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Guilds > The Lovely People

Members Raeli Ovens Tile Colors Tiles in Stock Mines Macros Wood Treatment Tank Quarries

To Do List

While you're around the camp, the following tasks need to be done, if you get a chance, do one or more, and announce in Guild chat what you did and how long til it needs to be done again, for example, FLAXDRY 2 or PIPE 60
Dry Flax every 2 minutes
Harvest Greenhouses every 30 minutes
Make pipes on the Pottery Decks every 60 minutes
Cook pipes in the Vault Kiln every 240 minutes
Cook Cisterns in the Vault Kiln every 120 minutes
If you have Test of Life, make pipe segments and cisterns on the Pottery deck

Crematory Controls


Lower Egypt, North East of the cs

Add additional info below this.

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Last edited March 6, 2007 3:45 pm by Nonym (diff)