Use this page to jot down short thoughts or theories to help guide research. please use bulleted lists to make responses
How wine works
- 64X64 grid may not be false, its possible that taste catagories fall into 64X64 grids, while the more precise flavors fall into 8X8 grids as one of the more recent theories suggests. I think its a fairly logical idea worth research, as I havn't seen any conclusive data myself for the "beer microbe" theory of wine flavors. ~Ender
- I have now seen multiple instances of the "beer microbe" theory being correct, I however still feel there is more order to the flavor system then random blotches. I have 30 vineyards in line with each other that span 20 coords and are all different varieties of vegetables, and Queeg has a block of vineyards about 66 coords away (for the diagonal line between, its about 59 X 31 coords away which fits within 64) that also produce vegetables. ~Ender
- glass quality may interact with wine quality. I had a 7k glass giving me fruit, citrus notes, and grapefruit flavor with different wines grown from the same vineyards. All the wines were grapefruit flavored, I double checked with a 9k glass.~Ender
- I think you get points for unique combinations of flavors, in the same manner as smoking a hookah with 2 or three herbs. I have recived points for "stemmy" and for "Grapefruit" individually, but also for "stemmy and grapefruit" combination wine. Palette increases make it easier to get combinations because you can detect more flavors at once. I'll have to test this further when I get find a third vintage 0 flavor pocket near me. its important to note that when you taste every vintage, you'll be getting a point for the combination of flavors, not just new flavor that appeared (ex: if your wine is grapefruit at vintage 0 and you get 1 point, then at vintage 1 gains Asparagus flavor and you get a second point, you can gain yet a third point still from a wine that is only flavored with asparagus). ~Ender
- It may be possible that points are harder to get the more flavors you detect, I can detect 5 flavors on a lot of wines, but sometimes dont' get points for unique combos at that level. possible that higher palette makes the points easier to earn. ~Ender
- I am now positive that unique combinations of flavor will give points. I have tasted Vegetables, Woodiness, and Vegetables+Woodiness and recived points from all 3. In addition I have tasted Mint, Burnt toast, and Mint+Burnt toast and recieved a point from all 3.
- I have just recived a new wine notebook. For every flavor point I get, I will be copying down what flavors I tasted into an excel spreadsheet, I hope to gain enough data to prove this ~Ender
- Only 16 flavors in and i've noticed I've gotten points for Asparagus+Mint and Mint+Asparagus. ~Ender
other wine related ideas
- An idea to make wine names standard. Vinter Appellation Flavor alcohol% ex: "Ender's Sinai Grapefruit 12%". It would make wine trading and storage easier. Wine Color could be another usefull addition to the name. It would be pretty cool to use latin names or something for the flavors (ex. grapefruit=paradisi). The alcohol% would have to be the intended % at bottling, because you have to name it when barreling and sometimes bottle earlier then intended. If we can pass a law moving the nameing phase to bottling instead of barreling, these naming conventions could be established easier and more accurately. ~Ender