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Skills > Rhythmic Strength

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Rhythmic Strength

When equipped with a slate, glass or bronze scythe and a papyrus basket you will use the Rythmic Strength skill to increase the amount of grass collected.

The average amount of grass collected per pick appears to be

Incorrect (skill*quality / 10000) + (1 if the fractional part of skill*quality/10000 is >= 0.5) Chadra

From the forums info on RS and the type of slate you use.

RS:1 it doesn't matter what type of scythe you use. At RS:2-3 and RS:5-7 a glass scythe is better. At RS:4 a slate scythe is better than a glass scythe.

In particular:
Skill Slate Glass 4k event
1 1 1 1
2 1 1.6
3 1.6 1.9
4 1.8 1.2
5 1 2.5
6 1.2 2.8
7 1.4 3.1
(currently isn't 3.1 at lvl 7**) Chadra

Increasing skill seems to be totally random, 0.1% chance per pick.

This now appears to be a leveling skill, Much like Stone Blade Fabrication. In order to gain level 2 ( and any benefit from this skill ), You must gather grass while holding a scythe and a basket. Advancement appears to be random with a stupidly small chance. I got level two after exactly 500 picks and assumed it was a set value, But others are reporting different values. You may also be limited in skill advancement by the quality of the scythe You use - Gorm

I got to level 2 with a Q:3000 Scythe after plucking 800-something grass -Kylas

I had the following results with a Slate Scythe at Q:2000. At 80 grass - Lvl 2. At 550 grass - Lvl 3. At 580 grass - Lvl 4. At level 4 was getting 2.5+ per pull. - Neophant

I got Lv. 2 and Lv. 3 really quickly by picking grass with a Slate Scythe, but I wasn't getting 2.5+ per pull. More like 1.25 - 1.5 at Lv. 3. I may need to pick more to get Lv. 4. - LucasKonner

I'm doing around 1.3 with lvl 4 RS and Q:3000 scythe, could this be accounted to the ecology/time/weather -Kylas

With Lvl. 7 skill, I seem to get roughly 1.5 with slate, and 2.5 with glass. I also noticed my yield actually seemed to get worse as I gained levels, topping out around lvl 3 with my slate. You're definetly not limited in skill gain by the tool you use. I fairly steadily got to 6 with my slate, and then switched to glass soon after. -Risky

I'm still at Level 1 after over 1200 picks with a Slate Scythe. I've just been picking and mining and dowsing for the last 3+ hours. -tehmoosh

I got from level 1 to level 7 in something like 20-30 picks. Perhaps a bug with skill increase was fixed? This was using a 3k quality glass scythe. -Slumpy
I went from level 3 to level 7 in just 4 minutes of picking - Main chat said increases each of 1 minute apart. I too believe this is (or was) a bug - SanderDolphin

I am at 4122 collected and only level 4, got level 2 at 203, lvl 3 at 1479 and 4 at 1891...ugh. -Electa

The above formula still seems to apply even given an event 4000 quality scythe, providing 3.8 grass per pull at RS 7 - Aoreias

Only getting 2.x Picks of Grass at level 7 with a Glass Scythe, skill is bugged Chadra

To reach level 2, it took me about 2500 picks with a 2000 quality slate scythe. Ahziza

I was working ryhtmic and sheet glass at the same time one (in game) night. The region was nearly empty. I bounced back and forth between two spots picking grass next to the glazier's bench I was using. Both skills rose very fast, usually alternating. I went from level 2 to 6 in sheet, and from level 2 to 5 in rythmic in approx. 30 minutes. Noobiehotep

This skill has been buggy for some time, but Pharaoh managed to get it straight somewhen in T4 Beta. Now the Slate and the Glass continue to improve on higher levels, the glass scythe being somewhat better then the slate scythe. I was getting 2.3 at level 6 with slate and about 2.9 with a glass scythe. Macbeth

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Last edited December 10, 2008 11:20 pm by Macbeth (diff)