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Users > Ratio > Recipes

This stuff is untested unless it says otherwise. I'm just dumping it here for now.

Mining - +17 str, +17 per, +13 foc, -20 dex, -4 spd, -13 con, 57 minutes

Mining v2 - +23 str, -15 dex, +1 end, -13 spd, 0 con, +14 foc, +15 per - not as good as the other one

Carry - +10 str, +11 dex, -2 end, -11 spd, +1 con, +4 foc, -11 per

Cheapass carry - +7 str, +5 dex, +4 end, 0 spd, -7 con, -7 fox, -4 per

Fishing - +1 str, +14 dex, -2 end, +26 spd, -19 con, -18 fox, +2 per, 56 minutes

End -14 str +1 dex +27 end +7 spd +12 -22 foc -20 per



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Last edited July 11, 2007 6:01 pm by Sithid (diff)