Cali's Master List of Crosses (NE and Mutagens)
This master list of all my crossbreeds will always be the most complete. It's getting too long to manipulate easily, so I'm splitting it up into chunks.
Crosses 1-500
Crosses 501-1000
Crosses 1001-1500
Crosses 1501-2000
Crosses 2001-2500
Crosses 2501-3000
Crosses 3001-3500
Crosses 3501-4000
Crosses 4001-4500
Rose Colors
See either of these spreadsheets to see swatches of all the rose petal color combinations I've crossed so far. The Office 2007 (the .xlsx file) has much more accurate color, but the .xls is pretty good, if you can't open .xlsx. It is probably advisable to use Excel...I hear that Open Office can do funny things with color.