The colors encoding presented always have a parameter x, which can have 3 values depending on the basic color considered:
- x=O for magenta
- x=Y for yellow
- x=R for cyan
The color encoding are the following:
- xG for right outer petal
- Gx for left outer petal
- Ux for upper inner petal
- xU for lower inner petal
- Ix for the center ring
- xI for the inner circle
The size encoding:
- ROYG for giant
- GYOR for dwarf
'C' may be a spacer to separate color coding as on Lemon Drop it keeps YG and YU from becoming GY and UY.
Note that for Sand Blooms, 3 giants cancel 1 dwarf. Love's touch is 2xGiant and 1xDwarf and a bit smaller than normal size.
Sandbloom genomes
This section is quite incomplete, only 5 sandbloom genomes so far.
Caution: this are only deductions from looking at the flowers there are probably some mistakes, be careful -- Eigam.
It is the same genom's length as lily:Silken, so we know a lot of thing, just refer to solvent page.
Petit Mal (read the caution)
- K10: kgyorurgrouogyorYuygyirioiyigOk early swap
- K10: kgyorurgrouogyorYuygyirioiyigOk, early swap
- K11: kgyorurGrouogyorYuygyirioiyigok, latter swap
- K12: kgyorurgrouogyoryuygyirIoIyigok, early swap
- K14: kgyorurgrouoGyoRyuygyirioiyigok, latter swap
- K15: kgyorurGrouogyoryuygyIrioiyigok, early swap
- K2: kgyorurgRouogyoryuygyirioiyiGok, early swap
- K6: kgyorurgroUogyoryuygyirioiyiGok, early swap
- K7: kgyorurGrouogyOryuygyirioiyigok, early swap
- K8: kgyorurgrouoGyoryuygyirioiyiGok, early swap
- K9: kgyorurgrouogyoryUygyirioiyIgok, latter swap
- UE1: kgyorurgrouogyoryuYgyirIoiyigok, early swap
- UE2: kgyorurgrouoGyoryuygYirioiyigok, latter swap
- UE3: kgyOrurgrouogyoryUygyirioiyigok, latter swap
Love's touch (read the caution)
- K1: koUorouocgYoroygcioik, early swap
- K10: kouorouocgyOroygcioIk, early swap
- K11: kouorOuocgyOroygcioik, latter swap
- K12: kouorouocgyoroygCIoik, early swap
- K13: kouoroUocgYoroygcioik, latter swap
- K14: kouorouoCgYoroygcioik, latter swap
- K15: kouoRouocgyoroYgcioik, early swap
- K16: kouorouocgyoroYgcIoik, latter swap
- K2: kouoroUocgyoroygcioIk, early swap
- K3: koUorOuocgyoroygcioik, early swap
- K4: kouorouocgyoroYgcIoik, latter swap
- K5: kouOrouocgyoroygcIoik, early swap
- K6: kouorouOcgyoroygciOik, early swap
- K7: kouorOuocGyoroygcioik, early swap
- K8: kouorouoCgyoroygcioIk, early swap
- K9: kouorouocgyOroygciOik, latter swap
- UE1: kouorouocgyoRoyGcioik, early swap
- UE2: kouorouoCgyoroYgcioik, latter swap
- UE3: koUorouocgyOroygcioik, latter swap
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