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Macros > Sord-Macros

A continuous flax macro, upgraded to AutoHotkey and resistant to lag. ContinuousFlax.ahk

A day or two ago, Sord and I went over the macro again, and he refined it a bit. - Deohotep

The main things to note to use this macro are the following:
* Make sure the plant menu is pinned in the upper left hand corner of the screen
* Have the camera in double-F8 mode (Cartographer's Cam), fully zoomed in
* Ctrl-F4 to start the macro
* If something goes wrong, Ctrl-Alt-P to pause, then right-click the H icon in the system tray and choose "Reload this Script"
* Getting the center coordinates of the screen is important (it's not a matter of simple math - thanks Teppy. :D )
* * The best way to start is to set ScreenCenterX to half your width, and ScreenCenterY to half your height
* * * Ex: If you're running 1024x768, ScreenCenterX = 512, ScreenCenterY = 384
* * Plant 3 flax and adjust the x-coordinate until the line planted straight up and down
* * * If the line is skewing right, reduce ScreenCenterX
* * * If the line is skewing left, increase ScreenCenterX
* * Plant 4 flax until the fourth bed is in line with the third bed
* * * If the fourth bed is too high, increase ScreenCenterY
* * * If the fourth bed is too low, decrease ScreenCenterY
* After that, try 20 beds or so. If you find the macro is clicking on beds when it should be moving, do one of the following:
* * Zoom out a little
* * Increase the size variables for the flax bed

ContinuousFlax.ahkSordJuly 10, 2006 4:37 am9883Updated based on converstion with Deohotep (nearly identical to Deohotep version)
ContinuousFlax2.ahkDeohotepJune 20, 2006 5:59 pm9886Updated version

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Last edited June 20, 2006 7:54 pm by Deohotep (diff)