presumed to be same as T2, someone can copy it forward please
To demonstrate readiness, someone of "same level" must be at each of the university of worships and "simultaniously" (within 2 minutes) try to open the test. We aren't sure if it is actual level, rank in worship disipline or both. see Demonstration List where we are trying to compile a list to find a set of 11 to open this test.
Actual text of the failure message for demonstrating readiness for this test is:
"The Test of the Holy Shrine must be petitioned at all Universities of Worship simulaneously (within 2 minutes), by different priests of exactly the same level."Wording had changed to "of exactly the same rank" when we unlocked it. - Spicy
How to build a shrine: Small Construction Site>Projects>Tests>Holy Shrine
How to join a group: Find an incomplete group (it takes 5 people to make a group)