You realy wanted to know this right ?>
So what have I done this tale, or shown some leadership ?
Not much to some, a lot to others.
I have been mostly active in the Kush region and thats where I am best known.
- Previous DP's
- I have been in one previous DP Final, back in the Day with Telanoc. Obviously he won, or I would not try to attempt it again. Back in the day we had the plaque real bad and with his higher in-game-time he had a clear edge over me on cure research, so me it was a lost cause to compete with him at that moment :( cant blame me for trying :)
Actually, I was in at least 4 DP finals by now... still working on it
- Regional research
- we only have like 4 Techs left and 3 of them need extracts or explosives - a long tedious project
- Kush Public Works (kpw)
- Well I didnt make it, it's been all of us starting together in T3, however I have taken somewhat of a lead role there. We have pretty much every piece of Equippment anyone can ask for, all conveniently located at the kush CS.
We have also been providing Free Carry and Pump (small carry + endurance) Food to the region, not just kpw members (ongoing now for over 18 month)
- Kush Water Works
- Give credit where credit is due.
Admittedly, Balthazarr has done all the number crunching - there was just no way we could pull him off thata part (or even wanted to)
Besides that, Balth, Asheara and myself have organized and supervised the entire Kush Aqueduct project with little to no hick-ups.
It's undoubtedly the longest line [125+ towers] (no repeat builders), with the most passes.
We are also still looking for new builders to expand the line to about 150-160 towers
- Kush Mega Project
- I was leading the Kush mega pretty much alone, however I insisted in having 6 co-elders (7 total) to avoid a possible drop out of any individual leader and hence slowing down the progress or even killing the success of the mega
We organized the resources needed in shares, which to me seemed more then resonable to accomplish for any member, even of a level 10 player. Some harder to get items, like Gold and Silver were donated by senior members making the individual's resource list even smaller. Aint and Treated boards were only collected as raw resources so we dont be having a load of items left that are essentially of no use later on.
100% of these items were made before the central structure went up, the rest after we knew how much was really needed.
The build was uncomplicated, the elders pre-loaded all resources but the cut stones which are used in every of the 48 sections. When we started to invite the members over to load their sections, it was a 1-2-3 thing, piece of cake.
As with almost every mega we had to look for some last minute builders since some members didnt log on in almost 3 weeks :( I wasnt present for the final stone-laying and celebration, RL work always gets me on weekend. Mega was a huge Success.
Almost all leftover resources have been donated to other mega projects (one at a time).
- More Mega
- I also Build the Central structures for the Soweto and Funnybone Mega's in karnak due to the resonable cost from my avatar :)
- E!
- Originally we were three, now down to just two Elders for the E! microphone (Balthazarr and myself)
Running a mic like this is not an easy task. Picking moderators that can fit all types of Times in the day so we have the least amount of posting delays. Conducting DP interviews and trying to keep the conversations somewhat civilized. Mostly we succeed, sometimes we dont. Like I said. it's not easy.
Also Modding RTrade and Spam, and used to mod FCN - when I had more time
- I have done my share of Mentoring, of cause, but have not done much of it lately.
- Looking forward to the next Big Architecture Test and of cause the Monuments
Got Questions? Dont hesitate to chat me in game, just remember, I cant realy see the top of my chat tabs and the first reply will take a bit. More active chats usualy get moved closer to the bottem to have them more visible. Chats that get closed often wont get moved down at all.
My regular Game time is like 10pm to 2am Easter time with the occasional daytime play on a monday or tuesday. I always work evenings and all weekends, so dont expect me to be here (unless spouse logs me in).
I hope all this info was Helpful