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Singh > Manifesto > Do-Das

You realy wanted to know this right ?>

So what have I done this tale, or shown some leadership ?

Not much to some, a lot to others.

I have been mostly active in the Kush region and thats where I am best known.

Got Questions? Dont hesitate to chat me in game, just remember, I cant realy see the top of my chat tabs and the first reply will take a bit. More active chats usualy get moved closer to the bottem to have them more visible. Chats that get closed often wont get moved down at all.
My regular Game time is like 10pm to 2am Easter time with the occasional daytime play on a monday or tuesday. I always work evenings and all weekends, so dont expect me to be here (unless spouse logs me in).

I hope all this info was Helpful

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Last edited November 4, 2008 6:39 am by singh (diff)