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Sagging a bit:

Aerate the Soil*-14-23-23-14
Mist the Grapes*2-23-2-23-3
Pinch off Weakest Stems*2-3-9433-9
Shade the Leaves-11-14-10-12
Spread out the Vines*-3-311333-8
Tie the vines to the Trellis-21401-2-10
Trim the lower leaves*3-142-1-1-8

Leaves are Wilting:

Aerate the Soil* 1421-33-14
Mist the Grapes 20-904-3-14
Pinch off Weakest Stems*-1 2 2 3 4 -2-11
Shade the Leaves0-112-341-5
Spread out the Vines02744-3-6
Tie the vines to the Trellis-2-3211-2-10
Trim the lower leaves-2-3211-2-10

Musty Smell:

Aerate the Soil331-1-1-2-2
Mist the Grapes00-2231-5
Pinch off Weakest Stems4-2-7110-11
Shade the Leaves*-329-13-1-7
Spread out the Vines115340-1
Tie the vines to the Trellis*137-12-2-13
Trim the lower leaves*-3-1-7-132-5

Especially Fat:

Aerate the Soil*44101-*-2*-13
Mist the Grapes1-2-5003-11
Pinch off Weakest Stems12-5011-11
Shade the Leaves-2-15-104-2
Spread out the Vines*328203-9
Tie the vines to the Trellis4312-1-3-2-2
Trim the lower leaves 43-9230-1

Rustling in the Breeze:

Aerate the Soil*-1-34-10-3-9
Mist the Grapes41-5304-7
Pinch off Weakest Stems*14-1-243-12
Shade the Leaves30-3-2-11-6
Spread out the Vines2-111-12-2-6
Tie the vines to the Trellis*007323-13
Trim the lower leaves*1 2 93 1 0 -1

Starting to shrivel:

Aerate the Soil*-344121-2
Mist the Grapes*-233-3-14-10
Pinch off Weakest Stems*436-2-10-2
Shade the Leaves*-115231-11
Spread out the Vines24-8-132-2
Tie the vines to the Trellis04444-3-4
Trim the lower leaves00322-3-10

Leaves Shimmer with Moisture:

Aerate the Soil -2-111 3 1 -2-13
Mist the Grapes* 3 0 -4 -21 4 -7
Pinch off Weakest Stems* 3 0 -1 4 -3 1 -5
Shade the Leaves 00-5410-13
Spread out the Vines 00-201-1-14
Tie the vines to the Trellis-3-3-5-103-6
Trim the lower leaves* 14-5-1-11-14

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Last edited October 23, 2006 12:10 am by Lelani (diff)
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