Seven Lakes Academy of Thought (the E is silent)
Location: 1278 1533 - at the intersection northwest of the Seven Lakes UBody
Thought Puzzles
Prospective members should be interested in thought games, both in design and play.
Members will be expected not only to design thought puzzles, but also to solve and
give honest ratings to puzzles created by other members on a regular and ongoing basis.
Members are also encouraged to travel around Egypt and play thought puzzles in other
regions as well.
This is not a gaming guild!
We are not here to help you game your way through the Thought discipline.
All members are expected to rate all thought puzzles that they judge honestly and fairly,
regardless of whether the designer is also a guild member. Any member who rates puzzles
dishonestly or who games tests in any discipline will be removed from the guild.
Thought Fields
We plan to set aside an area of Seven Lakes (one that won't obstruct other people's enjoyment
of the Seven Lakes area - your compounds are safe! ;) ) for the construction of thought puzzles.
For those who do not have the resources to complete their own puzzle from start to finish, we
will have a small number of guild-use puzzles which our members will be able to rotate through
on a schedule. Other guild members are welcome and encouraged to build their own thought
puzzles in this area as well. Non-members are also welcome to build their puzzles here, but
if you do, we encourage you to apply to our guild also.
Membership requires an initial donation of 100 boards and 200 bricks for guild hall expansion.
When you apply, /chat an elder - stealth applications will not be accepted. The elder will
arrange to collect your donation if your application is accepted.
Applications will be closed from 10 July to 20 July due to RL circumstances. You are welcome to
submit applications and send a /chat to the elder (Dachannien), but these applications
will not be acted upon during this period.
Private Guild Page
Private Guild Page