3157,4850 Sinai (take red rd east of cs north to coords) 00 white, 01 ghost white, 05 white smoke, 06 lavender, 14 thistle, 22 plum, 34 medium purple, 50 medium slate blue, 54 blue violet, 1:15 dark slate blue, 1:21 indigo, 1:34 midnight blue, 1:53 black
-424,-2659 Kush (Kush-Fools Paridise border) *White 00m *Snow 00m * Ghost White 01m * White Smoke 02m *Lavender 09m *Gainsboro 12m *Light Grey 20m *Silver 29m *Dark Gray 41m *Dark Sea Green 50m *Light Slate Gray 59m *Slate Gray 1h 06m *Dim Gray 1h 16m*Dark Slate Gray 1h 28m *Black 1h 50m
842, -3670 (Kush CS) white, snow, white smoke, linen, antique white, beige, gainsboro, lt grey, silver, tan, peru, gray, dim gray, dk olive green, dk slate gray, black
2961, 1379 (next to GH) white, mint cream, honey dew, lt cyan, pale turquoise, aquamarine, med aqua marine, turquoise, med spring green, light sea green, med sea green, sea green, dark slate gray, dark green, black.
4375, 17 COTS (south on coastal road, then left and up toward sinai) 00 white, 02 snow, 03 white smoke, 08 linen, 09 gainsboro, 19 light grey, 27 silver, 41 dark gray, 52 rosy brown, 59 gray, 1:17 dim gray, 1:30 dark olive green, 1:37 dark slate gray, 1:53 black
1624, 1626 (Flowers of Nubia) 00 white, 01 mint cream, 03 honey dew, 04 light cyan, 14 pale turquoise, 25 aquamarine, 37 medium aqua marine, 41 turquoise, 47 med spring green, 1:00 spring green, 1:13 med sea green, 1:21 dark cyan, 1:22 sea green, 1:36 forest green, 1:42 dark slate gray, 1:44 dark green, 1:55 black
1010, -6189 Khartoum (beside a huge, layered mound) 00 white, 01, snow, 04 white smoke, 06 linen, 09 misty rose, 13 gainsboro, 16 thistle, 32 silver, 35 tan, 36 rosy brown, 49 pale violet red, 59 indian red, 1:10 sienna, 1:23 brown, 1:25 saddle brown, 1:34 dark slate gray, 1:48 black
0, -1921 FP 00white, 02snow, 03 white smoke, 06 linen, 11 antique white, 13 gainsboro, 21 light grey, 29 silver, 36 tan, 46 rosy brown, 59 feldspar, 61 gray, 1:10 dim gray, 1:18 dark olive green, 1:38 black
NOTE Gear box: first one must be lower than other two. second and third must overlap.
1 Sheep pen 1 camel pen 1 share in tactician's Deep well
Guild Mines
Copper, Tin and Iron 7L 2246,1291 need to take mats for a chest and repairs for the iron mines, Mag, 7L 2929,997
Tin, Quartz(?) UE 1409, 4452
2 Titanium mines at 2621,1315
Copper Mine with Sapphires UE 600, 3321
Diamond, sand mines 7L 2950, 1000; 2941, 1003 UE 710, 3334; 710, 3323; etc - fully explored along N/S axis only. 3 of the 5 need to be repaired. please take mats for huge chest and as many repairs as you're able.
Copper, Sapphire 612, 1209
Guild Quarries
OSM 1971, 1635
Fenec Traps These are public now, but not on the public wiki page until the guild is done using them (or lost interest).
595, 3289 595, 3038 595, 2788 845, 3284 1095, 3284 595, 3540 (pre-existing) 595, 3790 595, 4040 1275, 3284 600, 2501 (pre-existing) 600, 2450 (pre-existing) 595, 2100 850, 2500 250, 2500 25, 2500 -32, 2150 250, 2100 600, 2150 7L
2331, 1300 2330, 950 2330, 650
Acid baths x20 Printing press for Island Bum Money INTERESTING STUFF
unmapped white sand sinai 5091, 1592