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Users > Adorna

Age: 27
Gender: lady-type-person
I'm a crazy person who loves critters and nature. So far, I like breeding scarabs most and am quickly growing (pun intended) an interest in orchids...thanks Calixes! Eventually I'll make a page for both. The orchids page will be used for keeping track of crossbreeding and the scarab page will just be filled with pictures of the shiniest blends. Often my attention span is minimal so don't be afraid to ask twice about something if I've forgotten. It's very easy to get distracted with fascinating stuffs in the game ^_^ Also, if I've said something that offends you, please just tell me. Understanding hints is not a forte of mine and I much prefer blatant honesty. I have a wicked sense of humor that ranges from puns to crude stuffs and am fond of alliteration. I love my in-game husband, Kamots, and receives my affection both in the game and in real life. He has a similar taste in humor and if you get close to us, you'll hear a heavy amount of bantering.
Will put in links/pictures once I learn how to make wiki magic. ^^

For some pictures of my best beetles, click here.

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Last edited February 16, 2008 1:07 pm by Kamots (diff)