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Guilds > Sinai Public Works And Communication

Sinai Public Works and Communication

Sinai Public Works and Communication (Sinai++) is a guild dedicated to creating public works for the region of Sinai, as well as creating a meta-regional chat for those who travel outside the region, but still wish to communicate with Sinai.

Public Facilities: Sinai++ projects fall into two catagories. Expensive buildings to help newcomers establish themselves, and expensive infrequently used buildings such as Kettle arrays, Paper press arrays, Barrel Grinder, etc.

To Contact an Elder, chat one of the following players:

The newcomer facility is complete, and we are constantly adding new buildings to meet the needs of the public.

Facilities accepting donations: Keep an eye on this spot for upcoming projects! Donations accepted at 3082 4337 in their appropriate chests.

Public Works Wood Treatment Tank 'K values':

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Last edited December 5, 2007 2:02 am by Philadelphia (diff)