild, dedicated to opening up all Kush technologies. Many but not all of our members are also part of the social guild
Our guild hall and main compound can be found at (862, -3382 in kush).
Please chat a guild elder if you'd like to help donate to Kush research and we'd be happy to answer any and all questions you have!
Guild Wiki url: http://wiki.atitd.net/guild/tale3/Kushie_Research
- Kuupid
- Silverglass
- Windingo
- Khog
- Ringwood
- Sonny
- Strutter
- shawn
- Mouseter
- Abbirahn
- pimpmastafly
- Prothos
- Les
- Sysmouth
- Chix
- Aveege
- Katet
- Khleevi
- Teao
- Nehemah
- tat2mikki
- Rasmery
- ELfus
- Anankha
- Benwah
- Nathea
- Azraelfalls
- Since
- Maurizio