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Soweto's Family Events

Vigil on Tuesday, July 10 - ???

Otherwise Known as Rath and Shiv's "Burn Baby Burn" Community Weenie* and Wealth Roast

This upcoming vigil is primarily for Soweto's guild, secondly for our other guilds, and thirdly for anyone else who needs/wants vigil and can follow basic directions, like waiting in line, and stepping out of line if you go afk. (You can come back when you return of course).

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Location: Tammy's personal altar. (1117, -925 Karnak)

Goal for Length of Vigil: 1800 - 2000 sacrifices or more, which means over 3 days.
We will be working our schedule based on the Eastern time zone in the US and Canada. (New York City time among others.) This is GMT +5. Rathnar and I will be covering most of the hours 9am to 2am (the next morning). Tammy will be picking up the 2am to 9am shift so no one has to die of sleep deprivation. (We have all already finished this test, so basically we are organizing this as a service to you guys - and because we thought it was fun!)

To pass vigil principle: 1) Be sure you pick up the vigil test from U Worship. (And you have to complete Worship Initiation first). 2) Come to the Vigil and make one sacrifice (which is made from the stuff we have there, but bringing more stuff is always a very nice touch on your part). That's it! You will be zapped. You don't have to do that other stuff on the principles tab.

To pass vigil test: Make ~99 more sacrifices, so be prepared to wait around, wait your turn, and run errands. And bringing stuff is a very nice way to help out here.

The Tasting Tables at Tammy's CP will be open during the Vigil so everyone will be able to work on their wine and beer tasting as well. And as always Acro and Sigs will be easy to gain during the event. Hookahs also on hand! BYO herbs.

No Longer upating the list below as we have started, but feel free to use it as a guide for what we probably need more of! :)

Last Updated July 10, 17:40 EDT

Known Vigil Items - Item info gathered from a completed 1700 sac vigil
the two Sac numbers listed on this table are just to give us goal points we can try to reach, this is by no means saying we have to, and the figures are just estimates, based on the Sac made at one vigil. All vigils are unique in that the sacs requested are random. Any resources not used during the vigil will be donated to guild projects, if they can be used, unless the people who donated them specifically requested they be returned if not used.

Bold item names mean we have not yet reached the main (3500 sac) goal. Therefore please concentrate on getting these items. Items which are not bold means we have reached that goal (but we won't say no to more).

Item On Hand for 3500 sacs for 5000 sacs Comments
Abdju Fish 2,570 2500 3600
Aluminum 100 100 125
Ash 918 625 900
Baskets 57 70 100
Beeswax 5,815 4,050 5,800
Boards 9,593 9,300 13,200
Bricks 36,137 6,100 8,800
cabbage 2,510 2,500 4,000
camel meat 11,000 7,650 11,000
canvas 1,142 500 725
carp 4,408 3,050 4,350
carrots 3,455 2,500 4,000
catfish 3,948 2,200 3,200
Charcoal 5,789 3,700 5,250
chromis 4,200 2,200 3,200
clay 2,110 2,100 3,000
clay mortars 927 900 1,300
copper 406 400 600
crucible 256 200 275
cut stone 1,953 1,750 2,500
cutable stone 2,855 1,000 1,500
Dirt 4,136 2,575 3,700
Dried Flax 5,256 5,000 7,250
Dried Pappy 3,581 2,400 3,400 We still need it for baskets and really you cannot have too much pappy on hand
Dung 3,500 1,750 2,500
Firebricks 18,398 19,500 28,000 If you've got some please bring them
Flimsy Brick Racks 2,521 3,400 4,900 I've got the boards, Honey, if you've got the time!
Flax 6,815 10,000 14,500
Flint 1,130 250 350
garlic 2,324 2,000 2,800
Gold 107 100 150
Grilled Fish 4,522 6,800 9,700
Honey 3,098 1,400 2000
Iron 462 450 650
Jugs 5,867 5,550 8,000
Lead 106 100 150
Leather 3,542 3,750 5,200
Leeks 2,942 2,000 2,600
Lime 516 300 400
Limestone 3,984 2,700 4,000
Linen 1,395 700 1,000
Lint 2,724 2,500 3,500
Med Diamond 173 125 190
Med Emerald 140 125 190
Med Quartz 621 125 190
Med Ruby 202 125 190
Med sapphire 169 125 190
Med Stone 367 125 175
Med Topaz 189 125 190
Mutton 3,491 2,000 2,800
Nail Mold 269 200 300
Oil 3,750 2,700 3,800
Onions 4,500 4,000 5,700
Oxy Fish 1,053 1,000 1,500
Pappy 5,000 3,250 4,700 Extra Dried to make baskets
Perch 4,560 2,600 3,700
Phagrus 1,146 1,000 1,500
Pulley 574 500 700
Rope 2,667 2,000 2,800
Rotten Flax 12,038 6,200 8,900
Saltpeter 696 400 575
Serpent Fish 600 400 600 Not listed on that Vigils sacs but all other fish are
Silt 10,600 10,200 15,000
Silver 233 100 150
Slate 1,326 600 900 I made stone blades out of the extra~ Please bring me MORE for more stone blades!! ~Shiv
Slate Shovel 706 725 1,100
Sm Diamond 631 500 800
Sm Emerald 977 500 800
Sm Quartz 950 500 800
Sm Ruby 1,039 500 800
Sm Sapphire 726 500 800
Sm topaz 899 500 800
Stone Blade 1,560 1,500 2,000 Also used to make Slate Shovels, which we still need
Straw 10,000 6,000 8,500
Sulfur 496 400 600
Thorns 9,957 9,000 13,000
Thread 11,786 11,000 15,000
Tilapia 3,554 1,200 1,700
Tin 133 125 175
Tow 4,036 3,000 4,250
Tungsten 199 125 175
Twine 1,690 1,000 1,400
Wood 24,762 10,000 14,500

Special Thanks to:

If you are wondering about the weenies, well just don't be a weenie is all I can say. :P (If you are not a native speaker of English and you don't understand this don't worry, you didn't miss anything. :P)

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vigil.jpgJuddJuly 16, 2007 3:18 pm89367Vigil
vigil2.jpgJuddJuly 16, 2007 3:23 pm29366Vigil

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Last edited July 16, 2007 3:23 pm by Judd (diff)