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Solvent Findings > Cyans

This page is for methods for creating cyan2 lilies of varying percentages.

Simple 50% cyan2 Lily

This is currently needed for Xenobotany in Upper Egypt.


Step 1

Move genes from a silken to a silken bulb.

The silken genome string is K RRR OOO YYY GGG UUU III K

Left side silken / right side silken, using K#1 mutagen.

The name for the sides will depend on how many crossbreeds you have done so far. Since this is unknown to the author, consider the left side as 1A and the right side as 1B. Resulting genomes.


Move a gene from a from 1B to clarity. The first step was to get the right gene in the right place for the move.


Left side 1B (from step 1) / right side Clarity, using K#10. Left side is 2A, right is 2B.

Step 3

Move another gene from a clarity bulb.

Left side Clarity / right side 2B, using K#1. Left side is 3A, right is 3B.

3B is the bulb we are looking for.


Lily 3B
K end of genome
IR outer stamin cyan
IR outer stamin cyan
IO outer stamin magenta
IO outer stamin magenta
IY outer stamin yellow
IY outer stamin yellow
GORR outer petal set 1 cyan
GRRR outer petal set 2 cyan
GRRO outer petal set 1 yellow
GORR outer petal set 1 cyan
GROR outer petal set 1 magenta
GRRR outer petal set 2 cyan
K end of genome

This gives:

A useful thing to note is that university donations are minimum requirements. The presence of cyan2 in 50% of the petals is the determining factor. The extra magenta and yellow are not considered.


BlueGrass was nice enough to try out this recipe, the result is shown on the right side. If you look carefully you can see that three of the outer petals are darker than the other three.

Higher percentage Cyan2 lilies

Bulb 3B can be used as a base for a higher cyan, either in intensity or percentage. I am currently looking into converting some of the outer petal colors into inner petal (G->U conversions) for the 75% cyan2 needed in Sinai. Further work after that is the 100% cyan2 needed in Lower Egypt.

Better explanation following, but people have asked for these instructions. To add a single cyan petal set to the above bulb (1 of 2 needed for the 75%cyan2 req in Sinai). In effect, this process changed the gene string GROR to URRR.

5b is the bulb you are looking for.

Top: Result 1B; Result 2A; Result 4B; Result 5B Bottom: Result 5B Cyan2 lilie

75% cyan2, plus a cyan 1 petal set

100% cyan, Finally!

coming soon

Blue-0041.jpgBlueGrassSeptember 23, 2007 6:21 pm72863
Blue-0051.jpgBlueGrassOctober 4, 2007 12:25 am119913Cyan2 lilies

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Last edited October 24, 2007 6:01 pm by Orchid (diff)