Starting page of notes on the new timer system. Please add your findings, corrections, comments and suggestions.
What We Know
- Stats have a certain number of points available for use.
- teppy said END has 256. Most likely this means all do.
- Actions using a stat will consume a certain number of points.
- The color of the stat name roughly indicates how many points you have available.
- Black: >50% points available
- Dark red: Between 0 points and 50% available
- Bright red: 0 or negative points available
- There is currently no indicator for "fully recharged," e.g. back to full points.
- When your points drop to 0 or go negative, you will not be able to do any actions using that stat.
- Points regenerate over time.
- The speed at which you regain points depends on your current level in that stat.
- Specifically:
- stat 0 = 5 sec of points in 5 sec (7/7th the time)
- stat 1 - 7/8 that time
- stat 2 - 7/9 that time
Putting It Into Practice
- Method 1 - Keep It Out of the Red
- Do an action
- Wait to let points regenerate
- Repeat the action
- Method 2 - Burst Mode
- Do an action
- Repeat the action until stat goes red
- Wait to let points regenerate
- Repeat the action
In the long run, it will take the same amount of time to do a series of repetitive actions with either method. Choose the method that works best for your particular situation and play style.
The presence of the timers, in general, encourages multitasking, combining activities that use different timers or timed and non-timed actions.
- If you are combining tasks in close proximity, either method probably works well.
- If you are combining tasks that involve running around, method 2 works better.
- Example: combining flax processing with wood gathering.
- Process three times quickly til END is red.
- Run around gathering wood.
- Arrive home with a reset timer and repeat.