As some of you may know, if you got the chance to come, I was cooking numerous Masterpieces for all my Egyptian friends not too long ago :)
I would LOVE to do this again!!! Personally I enjoy cooking, and raising everyone's gastro score sounds like a good cause
The only problem is that cooking on this scale is REALLY EXPENSIVE!!
So if I am to do this again, I kindly ask for donations
I need a minimum of 200 of 40 different bases AT THE MINIMUM for just one round of MP cooking
(this covers 20 kitchens, which not all of hit MP's everytime as some of you cooks may know)
It sounds like alot, yes, but if many donate small ammounts, or what your heart leads you to, it won't be as bad :)
The Donation chest is at: 1596 3811, not far from the CS in UE :)
So, as my 'cooking illiterate' friends have asked, I am posting a list of foods that are not currently at the minimum of 200 needed.
I will update this list as often as I can:
And of course...herbs -.-