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Current Projects


pathmaker Small Construction Site. Construction cost:

    * 300 Cut Stone
    * 3 Cut Amethyst: Hexas Plate
    * 3 Cut Jade: Looking Glass
    * 2 Cut Turquoise: Symmetry
    * 1 Cut Citrine: Dragyn's Eye
    * 2 Huge Diamond
    * 12 Medium Topaz
    * 60 Silver Wire 

A Venery

Simple Lockbox

Made in a Forge (2 minutes to cool)

    * 1 Gold Wire
    * 2 Small Gears
    * 1 Fine Glass Rod
    * 1 Copper
    * 1 Cut Amethyst:Eyelet
    * 1 Cut Lapis:Eyelet
    * 1 Cut Turquoise:Eyelet
    * 1 Cut Garnet:Eyelet 

Venery Gathering Point

Built in a Small Construction Site (1 Canvas, 4 Rope).

    * 100 Boards
    * 250 Papyrus Paper 

    *  Medium Construction Site (2 canvas, 8 rope)
    * 100 Papyrus Paper
    * 10 Ink
    * 1000 Concrete
    * 20 Clay Lamp
    * 100 Cut Stone
    * 10 Copper Sheeting
    * 600 Pliable Rotproof boards
    * 600 Rigid Rotproof boards
    * 600 Hard Pliable boards
    * 600 Pliable Termite-Resistant boards
    * 100 Cable
    * 5000 Oil
    * 1000 Leather
    * 250 Rope
    * 25 Iron Bar
    * 75 Zinc 

Cost for Each Block Upgrade - 4 minimum

    * 4 Random Marble Type
    * 4 Random Marble Type
    * 24 Bearings
    * 4 Canvas
    * 4 Cut Gem: Eyelet, any type
    * 4 Bolts
    * 8 Washers
    * 1 Gearbox, Random, up to 3-Output 

    *  2 Sheet glass
    * Steel wire:
          o 425 for Oracle complexity 
    * 250 Glossy White Boards
    * 250 Glossy Blonde Boards
    * 1 Carpentry Blade (3500+ quality)
    * 1 Large Emerald
    * 1 Large Ruby
    * 350 Yellowish Paint (Any paint color that has "Yellow" in the name)
    * 250 Spring Green Paint
    * 150 Pale Violet Red Paint 

The Prismatic Opticon

Construction costs:

    * 21 fine glass rods
    * 210 gold wire
    * 210 steel wire
    * 7 mirror
    * 1 large topaz
    * 1 large ruby
    * 98 bearings
    * 1 Ra's Lantern cut Sunstone
    * 2 Hile's Chevrons cut Sunstone
    * 2 Bastet cut Sunstone
    * 3 Amanti cut Jade
    * 2 Choronzon cut Jade
    * 2 Khufu's Ship cut Jade
    * 3 Appolonia cut Garnet
    * 1 Full eye cut Gem (any type) 

Test of the Formal Garden.

Built using a Small Construction Site.


    * 500 Paint: Deep Sky Blue
    * 250 Paint: Dark Red
    * 350 Paint: Forest Green
    * 250 Paint: Slate Blue
    * 25 Paint: Navajo White
    * 350 Paint: Tomato
    * 500 Paint: Violet
    * 1500 Bricks
    * 400 Gold Foil
    * 10 Gold Bar
    * 10 Silver Bar
    * 3000 Nails
    * 600 Treated Boards: NonToxic Rotproof Termite Resistant
    * 300 Treated Boards: White Glossy
    * 300 Treated Boards: Black Glossy
    * 150 Treated Boards: Hard Rigid Rotproof
    * 3 Quill
    * 20 Ink
    * 200 Papyrus Paper 

Essential Macerator

    * 0/1 Marble Mortar
    * 0/4 Linen
    * 0/1 Reagent Bottle
    * 0/1 Thermometer
    * 0/1 Thoth's Metal Sheeting
    * 0/2 Bolt
    * 0/2 Washer
    * 0/1 Instruction: Essential Macerator 
The Essential Macerator may be used to upgrade a Chemistry Laboratory.

Cost for upgrade

    * 0/1 Essential Macerator
    * 0/10 Glass pipe
    * 0/4 tin sheeting
    * 0/4 bolt
    * 0/8 washer
    * 0/20 steel wire
    * 0/20 gold wire 

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Last edited April 23, 2008 6:55 am by Aveege (diff)
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