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Guilds > Tanis City Council

Private Wiki: Tanis City Council Members Only

Charter For the Tanis City Council

It is the goal of the Tanis City Council from hereon referred to as (TCC) to enable all members of Tanis to have the opportunity to access all the benefits of Egypt and to do so in a matter that is democratic and not determined by the preferences of a few top people within the organization.


Anyone that is a resident of the territory of Tanis is to be granted membership in the guild upon request, the elders bear the responsibility of ensuring that the guild is always expanded at need. Persons that live outside of Tanis must approved by unanimous consent of all elders.

Voting Rights

All members of the council shall be granted 1 vote regardless of rank in the organization with the exception of elders. Elders may only vote in the case of a tie between the non-elder voting body.


Anyone that is a member of the guild may propose a vote on any topic to be included on the list of rules at the bottom of this charter. There will be a one week period during which members may make statements and cast votes for each rule. Each rule will be granted it's own wiki page to preserve all arguments for and against said rule. All rules should be accepted with a simple majority vote with elders breaking ties as noted above providing that the rule does not conflict with a previous rule.

To contradict an earlier rule a 2/3 majority is required, this covers all rules established by the this charter as well.


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Last edited July 20, 2006 9:24 pm by Lathrod (diff)