Membership is free and all are welcome. We offer friendly mentoring and common sense advice.
Karnak by the southernmost School of Art and Music, approximately 1950, -2100
8 Carpentry Shop, 20 Rocksaw, 10 Mason's Bench, 2 Anvil, 36 Pottery Wheel, 25 Improved Brick Rack, 6 Firepit, 2 Water Mine, Glory hole, 18 Kettle, Gearbox Assembly Table, Barrel Grinder, Barrel Vise.
15 Flax Hammock (Constantly supplied with grass/straw), 2 Flax Gin (upgraded), 24 Small Distaff, Hand Loom, 25 Smelting Pot, 12 Forge (1 Master's), 4 Casting Box (2 Master's), 1 Charcoal Hearth, 4 Charcoal Oven, 5 Thistle Garden Basic Mines (Iron/Copper).
Alembec, Assimilation Bath, Pottery Deck, Vault Kiln, 8 Raeli oven, 11 Kitchen, 6 Indonesian Beehive, 40+ Apiary, 5 Rabbit hutch, 4 Terrarium, 5 Glazier's Bench, 3 Greenhouse, Toxin Kitchen, Chemistry Laboratory (upgraded and calibrated to lvl 3), Paint Laboratory, 7 Gem Cutting Table, Wood Treatment Tank, 4 Paper Press, 3 Smelting Block, 4 Reactory, 4 Fleet Furnace, Mine Network.