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Monuments > Body > Discussions > 20081004

 Telanic: Hello, and welcome to the Body Monument discussion!
 Telanic: First, I would like to set sort of an agenda if we can. Rather than have people just shouting out "I like the Test of the Such and Such!", I think we should look at them all in order as they were added to the wiki. We will give each one a thorough going over, talk about is strengths and weaknesses, the elements we think are essential, and which elements can be modified/removed for the sake in implementation with it losing it essential flavor.
 Telanic: Second, while we will be voting on who is to be The Oracle at the same time, I don't believe this warrants much, if any discussion. We all have our own criteria for whom we think would make a good choice, and once we accept that we will be doing the vote, those become personal considerations. 
 Squiranha agrees
 Telanic: Before we get started, I would like to take a few moments to go over the voting system we will use. I have prepared a brief primer on the Body Monument section of the wiki. 
 Squiranha: I do have a question on the oracle vote though: can we vote for whoever, or are we sticking to the wiki list, withouth voting for those who explicitely said they're not interested?
 CatharsisQueen how do we know who is not interested?
 Telanic: I suppose we can vote for whomever, but I took it that only those people on the wiki had an interest
 Squiranha: some have written on the wiki page they don't want to lead the monument
 CatharsisQueen ok
 Telanic: We will be using a range voting system, which most people should be familiar with from recent Demi-Pharaoh elections. The main differences between that system and what will will use are that we will give a numeric value in the range of 0 to 99 instead of "blocks" on slider. 
 Telanic: Also, we will have a minimum threshold of votes that must be cast for a given Test or Oracle. This threshold isn't fixed, but relative (at 50%) to highest number of votes on any of the Test or Oracles. For example,  if the Test of the Big Booty receives 100 votes cast, regardless of what they are, all the other tests will have to receive at least 50 votes to be considered. Otherwise they will be counted as having "Failed the Threshold" and be discounted, regardless to what its score with the votes it did receive.
 Telanic: The reason for this is simple, expressing no opinion on something should neither harm nor help that thing, so we can't realistically assign a numeric value for a non-vote. This would tend to skew the rest towards that assigned value, which is not accurately representative. 
 Telanic: Conversely, we cannot just average all the votes something did receive, as those things the received significant fewer votes would end up vastly over or under represented. For example, lets say we have two people running for Oracle, Nancy and Bob. Nancy has 100 votes cast for her, and her average is 80. Bob on the other hand has only one vote cast for him, at 100. If we were to just accept the straight average, Bob would win. However, this does not accurately reflect the "will of the people" since most people had no opinion of Bob at all.
 Squiranha: can't we use less numbers? 0 to 99 alway has a random aspect to it (like what's the diff between 63 and 67, hard to say) which could influence the results in case of a close call
 CatharsisQueen like 1 to 10?
 Squiranha: yes
 Telanic: I had thought about doing 0 to 9, but felt it wasn't fine grained enough. I am not married to 0 to 99 if people would prefer o to 9
 Squiranha: or 0 to 19
 Pandemonis: 0 to 99, 1 to 10, whatever, lets stick to the what is written in the wiki so we dont have to double explain the range system
 CatharsisQueen let's do 1 to 10
 CatharsisQueen ot 0 to 9
 Squiranha is about to suggest a vote on how to vote :P
 Telanic: I think 0 to 9 is acceptable, and it won't take much to change the wiki :)
 Telanic: Orchid has volunteered to collect the votes for both counts. Just leave her a chat with your votes for both which test you would like, and who you think The Oracle should be. She will give you your voter number. When it all said and done, she will post the results, including a breakdown by voter indexed by voter number. This will allow you make sure your vote was counted correctly.
 Fez: 0-9 or 0-99 makes no difference either way we will still get a result, Tel has spent time sorting this out and there is no reall difference which way do it, just to say 0-99 is more accurate rating system
 CatharsisQueen we seem in agreement
 Telanic: That does bring up one issue we do have to resolve, how long should the voting period be? I would think we would want a period long enough to allow people adequate opportunity to participate, but not so long we are dragging our feet. I tend to think three to five days is more than enough, this should give us enough time to choose and get the site up by next weekend. Remember that people have to visit the site twice, once to sign on and second time to confirm their support. We want to have enough time for people to do both. (and know, I don't know when the tale is ending either)
 CatharsisQueen maybe all weekend?
 BryceCicada: i think longer
 CatharsisQueen one week?
 Telanic: I was concerned just the weekend wasn't long enough
 BryceCicada: what about the people that are usually not on during weekends
 BryceCicada: like me
 BryceCicada: or are gone this weekend
 BryceCicada: i think 7 days is good
 CatharsisQueen one week seems fair
 Squiranha: until saturday, so we can start next week-end
 Fez: 3 days should be good, all weekend and monday, so things can be completed
 Telanic: How about through Midnight (Eastern/US) Friday night?
 Squiranha: sounds good to me
 BryceCicada: i have another idea of the voting
 CatharsisQueen works for me
 BryceCicada: yes sounds good
 Squiranha: who will be allowed to vote? only people in the guild? only students of Body? everybody?
 Telanic: Yes Bryce?
 BryceCicada: first we totall the votes, 
 BryceCicada: then take an average for each person
 BryceCicada: if one person gets the most votes by more than 10, then they are the oraclt
 BryceCicada: *oracle
 Pandemonis: Initiate of Body or more should be able to vote, imo
 BryceCicada: otherwise for the top few players that recieve the same or clots to the same votes, we use the averages to rank them
 CatharsisQueen so we vote 0-9 on each oracle?
 CatharsisQueen or we divide up the 9?
 Squiranha: 0-9 for each
 CatharsisQueen ok
 Squiranha: like for DP
 CatharsisQueen ok
 Telanic: It wouldn't be that simple with the range voting, since person could recieve many low votes, indicating they don't wish them to be Oracle. 
 Telanic: (that was to Bryce)
 BryceCicada: ok.
 Kyline: As to whom is eligilable to vote, i'd perfer people in the guild. I'd perfer it if they where students, IE people eligiable to actually take part in the monument
 Kyline: at least* students
 BryceCicada: i would like to restrict the voting somewhat, due to the many "mules" that some players use
 Pandemonis: I disagree with Kyline, the fact that you helped in the monument or not doesnt make you more or less opinionate on whether the test proposal sounds fun or not to you - the fact that you attempted body (so 1+ test passed ? 0+ ?) is enough, imo.
 Telanic: My thought on that is that I too would prefer people in the guild. It is open membership, so no one would be left out and I don't think it is unreasonable to ask people to get down and join to have a voice. like you have to register to vote in real life
 BryceCicada: exactly
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Yeah, if people are serious about participating, they'll be happy to join the guild
 BryceCicada: yes
 Slyfeind-Hotep: ...and probably already have. :)
 Kyline: i didn't say you have helped in the monument i said your eligable to take part in the monument (ie passed 1 body test)
 Squiranha: when announcing the vote we can simply add that they need to join the guild, but I too thik it should be guild members who vote
 CatharsisQueen agreed
 Kyline: if you look at the calender for this event it says if you want to take part in the discussion come and join th guild
 Telanoc: Does anyone wish to pitch "Going Postal"?
 CatharsisQueen: postal is nice but I don't get how you pass
 CatharsisQueen: and it sounds really hard to code
 Letsnow: I liked the idea of going postal
 CatharsisQueen lol
 Letsnow: Creates some contact between players
 BryceCicada: i wondered how it would be coded also
 CatharsisQueen I like how it diminishes sculptures and such near the cs
 Slyfeind-Hotep: I think Going Postal is more about a request for secure trade than it is a test idea.
 Spicy: I like going postal too, though I think its at least as much a harmony idea as body
 Telanic: Ok, lets break it down. Strengths?
 CatharsisQueen less lag potencially
 Letsnow: Collecting stamps!! Who doesnt like to collect those?
 Squiranha: favours contacts between people,favours trading
 Spicy: well, it involves running about, so its body like, and running in different regions
 Squiranha: 37
 CatharsisQueen I like it pretty well, personally
 Squiranha: doesn't really fit my idea of a body test though
 Kyline: i had some ideas to simplify parts of it
 Letsnow: You learn to know ppl's camp locations which makes it easier to meet later ingame
 Aloca has changed rank and become an Initiate.
 Aloca has joined the guild.
 Kalmkitty: welcome
 Telanic: Welcome Aloca
 Aloca: thank you
 CatharsisQueen it would be a good test if we truly had the big map change as rumored
 Kyline: welcome aloca
 BryceCicada: i kinda agree, other than running and moving about it's almost more harmony than body
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Collecting stamps does sound fun
 CatharsisQueen because we will have more citites
 Squiranha: it's running to a specific location though, not running to look for something
 Telanic: Ok, from what I hearing, people seem to like the idea, but it might be a better fit for Harmony than Body
 CatharsisQueen cities*
 BryceCicada: that is my thought
 CatharsisQueen perhaps, yes
 CatharsisQueen I agree
 Slyfeind-Hotep doesn't particularly like it overall, though. :)
 Pandemonis: agreed
 Squiranha: I like the idea of having a postal system, not so much making it into a test
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Yeah, agreed Squir
 Kalmkitty: yes i agree Squir
 Telanic: I tend to agree Squir, it is great feature request
 Ouijdani: Postal system needs a test, or it will get a physics veto
 Myna: I agree with Squir that a postal system should be a game feature, not a structured test. 
 CatharsisQueen yeah, I still don't get the passing element
 Spicy: you just collect more stamps by delivering more post I think, to pass?
 Slyfeind-Hotep: And Teppy has said he's not fond of automated trade, so I don't know if he'd go for it.
 Ouijdani: no test makes it too much like automated trade
 Myna: Keep in mind that the legacy test will probably not be coded until well after the telling and most players have established themselves. I can't believe that people undertaking the test will suddenly remove any existing stash chests. Some may, but the general consensus seems to be "why bother - might need it later"
 Slyfeind-Hotep: I totally agree, Myna
 Slyfeind-Hotep: good point
 Telanic: That is a good point Myna
 CatharsisQueen brb
 Telanic: Any further thoughts on "Going Postal" or should we move on?
 BryceCicada: lets move on please
 Kalmkitty: move on
 Telanic: Ok, next we have "The Test Of Buried Tokens". My thoughts are it is very similar to cicadas, which is a great test, but we don't need or want two of them
 Squiranha: scoring and passing too close to cicada for me
 BryceCicada: to me it sounded like a cross between artifacts and cicadas, and too similar to both of them
 Ouijdani: agreed, nice idea but a lot like cicada
 Telanic: We could of course swap it in for cicada, change things up for a test that has been around a while.
 BryceCicada: might be a replacement for cicada but not an additional test
 CatharsisQueen I don't want a replacement for cicadas!
 CatharsisQueen I like that test
 Ouijdani: everyone does
 Telanic: As do many people
 Letsnow: Same like cicada and i dont want to change cicada
 CatharsisQueen yes, too similar to tests already there
 Myna: One thing I have always really liked about Body is that most of the tests can be completed by a solo player with little or no need for help from others. I think this test ruins that appeal by requiring you to work in groups. 
 CatharsisQueen I vote no
 BryceCicada: i vote not to replace cicada also
 Telanic: Yes Myan, Body is the refuge of the soloer
 Kyline: aye i like the fact you can solo body too
 Kalmkitty: i vote no to replacement
 Telanic: Ok, so to sum up "Not a bad idea, but too much like a well beloved test"
 BryceCicada: yes
 Pandemonis: Pretty though to solo banquet, buty lots of people say its not body :)
 CatharsisQueen let's move on
 Myna: yes, Feast for the Senses is the exception :)
 Kyline: banquet i haven't attempted yet ~_^ i really dislike the fact i gotta get 7 perc before i can START a test
 Telanic: Alright, next we have "The Red Road"
 CatharsisQueen which is more of a worship test
 Squiranha: Red Road is more worship if anything
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Yeah
 BryceCicada: yes i agree
 Slyfeind-Hotep: I like the history of it though.
 Squiranha: definitely not the solo explorer kind of test for body
 Myna: ack, sorry folks, I got mixed up here. My comments about the previous actually applied to Red Road
 Myna: ack, sorry folks, I got mixed up here. My comments about the previous actually applied to Red Road
 Telanic: Not seeing a lot of love for Red Road here
 CatharsisQueen nope
 Pandemonis: Good falvor, good fun for Red Road - but it should be done in Events, not as a test.
 Ouijdani: Idea is nice but it feels worshipy
 Spicy: I don't understand red road
 CatharsisQueen that would be a fun event
 CatharsisQueen but def not body
 Ouijdani: it's a relay race, eh?
 Squiranha: if we got a better event managing mechanism, that would be a good event
 BryceCicada: think consensus is not a good fit for body
 Telanic: I did try to pitch a relay race event once, got shot down, but I digress
 Squiranha: we could even creat a Red Road League and have regular races or something, but I don't really see it as a test
 Telanic: Ok, it would seem clear this is not a favorite, so lets move on
 CatharsisQueen I like this next one
 CatharsisQueen combines a rare event with a test
 Telanic: Right, that is "test of the lycanthrope"
 Kyline: it sounded interesting
 Telanic: I might add Teppy made a postive comment about this one in the forums
 Ouijdani: I like the fundamental idea, but I'm concerned that the complexity will make it hard to balance
 Ouijdani: much like leavened bread turned out to be
 CatharsisQueen I hope not
 BryceCicada: yes
 CatharsisQueen not a good test, there
 Squiranha: plus, it relies on other people being online, again not the typical solo aspect of Body, plus could get heavily influenced by fluctuating player numbers
 Kyline: sounded pretty easy to game tho? 
 Greenish: i think it's more leadership, or even harmony. again no a soloer test
 Telanic: My experinece with Leavened Bread was once you went through the pain of getting the bread baked, passing was a breeze
 Slyfeind-Hotep: I love lycanthrope personally...though it is a bit complex
 Slyfeind-Hotep: If it can be simplified a lot, I think it would be great
 CatharsisQueen this was probably my favorite of the bunch
 Ouijdani: exactly what I mean Tel, not well balanced
 BryceCicada: me 2, if it could be tweaked, might be one of the better tests
 Ouijdani: hugely complex up front then trivial at the end
 Asheara: not doing the discussion on e!?
 Telanic: Ok, so we have some traction on "test of the lycanthrope". How could we tweak it make it better?
 CatharsisQueen oh lord, not my forte
 Squiranha: if I think at the werewolf event we did, the main probelm was having to run around chasing people
 Telanic: People online is always going to be a problem, anything that needs more than half a dozen people at once is a bear
 BryceCicada: exactly
 CatharsisQueen ah, true
 Squiranha: and even more if it's not someone you tried to coordinate with, but just someone you have to find online when you're on too
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Yeah, I like running around chasing people, but if they're not online...then meh
 CatharsisQueen could we simply do more of these events?
 Telanic: With that, my concern would be that the test become impossible later in the telling as there are less people around and people start passing out
 CatharsisQueen I was never able to be online for this event
 Kyline: hmm or easier?
 Aloca: If you find the master werewolf that spawns you can solo this test
 Kyline: aye
 CatharsisQueen ooh an NPC?
 CatharsisQueen that would be cool
 Pandemonis: IMHO, the Lycanthrope needs to be completely rewritten from scratch and take advantage of the fact that body is a soloer discipline (ie. you call NJ at KArnak, xy, y just to eat the guy, etc.)
 Kyline: you get made into a ww and then 7 days later after no one cares to catch you you'd pass?
 Aloca: form there all you have to do is get away with some feeding
 CatharsisQueen I vote for an NPC to be the werewolf
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Yeah, the most successful tests aren't so convoluted. DK is, eat some shrooms, for example...and that's it
 Pandemonis: There wont be any NPC
 CatharsisQueen that way they would be online
 Pandemonis: you could become a werewolf by harvesting some "contaminated" plant, for example.
 Telanic: Ok Aloca, since it is your design, why don't you give us some of your thoughts on the design? The whys and wherefores
 CatharsisQueen ooh fun Pande
 BryceCicada: i think that is a fun idea, Pande
 CatharsisQueen I like it
 Aloca: I think that the idea does need to be looked at
 Greenish: "tainted mutton" etc for slaughtering animals who have been fed on perhaps?
 CatharsisQueen or not fed for too long
 Ouijdani: Randomly, Pande?  (I'm not really in favor of random test triggers)
 Pandemonis: I think it needs complete revamp, but thats just me. :)
 CatharsisQueen I liek the herb idea better
 BryceCicada: since we all collect wood and herbs that would be a good idea i think
 Pandemonis: Ouij: at first, yes, then set by various werewolves.
 Squiranha: but I don't want to be dragged into a test if I don't want to
 Telanic: I think the test has some merit, and I can see it replacing Banquet for the social aspects.
 Ouijdani: but I would know that it was contaminated and have the choice not to take it?
 Pandemonis: I would actualyl see a werewolf test as a RvR test, where the top 7 of each realm would get the zap or something
 Aloca: I wrote in the idea of the wolfbane cure, you don't need to stay a werewolf if you don't want to
 Pandemonis: peasants hunts werewolves, werewolves hunt peasants, people can "swap" team (fed on, lynched, etc.), 
 CatharsisQueen kind of like a massive scale "You're IT" game
 Pandemonis: Exactly CQ
 BryceCicada: i like that idea 2, a perm cure if u don't want to play
 Aloca: I do like the role playing part of the test
 Telanic: Ok, so we would want to add an opt-out clause?
 CatharsisQueen good idea Bryce
 Ouijdani: would be nice to have a few RP opportunities
 BryceCicada: yes i think so, a perm cure if u don't want 2 participate, then if u change your mind later, some way to opt back in.... 2 seperate recipies
 Squiranha: not a permanent opt-out, but I wouldn't like to be forced to do something for a longish period of time just because I'm doing a specific test
 CatharsisQueen yes, maybe for 2 weeks or something
 CatharsisQueen like the cabbage juice
 BryceCicada: cook some garlic in your kitchen to  opt out for 2 weeks?
 CatharsisQueen lol or eat cooked garlic yeah
 CatharsisQueen good call
 Greenish: or simply "carry" garlic?
 Pandemonis: D'uh, silver, not garlic
 Telanic: Well, garlic is vampires, but close enough :)
 Aloca: I thought garlic is for vampires
 Slyfeind-Hotep: hehe
 CatharsisQueen ahh yes silver
 Squiranha: another thing I don't like is that it would force me to stay online without using nav points until a certain hour to gain a point, they would reduce my freedom in the game
 BryceCicada: i thought garlic cause u don't cook silver in your kitchens
 Greenish: how about an item made from silver?
 CatharsisQueen but if you simply carried it you could be "out" for now
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Maybe make a silver necklace in a casting box
 CatharsisQueen true, Greenish
 BryceCicada: maybe a recipe to combine garlic and silver, then if u have that in your inventory, you're immune if you don't you're vulnerable
 CatharsisQueen or Sly
 Telanic: We could cast a Silver Ankh, carry it and your are safe, otherwise fair game
 Ouijdani: oh yes!
 BryceCicada: yes, good idea Tel
 Kalmkitty nods
 CatharsisQueen wonderful
 CatharsisQueen I love it
 Slyfeind-Hotep: And a warning when you sign up for the test about all that. :)
 Telanic: Which people won't read :)
 Slyfeind-Hotep: lol true
 Kalmkitty: yep
 CatharsisQueen their loss
 BryceCicada: :)
 Greenish: with a chance of losing the ankh (only one may be carried at once) when you teleport, obviously with a pop-up telling you so.
 BryceCicada: who reads directions?
 Kalmkitty: i enjoyedwerewolf asa short term event...not sure about a tale long test
 Spicy: why a chance to lose it?
 Telanic: Ok, I hearing a strong contender, with some tweaks
 BryceCicada: i don't like option of losing the ankh, 
 Asheara: everyone knows you rtfm AFTER something goes horribly wrong and only if nobody is around to give you the answer
 BryceCicada: pain in the butt to continually make a replacement
 CatharsisQueen just keep the ankh
 Squiranha: I don't like how being a werewolf would affect my game for doing other things
 Slyfeind-Hotep: That's what the ankh is for Squir :) either that or don't start the test till you're ready
 BryceCicada: maybe have it be an advantage for certain things, like extended range for hearing cicadas, 
 Telanic: To a point, you need to be able to be "not working on the test"
 Squiranha: but even if I decided to do the test, when doing it would affect my gameplay too much for my taste
 Greenish: ok, but make ankhs avatar-specific and requiring a random combination of gems. to put more "effort" into opting out once you have dismissed the warning while signing up :P
 Pandemonis: the tweaks suggested go in all directions, tho, because there is only fun flavor in this game, I dont think the test concept  is really that appreciated
 BryceCicada: think the specifics of this can be worked out later, i think w/ tweaks would be a good test
 Telanic: Perhaps we could "hours of the hunt" Squir, like shroom time?
 Kyline: hmm midnight game time to 1am maybe
 Kyline: kinda makes sense to do it at midnight
 Kyline: and that would give a full 1hour game time to get into position to mushroom
 Telanic: and highsun for the peasants?
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Maybe opting out shouldn't be so difficult. Like, "Your lycanthropy is kicking in tonight. Will you fight it off? [Yes] [No]"
 BryceCicada: is that a long enough time?
 Kyline: yep 12noon to 1pm?, maybe 1 even ever 3 egyptian days?
 Squiranha: all in all, it seems to me it relies too much on other people being online and doing the test
 Kyline: or 12-6am, thinkint midnight to 1am is only 20 RL mins
 Squiranha: which could end up in guilds being formed with organised people trying to pass the test
 Slyfeind-Hotep: most tests. ;D
 BryceCicada: i don't think 1 hr game time is long enough, it's only 20 min r/l time
 BryceCicada: don't think it should be time constrained
 Telanic: Well, that would be bad Squir, that is true. Helping is one thing, getting a pass because of a good organization is mighty close to "gaming"
 Squiranha: yes Sly, but a bunch of people waiting for midnight to cure/drink or whatever would kinda ruin the whole idea
 BryceCicada: i agree
 Squiranha: and it wouldn't be mighty close to gaming, it would be gaming :P
 BryceCicada: i like the ankh idea much better
 Squiranha: but when the mechanics of a test almost calls for it, then well... 
 Slyfeind-Hotep: I would have thought that cicada would have sprouted a similar guild where people all coordinate cage placement and take turns passing the test, similar to Bedouins in Tale 1. That still hasn't happened, at least not in such widespread organization.
 Telanic: I am thinking it would be wicked fun event, as they were, but maybe to hard to morph into an actual test without creating a monster
 Telanic: It has happend Sly, they are just better about being discrete
 Squiranha: it didn't happen with cicada because 7 people taking from the same cage would get a ridicolous amount of points
 BryceCicada: doesn't happen w/ cicada cause only the first person taking from cage gets points the rest would get very few
 Slyfeind-Hotep: The rest would wait their turn. It's very doable.
 Slyfeind-Hotep: ...and apparently is done, according to Telanoc.
 Telanic: Ok, lets stay on track here
 Telanic: Any more thoughts on werewolf?
 BryceCicada: needs to be tweaked but good test
 CatharsisQueen ready to move on
 Greenish: nice event, needs a lot of tweaking to become a test.
 Kyline: sounds fun but honestly even as a test i'd event it... i would have it all the time every night, maybe triggered by a full moon or something
 Kyline: i wouldn't have it every night*
 Telanic: Ok, next is "The Test Of The Ritual Tattoo", which got alot of traction when talked about the other day
 Squiranha: may I?
 Telanic: go ahead
 Squiranha: when we (Kyline and I) came up with the idea of this test, we tried to cater for the solo/explorer type of player
 Squiranha: it involves finding herbs (which is very body) and knowing the map (which requires having been around a lot, also very body)
 Squiranha: the gem part, and the tattoos have been included to make it more than just "find that herb" and try to give a more interesting overall mechanics. But mainly it should be a test for those people who spend a lot of time running around and have gathered a good knowledge of herb spots and have seen a lot of the map, so they can find the "special" spot needed to complete the pigment. That's pretty much it
 Telanic: My only concern with finding the herbs is not all herbs are equal in terms or rarity. Some are so rare that it would effective kill the test for a person
 Greenish: i like the fact it requires different tree resin (appealing to exploration)
 Squiranha: that's why you only need 4 out of 7 pigments in any one list
 BryceCicada: maybe exclude some of the rarest of herbs?
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Yeah, not all herbs should be included
 Greenish: since you only need 4/7 pigments *and* you can change your reqs, i dont think that will be a problem
 Squiranha: it's unlikely you'd get 4 rare herbs in the same list, and if you did, you could go to another UBody (or wait a game month) and get another list, like banquet
 Asheara: is there a way to reroll if you get a particularly nasty requirement
 BryceCicada: trust me, if it is possible i'll get them
 Greenish: monthy, like banquet
 Kalmkitty: me too bryce
 Slyfeind-Hotep: I like the tattoo aspect; very fantasy ancient civilization.
 Telanic: True, and there are only about a dozen herbs I would call too stupidly rare to make one cry
 Squiranha: yes Ash, like banquet, and you can get a different list from every UBody, so really, the chances that you'd be stuck forever with an impossible list are quite small
 Telanic: (and by the way, I still haven't found Deadwood Tree :( )
 Asheara: i found in t2
 Asheara: i never found homesteaders palm
 Slyfeind-Hotep: I'm not too fond of the oyster shell requirement, though. I think a wood mortar and pestle would be just as good.
 Squiranha: well, that could be changed, I found OSM to be relatively low tech
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Yeah, minor point
 Ephemere: I'd like this test, but the marble mortar part is'nt so easy ; why not using another material for it ?
 Telanic: In my opinion, Tattoo is the best one we have going. I think it has the flavor of a body test, it is well developed, and wouldn't need much changing
 Squiranha: the main strengths of the test imo are the exploring aspects, knowing the map, the herb spots, and the trees
 Asheara: and it will be released late enough in the tale it shouldn't be an issue to get osm
 BryceCicada: i agree w tel
 Squiranha: it could be released fairly early, it doesn't require anything really new
 Slyfeind-Hotep: It does require Teppy to do some work though, which can take months. ;)
 Asheara: he won't release until after the player's meet
 BryceCicada: u can get osm very quickly in the tale
 Greenish: i agree, best one so far and keep the OSM requirement
 Kyline: player meet?
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Why is the marble so integral to the test?
 Ephemere: finding (and extracting) marble is'nt a solo activity :)
 Asheara: yeah shortly after the new tale begins we all (those that can and want to) meet in pittsburgh to discuss the new tale and tests in person with teppy
 Kyline: can trade for it, the mortar isn't the test, just an implement used in it
 Squiranha: I'm still undecided on the possibility to trade mortars with the herb in it. It could be a source of trade for solo explorers, but I'm not sure about it
 Telanic: Ok, so the marble part is a "give", something that can be ditched if needed?
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Yeah, it's a minor point
 Ephemere: if the mortar is'nt the test, make it easy to find 
 Kyline: could be a stone mortar as well, made on a mason's bench
 Squiranha: yes, the marle could be ditched for something easier. But I'd really like to see the rest kept as is, especially the requirement for the "special" place. I suggested 2 things (like near water and above x feet), but I can imagine it being made even a bit harder by requiring 3 things
 Greenish: ok, just to be clear, do you get the mortars back after completing a tatoo?
 Kyline: nope
 Slyfeind-Hotep: The special place sounds fun to look for.
 Telanic: I am neutral on the marble part. It is 28 pieces of OSM, which isn't too bad, but perhaps not "body"
 Squiranha: you lose them when turning in the pigment, which would require 28 total mortars = 7 OSM
 Telanic: Oh, I agree, the "special" place has to stay
 Squiranha: 1 OSM makes 4 mortarrs (enough for 1 tattoo), so 7 OSM total
 Pandemonis: I think the "special place" is the most bodyish part of it all, you have to know a place that fits the criteria, which implies knowledge of the land. It would be the very body test that doesnt involve random mindless running but knowledge of the land (well, thats two with DN)
 Kalmkitty goes to her special place
 Slyfeind-Hotep: lol
 Ephemere: I agree Squi, my only limitation is the mortar :)
 Asheara: squir it's easy to add a 3rd like visions, add sand or grass or other terrain type
 Squiranha: I would even like to see the non forageable plants used for the special place, like "within view of a Velvet Hosta" or something
 Pandemonis: Yup, totally
 Pandemonis: Make it three in the design, says the Panda, and let them reqs to be rerolled at UBody like banquet menus.
 Squiranha: Ash, soil type should be one, then vicinity to a resource (water, trees) and maybe another one, like a specific tree, or a plant
 Kalmkitty: 00000000
 Slyfeind-Hotep: 0_0
 Asheara: well you said elevation too
 Kalmkitty: sorry kitten steps
 Squiranha: it could be elevation, just 3 random out of a list of possibilities
 Telanic: I think if you do soil AND resource AND plant type, it will limit the possibilities. I wouldn't like to see a map of all the special places on the wiki
 Squiranha: maybe make it so that soil is definitely one of them, and then either elevation, proximity to something, which could be a resource, a tree, or a building (school, uni, exp site, road, or whatever)
 Kyline: simple but something that requires thought and knowledge 
 Squiranha: true Tel, I wouldn't want to see a map on the wiki, but if there's enough variety that shouldn't happen
 Pandemonis: or would be useless like relics, oyster, etc.
 Pandemonis: AFK
 Squiranha: but some people would need to ask the explorers out there for help locating their special place
 Telanic: Right, so maybe do something like "three of these five factors"
 Asheara: like we do now with mushrooms
 Squiranha: besides, if you need a place "within 50 coords of an Ash Palm", it's unlikely people would start to list all Ash Palms on the wiki
 Slyfeind-Hotep: I suggest we move on...we're more fine-tuning at this point
 Slyfeind-Hotep: and I'm hooongry
 Asheara: i had pancakes
 Slyfeind-Hotep: :P
 Telanic: ok, any last big thoughts on Tattoo?
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Sounds fun, and I like the ancient civ feel of it
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Makes me think of Disney's Atlantis
 Telanic: lol, yeah, that is what we want, Egypt to be a Disney movie :P
 Squiranha: I hope teppy will agree to really add the tattoos to the avatars :)
 Telanic: I think it is possible
 Kyline: i don't see why he shouldn't they can be a simple option under appearance like changing cloths
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Well ok, Kevin Simbieda's Atlantis if you prefer :P
 Kalmkitty: Love it
 Asheara: i like tattoo the most of them all
 Slyfeind-Hotep loves pancakes.
 Asheara: apple cinnamon pancakes
 Telanic: Ok, next we have "Test Of LandSailing". Thoughts?
 Telanic: Ok, next we have "Test Of LandSailing". Thoughts?
 Squiranha: lag could ruin it
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Eh...sounds like a request for faster travel.
 Greenish: could ruin cicada with the faster travel
 Telanic: My gut reaction when reading it was "And?"
 Kyline: it sounds like it could be fun.. but honeslty not sure about it as a test idea
 Telanic: I agree Kyline
 Letsnow: There is not much to do actualy
 Squiranha: would be very frustrating if you missed the key because of lag
 Letsnow: Take your cart to the desert and let you go
 Letsnow: turn your car and go home
 Kyline: yeahwhats to stop you from doing burnouts in a loop in the desert to get your speed up?
 Slyfeind-Hotep: ok so...this one isn't a favorite I think :)
 Telanic: Right, no love for land sailing
 Telanic: Last, we have "The Test Of The Cartographer". To me we have the kernel of something potentially interesting, but as it is, not well developed enough yet
 Squiranha: I like the basic idea
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Sounds fun, but it's really just a game mechanic right now.
 Squiranha: as long as it doesn't turn into the Test of the Math Degree
 Slyfeind-Hotep: lol agreed ;D
 Squiranha: not that I'd mind that :) but it wouldn't be a good idea
 Telanic: Come on, half of Egypt seems to have a PhD in math :P
 Letsnow: What about one person calculates it and give the number to all his friends?
 Squiranha: lol
 Squiranha: I think that like beacons, every few days the spot you need to measure should change
 Slyfeind-Hotep: I don't think quality of the theodelite should matter much, or even be that expensive to make
 Squiranha: and not necessyrily to mountains
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Body isn't usually about complex tools and buildings
 Telanic: True Sly, Body usually has a low entry cost
 Telanic: I like Squir's comment about the things changing, and not always being a "mountain"
 Squiranha: again, to avoid a wiki map after a couple of weeks
 Squiranha: could just be a coordinate
 Telanic: Question: If we have visions, and the attended heights for things listed, wouldn't that diminish this test?
 Squiranha: I don't understand what you mean
 Letsnow: Build a chest on top of the mountain and you get the altitude
 Telanic: You need to find the height of something. Go to the spot, build a bonfire "Hey, this is 900 feet above sea level!"
 Squiranha: ah... well, didn't think of that :P
 Greenish: too much like "go here and do this" more like a checklist than exploring
 Squiranha: what about asking for distance instead of altitude? Like distance from the nearest chariot
 Greenish: although, in response to tel, the height data can be limited to the theodolites, with no option for manual entry
 Spicy: too much maths using the coords
 Telanic: Simple math that
 Kalmkitty: not for those who are coord challeneged
 Kalmkitty: i agree with spicy
 Ephemere: if you're coord challenged, you're not a body builder :)
 Spicy: it doesn't really sound fun, just alot of running about
 Telanic: What I see is "go here, build this thing, get a reading, done". Not exactly the run about and look for stuff body test
 Spicy: making a map of some feature would be more interesting, if you wanted to make it about mapping
 Kalmkitty pouts "yes I am"
 Squiranha: another idea with potential but lacking details for now :)
 Telanic: I agree Squir, lets mark it "returned for revision" for now :)
 Kyline: another thing i like about body is that some of the tests compliment each other...
 Telanic: Do you see this filling that role Kyline?
 Kyline: not sure, its covering teritory so it can be run with other tests at the same time
 Telanic: I can see your point, I am just less sure this is strong enough on its own people will wish to bother
 Kyline: i'm not really keen on it
 Telanic: Any final thoughts on Cartographer?
 Kalmkitty: body is brawn nnot brains ..thts why im here....erm  nm
 Telanic: Ok, any final thoughts at all? We have covered all the test we have on the wiki
 Kyline: so far i like the werewolf one (with some developement of the idea) and tatoo one
 culloden: werewolf?.......seems ive missed alot of discussion here :(
 Telanic: That would reflect the overall feeling I think
 Squiranha: I copied it all cull, will post it later
 Telanic: "test of the lycanthrope" cullo
 Slyfeind-Hotep: Yeah, tattoo for me too, or werewolf with some work
 culloden: kk thx
 culloden: now that test sounds sweet
 Kalmkitty: tattoo is my fav then werewolf
 Aloca: I think that my idea does need some work, but running by the players, teppy and test island should balance it out
 Greenish: i prefer tattoo
 culloden: but seems a little dark agish for ancient egypt
 Telanic: Aloca, do you want to go over it again?
 Aloca: mine being the werewolf one
 Squiranha: I prefer tattoo, but I'm biased :P
 Fez: same but I really think the postal idea needs to be implimented to reduce the clutter of chests everywhere, and save having to keep running back to collect mining and farmed items
 Ouijdani: verisimilitude with Ancient Egypt is not a requirement for ATitD
 Letsnow: Removing the principle on art and thought would greatly reduce clutter
 culloden: post all for that
 Letsnow: And dont force ppl to build a statue would also
 Kyline: i'd love the post offices
 Slyfeind-Hotep: We have other systems in place for that though. ;) Post Office sounds more like a feature request hidden in a test to me.
 Telanic: I think they are an awesome feature request, less so a test
 Kyline: god yes i reckon they should decay naturally 30 days after they reach 21 votes
 Deeva quickly tosses in that she likes the test of the ritual tattoo best of all the ones I've seen.
 culloden: if youre talking about obis.........i think it should not be abandoned but instead can only be built in a certain area far away from cs
 Squiranha: it's called Desert Obelisk, it should be required to be built in the desert
 Fez: I think art votes should count either way and those that are poor will disappear as soon as they get to 21 votes
 culloden: i agreee with ky........lets clean up the artwork
 Fez: 11 poor votes and the art item gets cleared
 Kyline: nay i just thinkthey should be able to be pulled down (for no material gain!) after 30 days 
 Telanic: Ok gang, we seem to have come to more or less the end of the meat of this discussion. We will of course keep the floor open for people
 Greenish: has it been decided whom is tallying the votes for test and oracle?
 Squiranha: Orchid
 Kyline: thinking with werewolve one
 Telanic: Orchid will be Greenish
 Slyfeind-Hotep: ok I'm out for food, back in a bit
 Squiranha: Orchid will be greenish... I hope she's not sick :P
 Kyline: to add more flavor how about doing it on a 'full' moon (ie once every RL week?) instead of every 3 days
 culloden: i like that ky
 Greenish: thanks, and lol squir
 Squiranha: I still have a question on the oracle vote. The census lists 38 oracles of Body, on the wiki there are 28 names, and some of them added that they are not interested. Are we voting on all 38 (if we know all the names), or only on those on the wiki who are interested?
 culloden: cant have werewolves without full moons......unless you subscribe to the shapeshifter theory
 Telanic: My inclination is to say only the 28 Squir. But can't really stop for voitng for whomever they chose
 culloden: have we decided that we was doing the "opt-in" thing?
 Squiranha: and we vote by chatting orchid a full list of names with a number between 0 and 9, right?
 Fez: why waste votes on the oracles that have opted out???
 Telanic: That is right Squir
 Ouijdani: still using 0-99 for the vote, or 0-9?
 Kyline: poor orchid
 Telanic: 0-9
 Ouijdani: and we vote both tests and oracles?
 Telanic: Yes
 Telanic: Be kind, and format your votes sanely please :)
 Letsnow: Maybe put a template on the wiki we should use?
 Squiranha throws away his list of names in morse code
 Kyline: good idea lets
 culloden: lol
 Letsnow: So everyone sends her the same chat and she can easily read them
 Deeva takes squir's list out of the trash
 Deeva: heh
 Squiranha: lol
 Telanic: That isn't a bad idea Lets, mainly I was thinking one line per entry
 Squiranha: it's a very good idea

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Last edited October 4, 2008 7:08 pm by (diff)