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Trade Lists > Gearboxes

This is an automatically generated list of Gearboxes that people are showing as available for trade. Note that the Wiki sorts lists alphabetically, so a200 will be before a60.

When you're looking for a suitable gearbox, keep in mind that a multi-output gearbox can be used in place of a single or double output gearbox. For example: C400 G200 can be used for a C400. If you only need a single or double output gearbox, the Ctl+F find function is a very effective way of finding an appropriate gearbox that will satisfy your requirements, and the Wiki search function is also excellent.

Gearbox List

a100 c100 g480 OldJoe
a100 f22 h22 The Lollipop Guild
a11 b11 h86 The Lollipop Guild
a120 g386 h386 OldJoe
a120 h83 The Lollipop Guild
a125 f463 h556 The Lollipop Guild
a139 b278 e139 OldJoe
a144 d200 f200 OldJoe
a167 b139 h69 The Lollipop Guild
a167 e139 g139 The Lollipop Guild
a18 b18 f240 The Lollipop Guild
a193 b193 d193 The Lollipop Guild
a200 e120 g144 The Lollipop Guild
a200 e200 g400 The Lollipop Guild
a200 g18 h18 The Lollipop Guild
a231 b463 h333 The Lollipop Guild
a278 d231 f278 The Lollipop Guild
a278 d278 h400 The Lollipop Guild
a278 d463 h463 OldJoe
a288 c400 g72 The Lollipop Guild
a30 d18 e18 The Lollipop Guild
a333 b333 f400 The Lollipop Guild
a333 b333 f463 The Lollipop Guild
a333 b333 g463 The Lollipop Guild
a333 c333 f333 The Lollipop Guild
a333 c333 g333 OldJoe
a333 f278 h278 The Lollipop Guild
a333 f556 h556 The Lollipop Guild
a333 g278 h278 The Lollipop Guild
a333 g556 h463 The Lollipop Guild
a36 b36 c36 SanderDolphin
a386 b386 c386 OldJoe
a386 b386 h83 The Lollipop Guild
a400 e400 g400 OldJoe
a400 f333 The Lollipop Guild
a43 c43 h400 The Lollipop Guild
a43 e400 h400 The Lollipop Guild
a447 b447 g772 The Lollipop Guild
a463 d139 f167 The Lollipop Guild
a463 e333 g333 The Lollipop Guild
a556 d556 f463 The Lollipop Guild
a58 b58 d58 The Lollipop Guild
a72 b120 f278 The Lollipop Guild
a83 b83 c83 The Lollipop Guild
a83 g26 h26 OldJoe
a96 c139 g333 The Lollipop Guild
b100 d200 h200 SanderDolphin
b100 d22 f400 The Lollipop Guild
b100 e167 h22 SanderDolphin
b120 c120 e144 The Lollipop Guild
b120 d120 f120 SanderDolphin
b120 d120 f463 The Lollipop Guild
b120 d120 g120 OldJoe
b139 d83 f83 The Lollipop Guild
b139 f463 h463 The Lollipop Guild
b144 f120 g120 The Lollipop Guild
b15 d15 f11 The Lollipop Guild
b167 d167 g463 The Lollipop Guild
b167 f167 h231 The Lollipop Guild
b18 d18 h400 SanderDolphin
b18 e50 h25 The Lollipop Guild
b200 d120 h200 The Lollipop Guild
b200 g72 h72 The Lollipop Guild
b22 d22 h400 SanderDolphin
b240 c200 f333 The Lollipop Guild
b240 d240 g278 OldJoe
b25 f231 h278 SanderDolphin
b278 d100 f100 The Lollipop Guild
b278 f278 h231 The Lollipop Guild
b288 f240 h400 The Lollipop Guild
b30 e83 f83 The Lollipop Guild
b333 c333 h333 The Lollipop Guild
b333 d556 g167 The Lollipop Guild
b400 d400 f278 OldJoe
b42 c42 d42 SanderDolphin
b43 c43 g13 The Lollipop Guild
b463 d463 g83 The Lollipop Guild
b463 d463 h463 The Lollipop Guild
b463 f200 g200 The Lollipop Guild
b463 g50 h50 The Lollipop Guild
b480 d480 h480 The Lollipop Guild
b480 e480 f144 The Lollipop Guild
b480 f556 h556 The Lollipop Guild
b50 c50 h278 The Lollipop Guild
b50 e36 f463 The Lollipop Guild
b536 c536 f386 The Lollipop Guild
b556 c200 g333 The Lollipop Guild
b60 c60 f278 The Lollipop Guild
b83 The Lollipop Guild
b83 f463 The Lollipop Guild
c116 d116 f231 The Lollipop Guild
c167 d167 f120 The Lollipop Guild
c167 d167 h463 The Lollipop Guild
c200 f139 g167 The Lollipop Guild
c200 f463 h463 The Lollipop Guild
c231 d463 g463 The Lollipop Guild
c231 f139 The Lollipop Guild
c240 f100 h100 SanderDolphin
c278 e161 g536 The Lollipop Guild
c278 e278 h193 The Lollipop Guild
c333 d333 h167 The Lollipop Guild
c333 f120 h120 The Lollipop Guild
c333 f333 h83 The Lollipop Guild
c333 f480 g144 The Lollipop Guild
c346 f346 g346 The Lollipop Guild
c36 g400 h480 The Lollipop Guild
c386 d386 g278 The Lollipop Guild
c400 d100 g72 The Lollipop Guild
c400 f240 h240 The Lollipop Guild
c463 d463 h116 OldJoe
c463 d463 h278 The Lollipop Guild
c463 f139 h139 SanderDolphin
c463 f25 h25 The Lollipop Guild
c463 f278 h278 The Lollipop Guild
c463 g463 h463 SanderDolphin
c463 h30 The Lollipop Guild
c480 f400 g288 The Lollipop Guild
c536 d536 g536 OldJoe
c556 e400 f400 The Lollipop Guild
c60 f200 h240 The Lollipop Guild
c72 d200 f83 The Lollipop Guild
c83 e556 g333 The Lollipop Guild
c86 d43 g72 The Lollipop Guild
d100 f100 h100 SanderDolphin
d100 f25 g25 The Lollipop Guild
d167 f347 g347 The Lollipop Guild
d18 e18 g60 The Lollipop Guild
d193 e231 f193 The Lollipop Guild
d200 e200 f240 The Lollipop Guild
d222 f133 g133 The Lollipop Guild
d231 e231 f231 SanderDolphin
d333 e160 f333 The Lollipop Guild
d333 f200 h200 SanderDolphin
d333 f400 h400 The Lollipop Guild
d36 f333 h333 The Lollipop Guild
d386 e386 h463 The Lollipop Guild
d400 g60 The Lollipop Guild
d405 e175 f486 The Lollipop Guild
d43 f480 g480 The Lollipop Guild
d463 e463 f463 SanderDolphin
d463 e463 f83 The Lollipop Guild
d50 f243 g243 The Lollipop Guild
d50 f50 h50 The Lollipop Guild
d556 f556 h556 OldJoe
d60 e60 g333 The Lollipop Guild
d72 e72 f72 OldJoe
d72 e72 h60 The Lollipop Guild
d86 e86 g400 The Lollipop Guild
d86 f86 h86 The Lollipop Guild
e200 g200 h240 The Lollipop Guild
e322 f322 h322 The Lollipop Guild
e400 g400 h400 The Lollipop Guild
e72 f72 g72 SanderDolphin
f167 g167 h167 SanderDolphin
f463 g463 h463 OldJoe

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Last edited November 2, 2006 4:51 pm by OldJoe (diff)