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Solvent Findings > SandBloom Genome Theory


The colors encoding presented always have a parameter x, which can have 3 values depending on the basic color considered:

The color encoding are the following:

The size encoding:

'C' may be a spacer to separate color coding as on Lemon Drop it keeps YG and YU from becoming GY and UY.

Note that for Sand Blooms, 3 giants cancel 1 dwarf. Love's touch is 2xGiant and 1xDwarf and a bit smaller than normal size.

Sandbloom genomes

This section is quite incomplete, only 5 sandbloom genomes so far.


Caution: this are only deductions from looking at the flowers there are probably some mistakes, be careful -- Eigam.


It is the same genom's length as lily:Silken, so we know a lot of thing, just refer to solvent page.

Petit Mal (read the caution)

Love's touch (read the caution)

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sandbloom.pngEigamOctober 21, 2007 4:03 pm19685

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Last edited January 28, 2008 5:29 am by Nchanter (diff)